Camigwen Member


  • Sent you a FR. I like how much better my depression gets when I exercise and eat well. Just wishing I could get my sleep back in line as it seems to make everything worse at the same rate food/exercise makes it better. Thought Lunesta might be the answer as it worked well all last week but took 3mg last night (thank god I…
  • I lost 10 lbs my first week and then things slowed to a crawl. If the loss doesn't slow down over the next week may want to look at increasing your calories. Healthy loss should be between 1-2 lbs a week after the initial water weight drop. Also search for a BMR calculator, there are some great ones I found looking through…
  • I hate the gym, I always feel like everyone is staring and laughing at me. I know that's not true but it keeps me from going every time. Finally found a very small place a few blocks from home and am hoping to check it out in the next couple weeks. Find someplace you are confirtable asking for help and are not afraid to…
  • So here goes, I don't talk to many people about my mental illness struggles and how it can complicate everything but ivd hit a really tough patch and could use some support from people like me. I'm 32 female married with one child. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in high school after a couple suicide attempts. 10…
  • Boobs and belly, more so belly I get the "when are you do" comments from random people cuz it's carried do high.
  • I just got my first bad one since I started working out again, tonight I was craving carbs so bad. To tired to cook so went to the local truck stop for supper, ate way too much grease and I feel even worse. Keep telling myself tomorrow will be better and I can start over with a morning workout. If your anything like me do…
  • I'm 32 been doing PiYo and watching calories in MFP since January. This is my second time trying to lose at least 40-50 lbs, tried a little over a year ago but broke my foot and fell off the wagon. I'm looking for all the help I can get and would love some help with motivation, please add me
  • I'm a little bit the opposite, I have good food choices 5 days a week and average ones on the weekends. I'd love to offer support and motivation on the eating and am looking for folks to assist with exercise encouragement. Add me if your interested.
  • I just got mine and would love some people to join up with. Believe it's under Stephanie Irey