Machka9 Member

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt


  • It is very difficult. If he goes into a memory care home, you may be able to take him for long walks. Meanwhile, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go on long walks with him now. And yes, it is possible he may have to sell the house. It might be a good idea to talk to your sister, cousins etc. and to weigh up your options. M in…
  • Chances are he has stronger memories of his childhood locations than he does of his current situation, so he's goes to find things from his childhood. My grandfather did that too. If the doors of the house were locked (so he couldn't go outside), he'd put on his hat and sit upright on the sofa, and when my grandmother came…
  • On exercise and prediabetes ... Effects of aerobic exercises in prediabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis Conclusion: In summary, engaging in aerobic exercise can have a significant positive impact on glycemic levels in individuals with prediabetes. It can also…
  • Got a bit more work done on my uni course today! And it rained ... these days, that's a very good thing. I didn't nap today at lunch, instead I did a little bit of planting in the garden during a brief non-rainy time. I just want to fill up the drystream area with plants before we go so I've been picking plants from other…
  • When I want something stretchy, I'll go with these in XXXL. Why so big? I also have a large rib cage (or wide back) and when you look at the bra on the rack, even the XXXL looks tiny. When I want to look good in something, I'll wear my Playtex Women's Flex Fit…
  • I'm not surprised they focus on exercise. Google 'prediabetes and exercise' and there are articles about how important exercise is. Also exercise provides a feeling of accomplishment that adjusting the diet just doesn't. M in Oz
  • Working from home today. I may end up napping at lunch. I mentioned a neighbour who was playing his radio or TV really loud, with the speaker turned toward an open window, to annoy his neighbour and who yelled and swore at anyone walking past ... the police took him away in handcuffs last night. Housing Services went to…
  • I couldn't read your list the other day ... I was already feeling too sick. I took one quick glance and saw "green peppers", and had to close your spoiler down or I would have been bringing it up! I can be a bit fussy too. M in Oz
  • It was worth it for me to get professionally fitted. But for more casual purposes, I go with Bonds. M in Oz
  • It was interesting to write it down as if it were TV Series Seasons. I had never thought of my life as a story before doing that! I hope you feel better very soon. I've been struggling this week ... never have a flu shot and dental work at about the same time. Urg. Machka in Oz
  • I feel like I've been hit on the jaw ... I'm bruised. She had to dig down under the gum to try to shore up the tooth in preparation for the crown. Between that flu shot and the dental work, I was a zombie at work today. We'll reuse as much of the baseboards as we can. The garden mystery ... Machka in Oz
  • Ouch! Can you do upper body exercise? Machka in Oz
  • This came up on my FB which triggered a question from someone about how many seasons I had. That got me to thinking ... Season 1 would have been the time period up to age 20. In Season 2, I was married to my first husband and struggling financially. That was my 20s. Season 3 was a transition season - travelling, getting my…
  • I hope my husband's "symptoms" settle down once we're settled. Today I figured out what he wanted to do with the shed in the back yard! I finally got it! Whew! Now I can help him because I get it. :smiley: Machka in Oz
  • Well done! I graduated with my Master's degree in 2020 at the age of 53. We're never too old for more education! Machka in Oz
  • Yesterday - flu shot Today - more dental work I am a pincushion. But both days I have climbed up 20 flights of 20 stairs and down 24 flights of stairs. I've also walked 2 km and 1.5 km. Machka in Oz
  • I would too, but my husband doesn't want to. We will put down cardboard and drop cloths. The flooring guy sided with my husband because the baseboards have to come off which could damage some of the painting. And lifting the old flooring could do the same. It's also too late now. The flooring should start in a week. I pick…
  • I do love that view too. That's the direction we were looking when we saw the Aurora Australis too. We stayed there 2 nights this past weekend ... with our camping gear! And with Rhody. But there's lots of work ahead of us. If all goes well, the floor will be done next week. I'm edging ever closer to wishing I had a magic…
  • Sunday Highlights -- staying at our other home for the weekend -- making significant progress on my drystream border -- getting another job application in Machka in Oz
  • We went camping here this past weekend. :smiley: The view from our new house. Machka in Oz
  • In Australia we have: - Breakfast (early morning meal) - Brunch (late morning meal) - Lunch (early afternoon meal) - Smoko/Coffee (mid-afternoon coffee and snack). - Dinner/Tea (late afternoon/early evening meal. Often the big meal of the day) - Supper (mid-evening snack) So someone might ask you round for Coffee, at which…
  • A day that resonates with me came up just recently. :) I spend lots of days without shoes or with limited shoe time. And I prefer not wearing socks either. My feet are happiest without anything constricting them, irritating them, or rubbing holes into them. Machka in Oz
  • Just went out and saw the Aurora Australis! With the naked eye here, all we can see is the green/white colours, but still nice. 🙂 I spent quite a few years living in northern Alberta where the Northern Lights appear in all colours. People are getting coloured photos of the Aurora Australis tonight, but I'm not sure how…
  • Friday Highlights - Day off! - Sleep - Visited new house with another load. Renos should start in about a week. Barbara - yes, I work with health data, but some of it includes people under 18, and everyone in the department is required to go through the Child Safety and Wellbeing training each year just like we all go…
  • I think they're like private rehabilitation hospitals, aren't they? M in Oz