pznatti Member


  • Thanks! And yup... I def need to add more veg to my diet... I do well during the school year when I plan everything out but get a bit loose when I'm off for the summer. :smile:
  • Thanks. Should have just done that instead of come here! <facepalm>
  • Just remember it won't happen over night... I'm on stage one of the lifting program set out in New Rules of Lifting for Women and am loving it. You sound like you have a good plan... So start and be patient. You've got this...
    in Comment by pznatti June 2015
  • Hi Kathy! We may be close enough to be twins! SW: 164 CW: 166 (building muscle and going slow) HT: 5'5" Age: 41 (42 next month) I've not lost weight yet but have lost an inch around each of my waist, thigh, and hips.
  • I'm in. I started working on my health on June 1 and happy I'm still working on it. I have several things coming up in July that could easily throw a monkey wrench in my path... So I'm following the New Rules of Lifting for women for my exercise and calculated my TDEE and took about 20% away and am targeting about 1865…
  • So don't quit this time. I've been starting and stopping for a while now and have gotten really interested in doing this right and doing it slowly. What is helping me start again - and start strongly - is looking at pics of people who take their time... There's a woman named Amber who has a blog called Go Kaleo and when I…
    in Comment by pznatti June 2015
  • Congratulations! That is a wonderful success story. :)
  • I wonder if getting on something like New Rules of Lifting for Women and increasing your intake might help. I've been reading the Go Kaleo blog and eat more to weight less blogs and am really intrigued. I've tried to lose weight for a while now my exercising more and eating less and it doesn't work... I end up really moody…
  • I've been doing. New rules for a month now and I've lifted off and on for a long time... I think what Lou says in the book - that it's for everyone - is exactly true. Since I am starting with a strongish base, I'm starting with heavier weights than others might. I would also encourage you to remember what he says - that…
  • Hi hcnb, I'm a kinder teacher and am in summer mode and have decided to tackle my health... It definitely tricky but right now I have more time so here we go... I've been working out for 3 weeks solidly and have been tracking my food for 6 days... I'm not doing drastic calorie deficits but am focusing more on making good…