idabest777 Member


  • I've gone from 163-119 lbs and I've drank probably at least once per weekend during the entire time. Usually not in moderation either. It's totally doable as long as you're really tracking everything and not secretly eating a ton of food when you drink. Cutting out all drinking would have made this a very boring process…
  • Amongst all these sad boob loss problems, mine was actually a good thing. I lost the sagginess of my boobs. I went form 36DD to 32DD which doesn't seem like much off a difference but it was actually quite a bit. It was almost like at 36DD they were too heavy to hold up and now they're lookin good. Along with my muffin top,…
  • Vanity sizing also really depends on the store. In one of my favourite stores I was down to an xs/xxs top and a 0 or 2 pant while at some other stores i'm s/m and a size 4 or 6 pant. I've found that usually the cheaper stores or stores or in stores where the target customer is older the vanity sizing is much worse. I got a…
  • I've gone from 165lbs to 120lbs and I've only had positives experiences with being treated differently after losing weight. Genuine compliments from more guys..the creepy ones have stayed about the same, and I find that women nicer to me. I also haven't lost any friends because I'm the same person and my friends are happy…
  • If you usually only have one glass then there's not much that'll kill your calories for the day considering a glass of white wine is only like 150 cals. But if I'm going out and know I'll be having lots of drinks I usually go with something tasty and then switch to vodka sodas with lime because then it's only like 70 cals.
  • I originally just wanted to get back into the healthy bmi range, which was about 13 pounds lighter than what i started at. By the time I got there I was on such a roll that I just kept going and decided to aim for a BMI of 20 just cus that was the look wanted. I've been struggling to get down there though, I've been…
  • When I see myself in pictures of videos I feel like I look way smaller than what I see in the mirror. Sometimes I think I still have around 10 pounds I need to lose but when I see a picture I realize that I actually look pretty skinny. 45 pounds ago it was the opposite where I thought I looked ok in the mirror but hated…
  • I've been on Seasonale for 8 years now and I love it. One of my favourite things about it is that it's a 90 day cycle, I can't imagine going back to getting my period every month. The only side effect I experienced was a very common one where for the first pack (3 months) there was some spotting but since then it has been…
  • I have the opposite where when I see myself in pictures or videos now I'm surprised at how thin I look. When I look in the mirror or picture myself in my head I see myself as 1 or 2 sizes larger than what I see in pictures. I'm assuming that my brain just hasn't caught up yet.
  • I lost 40lbs and went from a 36DD to a 32DD so a pretty big change in the cup size. I was very worried about ending up with the deflated boobs that i've seen mentioned on here a lot but I seem to have had the opposite effect where it seems like my boobs are much better at holding themselves up now that there's not a bunch…
  • I aim for 1200 cals..if i'm working out i go over but i usually gross around 1200. Earlier this week I made a big lentil stew that has lentils, quinoa, beans,and lots of veggies and is pretty filling with each serving being just over 300cals which makes more room for snacking this week. So today for example.. Breakfast: 1…
  • My original goal was 140 because I was ok with that when I was in highschool but once I got there it didn't seem the same and I wasn't happy with it so I revised the goal down to 125 and then revised it again to 115. While it wasn't intential, I think ending up with multiple revised goal weights was actually nice because…
  • I always get either kraft or PC natual peanut butter. The only ingredient for both of them is just peanuts and they taste the exact same so I just get whichever one is on sale. When I first switched to the natural from the regular kraft peanut butter i found it too peanuty and not salty enough. I'm used to it now though…
  • My weight stayed almost the exact same for the past week and a half and this morning I was down 2lbs. Just be patient and if you are in a calorie deficit your weight will go down again
  • I was having this same issue...I went on vacation where I had a delicious dessert after every meal and after that I just wanted to eat everything sugary all the time. It definitely stalled my weight and I suspected it was making my face break out. I used the same strategy as some others here where I decided to just stop…
  • I also have the issue where I just don't really get thirsty so I would forget to drink anything and would end up with horrible headaches by the end of the day because I would get so dehydrated. What helps me during the week is having a really big cup of water at my desk and I sort of have time limits to drink it. So I just…
  • I schedule my cardio workouts to coincide with tv..reality shows are my favourite and during really good episodes i completely forget that I'm running
  • I'm very much not a morning person and tend to snack at night to, so I always save my runs for the late evening. I have to finish snacking about an hour and a half before I go and once I get home I essentially just shower and get ready for/go to bed, so no time for any extra snacks.
  • I was the same..At the top of my BMI I also had some pretty hefty love handles. I've lost 20lbs since then and they're essentially gone, but it turns out I also just have wide hip bones, so it made the love handles seem larger than they actually were I think. I'd suggest you just try to lose the fat though as opposed to…
  • I'm 5'4 at 123 but I started at 163. Trying to go down another 5-10lbs but it's definitely a struggle because there's no wiggle room!
  • I just have a notepad on my phone and every monday i fill in what i'll eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner every day for that week and then I make my grocery list based just off of the meals I've planned. This also helps because then I can't really stray from my plan because I don't have groceries for anything different.
  • I use an app called Pact. You can pledge to work out x number of days/week and if you miss a day it charges you some amount of money that you set in advance (minimum is $5/day that you miss). If you work out for the x number of days that you pledged then at the end of each week you get allotted some money. The amount you…
  • That happens to me almost all the time, even without a workout. I just make sure I have snacks available to have between meals.
  • My maintenance is around 1600... 5'4, 125lbs, and sedentary. It will most likely be a bit lower once I get to my goal weight. So 1600 maintenance isn't unrealistic.
  • Fat always keeps me the fullest. I'm not a huge fan of nuts but I'm always surprised at how long such a small serving of them will keep away the hunger
  • Jeans are actually comfortable! I always suspected that jeans were just more comfortable on smaller people because thin people seemed to have to issues with wearing them for long periods of time where I couldn't stand them for most things. Turns out my theory was that I don't have a bunch of extra stomach/hip…
  • I am obsessed with popcorn, I have some pretty much every night. I have a microwave bowl where I can just throw in some plain kernels and pop them in the microwave. I usually throw on some melted butter + one of the *many* different popcorn flavourings I have (orange/white cheddar, sour cream and onion, sweet chili lime,…
  • I used to have greek yogurt as my snack because of everybody claiming protein keeps you fuller for longer. But i guess everyone is different because I've since realized that protein doesn't do much for me but high fat foods keep me full for a long time. So I swapped out the greek yogurt for a 10% plain yogurt that tastes…
  • I hit my original goal weight (it was near the high end of a healthy bmi) easily without it slowing down then decided I wanted to get leaner and now that I'm down to the last 5-10 I want to lose (lower end of healthy bmi) it's super slow. Even with it set to -0.5lbs/week that only gives me 1370cals/day. That's tough to…