

  • That's no way to live, man. :'( My go to snacks are raw almonds, canned pineapple, yogurt, apples, and beef jerky. I also keep tuna packets and chunky soup in my desk for emergencies. :)
  • This^^^. And portion control. Enjoy your holiday food. Just don't completely pig out on portions, and try to amp up your workout frequency and intensity.
  • Yogurt, beef jerky, canned pineapple, raw almonds... these are my snack stash. I keep some canned tuna and soup on hand too.
  • I use Runkeeper to map my walks and hikes.
  • Best advice in this thread^^^^
  • As others have indicated... walking is a super place to begin. I prefer to do this outside, weather permitting, as I feel the exposure to nature and fresh air, can improve your mental and emotional well being. During the winter, I do spend a good bit of time on the tread mill however. There are other great starters,…
  • Hi! Hiking and daily walking are the foundation of my fitness, health and weight loss. Of course I engage in other exercise as well, but in large part, I do these things simply to stay in shape for hiking season! I am not a thru-hiker (just not my thing), but I section hike and do plenty of weekend hikes during the summer…
  • I am not "against" fruit (or bread). I only advise to people that are starting out, to be careful with higher calorie foods and carbs. You can easily reach your calorie limit and still feel very hungry. That can lead to frustration, cheating, and even quitting. Good luck and good wishes to the OP.
  • My opinion on what works for me... 1. All the veggies you can stomach. Lots of variety, and not swimming in high calorie dressing or sauce or butter. A little is okay, but not too much. 2. take it easy on the fruit. No more than 1 or 2 servings a day, and definitely "fruit" and not "fruit juice". 3. Protein. Several small…
  • Add some pullups, plank rows, etc. When your pushups get easy, you can intensify with different angles, elevations, hand position, vertical, etc. Walking everyday is fine. You can increase the intensity when it gets easy, by adding a backpack with weight, or finding some hills. If you enjoy the shadowboxing... maybe add a…
  • IMO, and as others have indicated, kettlebells differ from traditional free weights in a few ways. Dumbells/Barbells were created with isolation exercises in mind. They give you a very stable form of weight, easy to distribute evenly, and allowing you to easily isolate particular muscles or muscle groups. kettlebells, due…
  • Hi Ashley. Seems like you and I have similar goals, etc. I am also looking to lose about 10 lbs by the end of January. My main sources of exercise are daily walking and hiking, body weight exercises, and martial arts. I don't know what form of Karate you are taking, but forms/kata are GREAT calorie burners if you give them…
  • @Sabine_Stroehm Thank you! That looks very applicable.
  • @tigersword... I didn't say "increased flexibility" was a detriment to hiking. From the very beginning I described that I have tried to increase my flexibility recently by stretching a lot more than I have in the past... and thats when the popping started. And I just have some concern that the popping might become an issue.
  • Its pretty stable. I don't feel a loss of strength, and I don't notice it really when I am working out. But its very noticeable when I am say, standing in the shower or in front of the stove... and I shift my weight from one foot to the other, and POP. Quite noticeable then, and not really painful per se, but annoying and…
  • Boil them until tender with the peelings on, and then smash them flat on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and seasoning and crisp them up in the oven. I like mine with salt, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder.
  • I think you are doing more than most people can afford the time for. Walking is my base exercise for calorie burn and fitness. If you want to ramp it up, look for areas that have up and down hills, and perhaps carry a backpack with some weight in it. I use a 25lb dumbbell wrapped in a towel.
  • I should say... they seem to pop in lateral movements. Not when bending the knee. But I didn't experience this before I started agressively trying to improve my flexibility.