roseym10 Member

  • Re: 2022 Intermittent Fasting Anyone?

    I was able to maintain my weight through the holiday season, even eating cookies almost every day by doing IF. I didn't lose, but I also didn't gain. Then I stopped and gained 2 lbs in a week. I;m ba…
  • Re: Stuck weight...your body wont let go

    This is the same for me. This is probably contrary to this site but intermittent fasting and calorie counting didn't work for me. I lost 10 lbs on the Fast Metabolism Diet which is only certain kinds…
  • Eating light before weigh in

    Does anyone who is a weekly weigher eat lighter the day before to see a drop on the scale? I weigh weekly on Saturdays and typically I will eat a very light dinner on Friday and avoid restaurant food…
  • Good choice for butter?

    I like butter on certain foods but concerned about the saturated fat. I've looked at margarines, but have heard they are highly processed and have questionable ingredients. Most of the ones I've read…