Phoenix4me18 Member


  • Hi all! Work today is just...geez! Slow systems galore! Get to tackle a 4 page Economics paper this evening. I can't wait. :neutral: Want to get it done tonight though as I would really LOVE to have the weekend off to play outside in the dirt! Zoot - hope your dad is ok. Sorry there is so much happening with the family…
  • Hi all! Thank you so much for all your kind responses regarding my post yesterday. I really feel so fortunate that I found this group! Yesterday wound up ending ok. I had a long talk with my mom, where I kind of downloaded as well. She (as always) provided a great ear to listen and some good mom advice. I managed to finish…
  • Hi all. Has been an interesting few days. I took my daughter into see an Orthopedic doctor due to some constant heel pain. Turns out my little athlete has a stress fracture in the growth plate of her heel. Yep. So, we left with a cast, which, has been oh so much fun. She is the most active person in our family (soccer 2-4…
  • Liapr - so glad it helped!! The verdict? A GIRL!!! WHOO HOOO! For my parents that will make 4 granddaughters and 2 grandsons (my boys are the only ones so far). Now it's going to be a race for my mom (who crochets) and for me (I quilt) to see how many stacked up projects we can get made before she is born in September.…
  • Morning all! Last night was crazy at ever, but, I kept things under control food wise and ending in my calorie range even though it was at the high end of the range. I kind of stunk on water and did wind up getting in a small amount of activity. During our running around last night my husband mentioned that he has been…
  • Hi all! Missed my morning post, so trying to sneak one in between things right now. Yesterday, while, over my calories and not entirely on plan (yesterday required a nice cold beer…it just did) was still successful. I got home super stressed and done with the day and the house was just stressed all around. I was running…
  • Morning all! Another week and another chance to find balance in this crazy thing called life. Last week was heavy on reading and homework for school in the evenings. Thankfully though my hard work during the week paid off on the weekend and I only had to spend a couple hours early Saturday and Sunday mornings wrapping…
  • Hi all! Been swamped in my Economics class (ugh!) and finally finding time to come up for air. I think being back in school while working is one of my biggest challenges when trying to focus on my health. I tend to let eating right and working out slip way too far. Still trying to figure out if I want to keep pursuing this…
  • Morning all. Was a bit of a challenging day yesterday. My DH was in India last week on business, came home last Saturday and now has a really terrible sounding cold. I feel so bad for him. He is usually the one that can avoid this stuff. With him down for the count last night that left me running the kiddos to…
  • Morning all! Looking forward to an excellent day today. Food all packed and ready. Hoping to keep dinner on track tonight instead of bombing out again. Dinner is always my struggle. DH likes to eat out frequently and I often times go along. Mostly just because I am tired and done with the day. (I work FT, have three very…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Laura and I am just starting to transition to a more ETL lifestyle. I happened to come across your group and was really happy to see it wasn't enormous! I rejoined MFP in February when I hit my all time high weight. Since then I have been trying to find the right set of guidelines to follow to turn…
  • Hi! In a similar boat - have 95 pounds to lose. Man, still scares the crap out of me typing that number! I had pretty much taken myself off of any sort of priority list for the last 15 years. Now, I am finally to a place that I have realized it is absolutely ok to want to take care of myself and my health. It actually…
  • Great discussion. I think I am leaning towards jumping in with both feet. Perhaps it would be easier than trying the "ease in" approach. Less temptation that way too. When I did the Whole 30 I did have to completely change my thinking - especially about breakfast. I have never liked eggs and they tend to cause some not so…
  • Thank you so much for all the advice! I think you all are right that maybe jumping in with both feet may just be the way to go. Seems like that may be more effective than my current slow transition. Will have to think on that more. I have done a Whole30 once before and it definitely provided some very noticeable changes in…
  • Yep. Yesterday actually. Had been avoiding the scale for a while. Finally got the courage to get on and found I am 10 pounds heavier than my highest weight ever. That was a punch in the gut. Rejoined MFP today. Looking for support to finally get and stay to my goal weight.
  • I just joined and would love to join as well! I have 98 pounds to lose and having a goal of 12/31/15 would make a lot of sense. I am definitely interesting in having a solid support group and being able to provide support back.
  • I am so glad I found this! I am stuck in a cube in an office with half walls for as far as the eye can see. I do a lot of the things others have posted such as drinking lots of water so it forces me to get up and go to the restroom. I also try to go to the furthest place I can think of in our building to refill my water…