Toadstool_ Member


  • Lol, I must admit I was a bit surprised recently with a 500g pot of yoghurt - thought OK great, 100g a morning, this'll do breakfasts for 5 days - only the 5th portion turned out a measly 50g. *shakes fist at pot* :)
  • Whilst walking won't have the same sort of benefits for weight as higher intensity workouts do, it has done me good. The bottom of my legs are toned and I can walk reasonable distances comfortably now. When I first started walking to work,I was a mess by the time I arrived, so it must have done my health good. I love…
  • That's something I struggle with too! Have been doing well stopping it lately but do find it a bit of a struggle. Will add you :)
  • I find chicken and avocado salad particularly filling, but yes, adding pulses to your salads as mentioned above - chickpeas, lentils or beans should help. Soup with a couple of slices of bread is filling if you're not low carb (could always have something else with it if you are though), or things like leftover stew makes…
  • I think its one of those things you just have to try and see what you prefer. My favourites rice milk - not the lowest calorie but much prefer the taste. I also like unsweetened soya milk. For tea, personally for me it has to be cows or goats milk, the alternatives just don't taste right in it. Personally don't like the…
  • My brother in law quit smoking with hypnotherapy - it worked fantastically. Only on two occasions did he sneak a cigarette in afterwards, other than that he wasn't craving them. It must be 10-15 years since then now and he's still free of them. I do think you really need to want it though.
  • Always. I've stopped paying too much attention to the sugars - I'm not giving up fruit! They may be high in sugars, but they also contain a decent amount of fibre. Fruit's good!
    in fruits Comment by Toadstool_ June 2015
  • I particularly like a bowl of fruit (not sure you'd be limiting fruit sugars too?) with yoghurt and granola, or toasted bread with mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic and herbs if I have the time to cook something. I know what you mean about porridge being tasteless on its own, but blueberries mixed in with it is lovely.
  • Not necessarily. If you're happy with your weight now, they may just be something to learn to love. We all have different shapes and there's nothing wrong with yours. I'm a 30G - my bust is an area I just don't lose much from. They can tend to make me look heavier than I am in certain style tops, but its my shape and…
  • Agree with the above posts. It doesn't matter. In the week I eat 5 times a day, but tend to eat 3 meals a day at the weekend - it doesn't make a difference. So long as I stop eating by 8ish so I'm comfortable when i sleep, I'm happy. :)
  • Based on the Robinson formula (1983), your ideal weight is 123.0 lbs Based on the Miller formula (1983), your ideal weight is 129.1 lbs Based on the Devine formula (1974), your ideal weight is 120.6 lbs Based on the Hamwi formula (1964), your ideal weight is 119.7 lbs Based on the healthy BMI recommendation, your…
  • Yep, 28 :)
  • Water ;) I like my coffee black,no sugar. A good coffee I find the right level of sweetness already. I do drink cappuccino every now and again though - strangely I like that whereas milk in standard coffee I just can't stand.
  • Surprised at how different the 3 come out! I got 27% on the first one, -10.2% for the second (?!) and 21.3% on the last one. My scales weigh me at 26.3%, similar to the first one which sounds about right so perhaps my scales aren't too wildly inaccurate!
  • Yup!! My absolute biggest pet peeve! *cringe*
  • Chicken and vegetable soup with 2 slices of bread
  • I know how you feel, I'm driving myself mad right now. It seems at that certain time of the month, your stomach turns into a never ending pit. Constantly hungry! I did let myself have an extra snack after dinner yesterday, mind you that didn't help, still would have happily eaten the entire contents of the fridge. I'm…
  • Chocolate! I rarely eat cheese anyway, not overly bothered by it
  • My mum noticed after about 7lbs, and others about 14lbs before they noticed. I am short too though so makes quite a difference! I do think it could be people wondering whether you would take offence at complimenting your weight - I must admit its something I only mention if I'm sure the person would take it how it is meant!
  • I am currently at 26.7% according to my scales (but I do think they're perhaps a little kind!) - I am aiming for 23-25%.
  • That's something I have been having trouble with too. I was drinking 3-4 cups a day, and when upped to 7-8 was up every half an hour to go to the bathroom and having to get up in the night too. I've upped to 6 for now and getting along fine with that. I do wonder whether the 8 is really necessary but will see if I can up…
  • 2 poached eggs on museli bread for me
  • I plan a week ahead so that I know what to buy when I do the week's food shopping. I find it really useful
  • Lamb, button mushroom, pepper and cherry tomato skewers, Adana kebabs, Red Peppers, Portobello mushrooms, corn on the cob. Pineapple is lovely bbq'ed too.
  • A banana, half a peach, some cherries and blueberries. I guess that's my sugar blown for the day...oops! But I enjoyed it :)
  • The BMI chart says my healthy weight range is 107-145 pounds. I am currently down to 135.5lbs, which is a healthy weight for my height, but it feels too heavy for me and I'm still pretty badly out of shape. I'm aiming for 126lbs as my target weight, as it is the weight I always felt most comfortable at in my teens and…
  • I am 5'4", currently 134.5lbs and looking to get down to about 126. I'll see when I get there, at the moment my tummy, thighs and arms (geez is arm fat stubborn!!) are still very big and I'm not all that far off really so might end up going to about 120.
  • I am 5'4" Heaviest: 149 Current: 134.5 GOAL!!!! : 126 Current Body Fat: 27.1% Dream Body Fat: 23-24%
  • I've found this as well. People can be quite nasty about it. A very tall friend with a much bigger bone structure than me had got onto the subject of weight and I mentioned I was trying to lose (at the time) a couple of stone she got really funny with me, almost as if I didn't have the right to lose weight because I'm not…
  • This sums it up well. Feeling an uncontrollable need to eat despite being full. And once you start, tending to be vast quantities that just end up making you feel sick and very guilty! I get really angry when I can't have that food. Silly really, I think its more out of habit than anything. Once I'm used to a healthy…