riaward1990 Member


  • My budget wouldn't be able to stretch to it either. Although I do try to compromise by cooking leaner meat with organic coconut oil or grassfed butter. It's not perfect but a lot better than how I used to eat before keto.
  • Once a week I'll have a couple of berries, usually with some whipped cream. If I'm good ill also a bit of watermelon once a week. Sometimes I do, some times its just that time of the month and I use any spare carbs for a tiny bit of dark chocolate instead. I keep my carbs at total of 20-30 and do IF of 6hr/18hr.
  • I have been keto for two months and can't say I've noticed a difference, definitely not enough to look at reducing meds. Am I doing anything wrong or is it just a personal to each case?
  • Husband isn't doing keto. I've been doing IF lately with only one meal in the evening. We'll be having ribeye, peppercorn sauce, green beans and he'll be having potato dauphinouise (sp?) with his. He's asked for pudding and custard for his dessert so I've made myself a sort of chocolate mousse using double cream, a bit of…
  • Small amount of nuts Cheese Pork scratchings Leftover meats Fat bombs Very small amount of dark chocolate Whipped cream
  • Thanks for all the recipe ideas. I think I'll be trying then out tomorrow. Im always at my most tempted with warn doughy things. I can easily resist a lot now but I stil have to struggle when I'm around toast, Crumpets and pizza. I've already given several not so subtle hints to my husband about a 'green and blacks' dark…
  • Ok. I feel like through the last month my body has become used to using fat. The bad breath had gone. Most of the cravings are gone and I go long periods of time without feeling hungry. I'd hate to have one bad meal and go back to the keto flu and cravings again
  • Are you maybe feeling the keto flu? I know I felt a little rough the first few days. I took painkillers, drank loads, put extra salt on food and took a magnesium supplement. Don't quote me as an expert as I'm only now starting my third week but it definitely helped me. X
  • Don't know whether to be proud of myself but today I went over 1000 calories and I actually ate them, not just enter a fake item to be able to compete my diary in MFP.
  • Thanks everyone. I've had to freeze so much food. I meal planned and shopped for my calorie goal over 3 meals but I'm just not getting through it. I was also struggling to keep my levels of fat up but by changing to fattier cuts of meat and trying a fat bomb its not too bad now. I don't feel like I'm starving myself…
  • Ok I'll give it a try. This is so weird for me. All previous conventional diets of 1500 I've been constantly hungry and tired. Now I never feel up to eating and have so much energy now. Probably because my body's got a nice big store of fat to burn.
  • Hi all. I'm new to LCHF but am on day 7 and feeling generally good. Did a ketostik today (1st one ever) and it showed the maximum reading. I know they aren't reliable but at least it's showing something. I'm currently on around 30g net carbs, moderate protein and the rest fat. I'm struggling to eat my allowance of fat.…
  • [/quote] This is absolutely a question for your doctor and not something to rely on internet forums for! Until you can ask them, don't put your health in danger by starting any unaproved diet plan or calorie reduction! [/quote] Thanks. After a quick chat they confirmed that while lack of B12 can cause the usual tiredness…
  • Finding all of this info really helpful. I'm getting headaches but I know it's from stopping caffeine and refined sugar. I was definitely addicted to the sugar high and relyed on frequent sugary snacks to get me through my working day. Just wondering if anyone here has pernicious anemia / B12 injections. Any advice on…