ythannah Member

  • Re: WHY do people CHEAT?

    I agree 100%. However, I do think there needs to be something not quite rational (spark? chemistry? I don't even know what to call it) that keeps one there putting in the work, motivating one to choo…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I'd certainly accept religious reasons as well, although I don't know which (if any) faiths prohibit vaccination. I do know that there are some with strong beliefs surrounding permissible medical tre…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Oh I dunno, I think I'd happily wear a mask for the rest of my life. It hides my RBF and the spinach stuck in my teeth, adds a layer of sun protection in summer and keeps my nose warm in our subzero …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    With the stipulation that this means the voluntarily unvaxxed and not those with medical exemption, I agree. You've been informed of the advantages of vaccination and if you've chosen not to get vacc…
  • Re: Nocturnal Leg Cramps

    The SO's dad swears by that trick. My grandmother, who was hypothyroid, drank tonic water for her leg cramps. Apparently the quinine is the magic ingredient.