mmarie_3 Member


  • Yes, it was a must for me as I have to very closely track my macros. The free version doesn't allow me to do that. And I set custom macro days for my high carb days so I don't have to do the math anymore. If you're just using it to track calories, I would say it's not necessary.
  • Depends how much physical exercise you're doing. Staying adequate hydrated aids greatly in weight loss.
    in Water? Comment by mmarie_3 November 2015
  • Well, I don't do cheat meals bc in training for comp and it really does set me back. I sometimes gain 3lbs (granted its water weight) and it takes about a week to come off. However, definitely NOT a cheat day. Merely 2500 extra calories in a week can cause you to gain 1lb. So just think of that.
  • It is definitely food, examine what you are eating, and if you are being completely honest what you log.
    in Stuck Comment by mmarie_3 November 2015
  • In general, yes, suck it up lol. I know it can be hard when you come off of not eating so great. The things that work for me is being VERY aware of what you eat. Ask yourself, is this temporary satisfaction worth sacrificing my long term goals? Also, be sure to log before you eat. That has stopped me in my tracks several…
  • As far as weight loss goes, no, it doesn't matter. However your body will get the most use of what you're eating if you eat your largest meals around when you are most active. For example my biggest meals happen pre and post workout, my carbs and fat are much higher. But I eat right before bed. Also it's best to leave a…
  • I am!! Currently training for a comp in April but I have lost 40 lbs with flexible dieting.
  • Yup lots of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs. The simple carbs will leave you feeling hungry and unsatisfied.
  • You can add me
  • There are lots of things you can have for bfast that you can make ahead of time!!! Make a bunch of breakfast burritos and freeze them, egg "muffins" (mix veggies and maybe some turkey sausage, then pour a blend of egg whites real eggs in to a muffin tin. All sorts of recipes on Pinterest), make protein waffles and freeze.…
  • If you still have a tummy the only way to combat that is diet. Everybody is different and carry their weight differently!! Adding a little strength training will definitely expedite the process
  • I'm not breastfeeding any more but the key was not cutting back too much to inhibit your supply. I found I could almost feel if I was eating too little. I would say input your info to MFP to lose 1 lb a week and then add 200-300 calories to that to keep your supply up
  • Carbs are way too high. I can tell you that much. I am 5'4" 134 still cutting and I eat 90g carb a day. I am on a bodybuilders diet as I'm training to compete, but yeah. I think you eat more carbs than me on even my re-feed days. I can't tell you what your macros should be as they are very specific to each person, body…
  • Popcorn!!! And some low sugar hot chocolate. I stay within my macros when I'm PMSing, but get this. The hormones you produce while on your period also stimulate more muscle growth. So I eat to fuel my muscles when I'm flow comes to town, that keeps me in line.
  • Sorry you aren't feeling well, I also had a nasty stomach virus over the weekend, thankfully on my rest day. Are you still sick now? If so, drink as many fluids as you can as well as some G2 (the light Gatorade). Stick as closely to your diet as possible. I had chicken broth, some crackers, and just lots and lots of water…
  • I'm not sure about most, but I eat right before bed!! I am training for body building competition but I eat a very high protein/low carb/ low fat meal before bed. Egg whites, protein shake, something like that. But another thing is that often your brain confuses sleepiness and hunger, so while your body is ready for bed,…
  • Yes! I swear I have never felt better since taking a GOOD probiotic!!! My energy levels are amazing, lowered cravings, digestive troubles gone. I have done a lot of research on it and it all makes so much sense. I use the plexus kind (I don't sell, like to support my friends), and I love it.
  • Yes. I was raised with a very verbally abusive father who constantly beraded me on what I ate or looked like. You have to first step outside of your body and learn your self worth. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. You have to learn to love your body, even all of its flaws. That's the body that is allowing…
  • I think the biggest key here is that you need to realize the only person who can let those words effect you is YOU. Without taking them to heart, they're just words. That guys a jerk. Anyways. I'll be really straight with you, "too sore and too tired, unmotivated" are excuses. And every one has one. It's when you decide…
  • You have to be very careful not to restrict too much as to not hinder your supply. That being said fat loss is 90% diet, so I would take your recommend caloric intake, add 300 and that's with exercise. Lean meats, plain Greek yogurt, fruit, lots of veggies. I can totally relate I felt the same way!! My body didn't start…
  • Congrats on your baby! First of all it happens, I gained quite a bit with my LO. Second of all, it took 9 (well technically 10), to gain that weight, so it will not happen over night. The added pressure and stress will do you no favors. Make sure you are staying consistent and logging. Stay away from high fats, sugary…
  • This true if your only goal is to lose weight. If it is for muscle building and performance enhancement, meal timing is vert important.
  • It depends how many and how often you eat. I eat 5 meals a day, the largest meals being pre and post workout.
  • Just remember and keep telling yourself healthy, sustainable weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week. Are you lifting weights? My biggest regret and mistake when I started my weight loss journey over a year ago was that I just stuck to cardio. I saw little to no changes until putting heavy weight lifting in my regime!!!
  • Also while you need a caloric baseline, with IIFYM counting macro grams is paramount to calories.
  • Honestly I struggled with IIFYM for about a year until I went to a coach and she did my numbers for me!!! I've lost a lot of weight in the mean time but I was having a hard time getting the final layer of fat off. I'm 5'4", 140, and I do 190 protein, 85 carb, 36 fat. She customizes it to your body type (there are different…