zamphir66 Member

  • Re: Why Is Food "Addiction" So Controversial?

    I remembered another wrinkle to this discussion that sometimes (often?) comes up in these parts. It's the two-step shuffle from "food addiction" to "the food-industrial complex is whol…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Comes now a story from Johnson City, TN -- not too far from me -- about at least one severely ill patient who still did not believe in COVID-19. That's one step beyond "I didn't think leopards w…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    So, one of my buddies I go out with every Friday tested positive this past week. Of course, he didn't go out last night. And I didn't either, because I was exposed to him last Friday. I'm thinking if…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Also in KY, our hospitalization and ICU usage is going up at a pretty steady clip. Over 1000 hospitalized now. I lost a great uncle on Monday, not to COVID but to cancer. I don't know what impact if …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I'm your neighbor to the north. We hit the ground running in March and kept things lower than most of our neighbors. In hindsight, maybe we could have saved some of that energy. Because now, our gove…