overeater1 Member

  • Re: Is walking to burn calories worth it?

    Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to me. I’ve found it really, really insightful and it has struck a chord. I’m going to continue with the walking but maybe less steps and fo…
  • Is walking to burn calories worth it?

    Hi all, I’m just wondering if walking is worth it, calorie burning wise? I did 27,000 steps yesterday and MFP imported the data from my iPhone and it was only worth 300 calories. That 27,000 consiste…
  • Re: Your 'Ah-Ha' Moment

    My aha moment was about a month ago. I’d been eating with wild abandonment since last March: anything and everything. As much chocolate and cake and cheese and mayo as I liked, wine flowing, crisps, …
  • Re: What We're Eating

    Breakfast 1 slice whole grain toast with 1slice of cheddar, tomato, onion and lettuce. Two cups of tea with milk. Lunch: protein yoghurt, 1 slice whole grain bread with 1slice of cheddar, tomato, oni…
  • Re: Calories

    People can seem to be very cutting on here sometimes, but it’s often for your own good, if you can get over the initial sting of the comments. The temptation is always there to eat as low as you can,…