ohgeeque Member


  • When you are overweight, it is always in the back of your mind that people are judging you, that they are looking at you now without seeing where you have been or where you are going. I guess it is true. This mentality is covered in many ways "Judge not... yadda yadda yadda", "People in glass houses... yadda yadda yadda",…
  • I just stopped eating pasta.
  • You'll get the best long term results with something you like and can stick with. Of course, I am not an exercise, weight loss or dieting expert. I'm just a person trying to lose a few pounds and make a lifestyle change. At my age, 50 years, I want the whole process to be as pleasant and sustainable as possible. Kayaking…
  • I freeze them and snack on them all day long.
  • -I like my kids. I'm going to keep both of them. My husband, too. I like him. I think I'll keep him. -I have never had a Quest bar or a protein drink. I'll just have a Hershey bar and a glass of chocolate milk. -My dog's name is Woola. He is as dumb as mud and sheds like crazy but I'm keeping him too. He is an awesome foot…
  • I'm 5'7" and currently 130 lbs. I started at 170. My original goal was to get back down to 120 but my weight loss had slowed since I started working on muscle. So, I have adopted a "weight and see" attitude. As long as I am happy with the way things are progressing I'm not going to worry (too much) about a number on the…
  • I had my second iced coffee of the summer today. It was thick with cream and sugar and it was wonderful. No regrets. :)
  • You are the only one who can fix this. When you are ready to overcome your eating habits you will do it. Just remember, you haven't failed until you quit trying. IF you mess up at 10:00, try again at 10:05, don't Start Again Tomorrow". It will never come.
  • Oh thank god we don't have to exercise in striped thong leotards over tights anymore. How the heck did butts survive? Yoga pants are sooo much more comfortable. I started my "fitness journey" a few months before my 50th birthday when I realized 50 wasn't freaking me out but unfit and 50 was. The MFP support has been great,…
    in Over 50 Comment by ohgeeque July 2015
  • It took about a week to notice a real difference on the scale. After two weeks I was seeing a difference in my clothing, some things were fitting better and somethings were no longer suitable to wear. I didn't see a difference in the mirror for about a month.
  • Great job!
  • That!
  • You are the same age as my son, so I can say that I think you look adorable. That may not be what you want to hear so I will add- Jennifer A. has one leg crossing in front of the other as she walks. You see the exaggerated version on the runway models. Red carpet poses with one foot in front of the other and a slight lean…
  • My greatest NSV has been the realization that so many of the times when I thought to myself, "Well, you're just getting old and tired." I should have been saying, "Well, you're just getting fat and lazy." 40 pounds lighter, I weigh less than I did at 40. With exercise I have been getting, I can out race the woman I was at…
  • Every body loses fat differently. Belly fat always seems to be the last to go but that may be just because everyone wants it to go so all the abs work will show. Patiently continue to lose fat and all will be revealed.
  • I go to the Y to pick things up and put them down whenever I can fit it into my day. If I am feeling particularly ambitious I might trot around the track for a mile or two. I like to walk up and down the hills around my house at night. Usually 10 or later. I listen to a book instead of curling up on the couch and reading…
  • Toddlers can teleport. Nothing is ever completely out of their reach. Every mother would have an "Oh my god! How did they reach that!" story but most have been forgotten.
  • I took my 7 year old son to the fire company carnival last night. I managed to avoid the funnel cakes, cotton candy, deep fried Snickers, ice cream waffles, boardwalk fries and sausage sandwiches. Instead, I had 4 dozen clams. FOUR DOZEN! I love clams. I don't know how many calories that was and I'm afraid to log it. :(
  • Weight loss isn't race, it is a process that takes a lifestyle change and new mindset. That can be difficult but the beauty of it is the fact you can't fail unless you quit.
  • Thank you, @AsISmile and @DoogCampbell I'll look for a program for beginners. The machines really do provide a sense of security and safety to the uninitiated. However, I want to use my muscles in real life, so I'll try free weights and continue where I feel comfortable and confident I can do so without injury.
  • I am coveting your abs. :) Congratulations.
  • A positive attitude is a great way to go. You are off to a great start. :)
  • I went from "my cup runneth over" to "two little handfuls". Proportionally, it isn't bad and running is easier. Plus, I no longer worry about giving myself a black eye when I bend over.
  • I will never be able to get that song out of my head now! :)
  • I am 5'7" and have a very light frame. I weighed 120 for years without my doctor batting an eye. However, I don't think he would have made an issue about an additional 8 pounds.
  • Coffee. Coffee is my archenemy. I drink it with too much cream and sugar. Although I always squeeze it into my daily calories it means I am eating less healthy foods than I should. After 35 years of 4 cups a day, it is the one thing I just can not quit or even moderate.
  • It is cliche to say that nothing succeeds like success but it is true in more than one sense. Every little victory is a success and strengthens my desire and commitment to achieving my next goal.
  • My son was feeling a bit mopey about life, the universe and the meaning of everything, and I gave him this great speech about making the changes he needed for his own happiness. No one was responsible for his situation but himself and no one else had the power to change it. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. He could…
  • Science! The science of calories-in/calories-out has really helped me cut through the bull and get down to the simple basics that really work. I didn't gain this weight by magical means and I'm not doing to lose it that way.
  • I bought back the dress I donated to around Goodwill around Christmas because it fit again. It was mine and I wanted it back.