sal10851 Member

  • Re: War with myself

    I was on the same boat as you. I thought that without exercise weight loss was impossible. I pushed it so hard that I got hurt and regain weight because I was not focused on changing my diet after I …
  • Re: Why is it so hard to lose weight ?

    The reason diets fail is because we get hungry. Hunger will eventually set in and knowing what to eat is crucial. Low calorie dense foods is going to be your best friends. Lots of fruit and vegetable…
  • Re: Pre diabetic

    I used to be full blown diabetic. Insulin, pills, the whole nine yards. I got off all medication using well balanced meals and walking 30 minutes per day. No added sugars but as long as the carbs are…
  • Re: Organic Food is Good for Weight Loss?

    When I posted this thread I was at the beginning of my nutritional knowledge. What I have gathered is that the term organic means something a bit different for everyone. Personally I think a homegrow…
  • Re: Fight or Flight: A Reason to Lose Weight

    I used to be morbidly obese with a BMI of 42. I couldn't do girl pushups much less a regular push up. I would be embarrassed to say this but it's more embarrassing not doing something about it. I dro…