Khukhullatus Member


  • I have one on my shoulder which has survived me losing over a hundred pounds. Though, I imagine that the shoulder is about as safe a place as is possible in terms of stretching/shrinking. Some may change forms a little, which sucks, but it beats staying heavy indefinitely just to protect a little ink.
  • My personal opinion is that we are way way too sensitive about body issues as a nation, at least here in the US. It sucks to be singled out for your weight be that too thin, too fat, healthy but appearing too thin, too muscular, or even having a perfect body sculpted of Italian marble. Obesity is now health culprit number…
  • I've done extended fasts for religious/spiritual reasons before, and I must say, I think it'd be insane to take that tack in losing weight. It's a miserable pain in the *kitten*. Just work on creating a healthy deficit in your calories. If you have plateaud, you may have to decrease your calorie intake a little, but firing…
  • that's ridiculous. You should definitely do weight training unless you have some physical condition that counter indicates it.
  • Ugh, I'm so sick of people trying to defend this addiction nonsense with "sugar causes dopamine release." You know what else causes dopamine release? Scary movies, that thing where you almost stumble then don't, nipple clamps, being around large animals, getting a birdie when playing disk golf, rock climbing, shopping for…
  • I'm bipolar, but I've never really felt like it held me back from dropping weight. Even with meds like Depakote and others that "cause" rapid weight gain, the physics of weight loss still holds true. More calories out than in and you'll lose weight. If anything, being able to even out and consistently predict my…
  • Gift horses and whatnot.
  • An exercise regiment is all about what is right for you, in your situation, at your level of health. If I started doing DeMarco Murray's training sessions tomorrow, it'd probably kill me, but it obviously works well for him. Start slow, and build it up to where it's intense, but it's still something you can see yourself…
  • If you've got the app, I find the easiest way to grab something like that is to scan it. That way, you aren't stuck trying to decide which of the 100 entries for peanuts is the one you want to use.
  • I don't tend to eat back my calories, so it can give me 10 calories or 10,000 and it really wouldn't affect me.
  • This thread just boot "Hey Ya" in my head, so I guess there goes the rest of the day.
  • I base whether I eat the calories back or not on how many calories we are talking about. If I go for a thirty minute run, I probably won't eat the calories back, but if I"m doing something very active the entire day, like a snowboarding trip or something, I'll eat a portion of those calories back. I don't have a set…
  • I don't tend to eat a lot of bread these days. Not for any specific reason, that's just how it tends to work out. When I did eat more bread, I loved this bread that I can never find anywhere called squaw bread. It looked a lot like pumpernickel, but had a sweetish taste. SOOOOO good, but I literally only know of two places…
  • I spend a fair amount of time on here ranting about this one as well. My friend is five feet even and has a crazy sedentary job. Her maintenance is something like 1100 maybe 1200 calories
  • I love these threads where three quarters of the people refuse to answer the OP's question. instead of just saying "personally, I like this," everyone feels the need to make some comment about how she shouldn't care. Maybe she does care, maybe she doesn't, but she asked a really simple and straight forward question. I…
  • IMHO, it takes an awful lot to get to the point where muscle starts to make a woman unattractive, something along the lines of female body builder level. Toned girls with muscles are great. There is a reason every men's magazine in the world does a "hottest girls of the Olympics" piece.
  • Down 97 already, have another 35 or so left.
  • Drink when you're thirsty. Unless you are exercising, or in extremely hot weather, your body will tell you when you need to drink. The eight glasses of water a day thing is nonsense. It's based on ridiculously outdated research, it doesn't adjust for body size or environment, and the recommendation of eight glasses…
  • You're forcing an offense onto his statement that wasn't intended or present. It's definitely the work of someone who likes to take offense at things, feels better when they get to be indignant with the big bad world. But, you're also starting to bore me, so off to bed.
  • Don't be one of those people who intentionally misinterprets a point just because they like being offended. He clearly wasn't being derogatory in the slightest.
  • IMHO, I think the best way to do a cheat day, if you simply must have one, is to take one day a week and eat at maintenance. It's a really nice change of pace, and while it doesn't help you drop lbs, it doesn't actively take you two steps back the way a true "cheat day" would.
  • My weirdest thing is when I'm about at the end of the day and I realize I'm 40 grams short on protein. "well, I guess my dinner is decided, a protein bar chased with a protein shake . . . yum"
  • I think it depends on the piece of equipment you are using to measure it. I've noticed that my run watch does add in the base calories I would have been burning sitting around, but the app I use on my phone doesn't No matter what you use, I think it's a good idea to figure they are over reporting. I don't know why, but…
  • Her profile says she still wants to lose another 95 pounds. I could see this being a real question. You see people on the streets with this issue occasionally, and I can understand how it might bother her.
  • You are going to lose an awful lot of that as you approach your calorie goal. I wouldn't worry about it until you see how things are shaping up over the next 95 lbs. The posters above are right though, you can't spot fat reduce. Short of liposuction, the only way to decrease that area is to decrease your overall body fat.
  • Nature gave us an awesome way of answering this question. Are you thirsty? Don't over think it. Unless you are under some specific conditions where you are likely to dehydrate (extreme temperatures, during physical exercise etc) you really should just drink when your body tells you to. Oh, and don't listen to that 8…
  • I keep threatening to build this thing when I have a free weekend.
  • I'd just hit up Bed, Bath & Beyond and grab the one that appeals to you the most. Unless you are looking for one of the ones that automatically updates your phone or fitbit via Bluetooth, they're a pretty simple piece of tech, so any of them should work great.
  • In all seriousness though, there is a great app called "Rock my Run." It works a little like Pandora, but it has options specific to working out. My favorite one is the ability to set a tempo, so if you are trying to keep your pace and timing up, you could set it to 130 bpm or something like that.