springlering62 Member

  • Re: Never too old!?

    Absolutely this. Living proof of both, right here. 56, obese, sofa-bound, unhappy, constant joint pain, GERD, out of breath doing the least little thing. . Be 62 in a few weeks. Not the same person a…
  • Re: Hello!

    I broke my nearly 100 pound loss into micro chunks. You are 2% of the way there. 1/50th of the weight is already gone. Lose 3 more pounds and you’re 5% of the way. It sounds cheesy, but calculating i…
  • Re: Menopause Information!

    I just listened to a wonderful British History podcast called Betwixt the Sheets. The episode was an interview with the woman who wrote Unwell Women, about women and medicine throughout the ages. The…
  • Re: When will I have more self control with food intake?

    Don’t be so harsh on yourself. You’d only been here less than 3 days when you posted this. My heavens, don’t expect the heavens to open, angels sing, years of habits change, and weight to fall off in…
  • Re: I “Want” to Workout 🏋️

    There is no “quick workouts that produce results” despite what clickbait would have you believe. Sorry. Like most of life, you reap the results of the effort you invest. Instead of worrying about fin…