EvilPink Member


  • Hey, didn't the streaker at Busch Stadium at the Cards / Phillies game the other night have Hakunamatata tatted down his side? It was you wasn't it? :laugh:
  • I was a 911 dispatcher for 12 years; I'm sure I was the initial source of many ER toothaches. And nosebleeds, lol. Those were always my fav. It amazes me how people cannot handle some of the most common day-to-day ailments. Of course, there will always be those extreme cases where it's indeed caused by an emergency…
    in Role Call Comment by EvilPink May 2012
  • You should be able to. I can on mine. I don't have the iPhone though; I have a Droid. But, I'm assuming the apps are set up to show the same info. If you go under daily it should show your fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbs, protein, etc tally for the day.
  • Here. Although, I have no idea why. I got minimal sleep last night, been up and at it all day and I'm wide awake; bouncing off the walls and subsequently acting ignorant on the forums :noway:
    in Role Call Comment by EvilPink May 2012
  • Maybe...or maybe not. Depends on the phenotype, genotype, endocrine type or some other type. Assuming estrogen is at play would be to assume a gender role. That would be offensive and uninclusive of all....please rephrase your answer. :laugh:
  • I'm confused about this... http://japandailypress.com/japanese-man-cooks-and-serves-his-own-genitals-282708 I wonder if now that he's cooked them up and served them; does that still make him a man? If not, maybe he'll go by my tampons for me. Oh, wait. Was that herteronormative?
  • Been there done that. My aunt once came up with the plan to have a lb bucket going; a dollar a lb. Every time we lost a lb, we put a dollar in the bucket, whomever lost the most weight by our set date got all the money. That lasted about 2 weeks until she quit. Once she quit, so did I. Another time at work there was a pool…
    in help!!!!! Comment by EvilPink May 2012
  • My husband is actually always right and, secretly, I value and trust his opinion but, of course, I could never let him actually KNOW that, lol. And extra credit to the men who have PCOS women in their lives. That's about as close to suicide as you can get without actually pulling the trigger. That is one thing I can…
  • I don't think my 50 some odd posts qualifies as "senority" nor do I know what's best and never once have I said, "you must do ..." like I'm an expert. People come here for serious questions/answers, yes. And indeed, that's what this site is for which is why this site also has a handy search feature where common sense…
  • I don't think is has any thing to do with whether they've lost weight - I think some of the reasons for those comments from posters comes from your first sentence, "yes, it's usually the same question over and over..." Which is exactly why in my first post I made the joke about eating back my exercise calories. It's not…
  • Actually, arrogance is an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions. Seems like you took care of that when you started assuming and being presumptuous in your claims of people being rude or snotty because they didn't friend you; like you're so worthy of every one…
  • Ummm, how about because they are? Whether it was 5 lbs or 300 lbs, struggling with the mental and physical issues that come with excess weight is a huge challenge and if one reaches their goal; they've accomplished a huge feat in life by working hard and they DESERVE to flaunt it! Not only that, but for many here, it…
  • Yep, she's "fat" but man is she gorgeous!! Just goes to show that even if society has a "norm" standard of beauty that is thin; it can be broken! I wouldn't mind looking like Adele at all. Outside of possible health complications from being overweight; I wouldn't mind being fat so much if I looked like her, lol.
  • Mine does have several different classes; water aerobics, group swim lessons, and one on one lessons but they're really high in demand so you have to register for them. The classes are still free with membership but so many members want to take the classes that you have to register and so far, I haven't been able to get in…
  • Thanks :smile:
  • So, this has nothing really to do with your post other than that when I first saw your profile name, instead of Flagator, my mind read Flagellator. I suppose however that would be appropriate for this thread. :laugh:
  • Plum Spooky. I'm trying to finish the Stephanie Plum series. I started with book 1 about 3 months ago, just finished Fearless Fourteen, started on Plum Spooky, and now have 16, 17, and 18 to go and I think there's another between the numbers in there somewhere too. Almost done finally, lol.
  • The last time I lost weight (before the obvious gain-back), I was down 32 lbs and no one other than DH and close friends noticed. The people I worked with day in and day out never said a word until we had new photos taken for our employee badges. The guy taking our pics said something to the effect of, "wow, you look like…
  • Someone had a great post a few days ago about not beating yourself up or worry about a bad day. I tried locating it for you to give you the link but no luck. But basically, don't fret over it too much. It's not going to destroy your efforts. Just pick up tomorrow and move on. If it eases your mind, eat a few less calories…
  • Sacramento here too. Speaking of...I was looking in the groups section for Sac and just came up with the Nor Cal one. Since there does seem to be a lot of us here in the Sac area; if I start the group, would ya'll be interested in joining? Maybe having a once monthly get together or something? And feel free to add me too.
  • Am I the only one diggin' the older dudes? I mean, the younger guys are good-lookin' and all but all I see are boys not manly men, lol. Did I mention Sam Elliot? Or Mark Harmon... Or Ray Liotta... I guess the one young guy I have on my list would be Ryan Hurst (other than my previously mentioned Barry Pepper)...
  • Lattes/coffee have (or don't have) carbs, sugar, calories, vitamins, etc just like every thing else. And if they have nvs, use it and log it like you do every thing else. Stay within your MFP limits and it's a non-issue.
  • Not to sound harsh but, the reality is, if it's something you want bad enough you'll find a way to do it w/o excuses. Now, with that said; I've been there and done that too so I'm certainly not being judgmental. I use to work rotating 12 hour shifts 6 days a week; always tired, never enough time, and on and on. You just…
  • Sam Elliott. No matter how old he gets I don't think he could ever not be sexy. Barry Pepper.
  • I think there is a valid argument for both sides. If you look at a photo in a magazine and there's a pic of a thin girl and an overweight girl or a chubby guy next to a 6 pakc; which are you going to focus on? For the majority of the population, it's going to be the thin girl and the 6 pack guy. In society, when you're out…
  • Exactly! LOL. Let the coffee do it's thing and when the job is complete...hit the scale. Then continue on with day as normal.
  • You get my vote for the pink too! I like the tankini as well.
  • Congrats! My short-term goal is to fit into a riding jacket I bought about 2 years ago. I found it on clearance at a killer price. It was a tad too small then but if I took out the pads, I could wear it. Of course I said oh, I can lose a few lbs and wear this in no time. I wore it once and it was just too snug to…
  • My DH complains about his weight and keeps saying, "I have to do something" but then never does. His job has a friggin awesome gym right on site. He could so easily hit it up after work. Even 30 minutes would be good but he won't do it. I want to join the YMCA, mainly because of their pool - I love to swim. I say, join…