pbryd Member

  • Re: Upper/Lower split

    I wouldn't superset compound movements, it's too tiring to me. Consider doing two upper routines, a push focused with a little back, and a back focused with a little push. This will cut your exercise…
  • Re: 6week Dorian Yates Blood and Guts Review

    Research may not show once per week training as being optimal but, if someone prefers a high intensity training style, and it encourages them to eat and rest correctly, they will see gains, especiall…
  • Re: Upper/Lower Split Critique

    As you know it is a lot of volume. If you feel you can recover from it then it's fine, because every program works, until it doesn't. So my question would be, do you really need that many exercises? …
  • Re: Gaining muscle

    0.8g is recommended but, for an older person it can go higher. This is based on lean body mass. Whey protein powder is an easy way to increase intake.
  • Re: Strength training only burns 110 calories?

    It makes me wonder why people cycle their carbs on training and non training days, You burn more calories doing the weekly shop at the supermarket. Perhaps they should cycle their carbs on shopping a…