arachnofobia7 Member


  • I've been following it since September last year, black coffee no sugar or milk first thing in the morning, then some running (at least 30mins) latte at 11am and first proper meal at 1.
  • If someone told me that I'd running more than 20 meters without dropping dead a year ago I'd lough. Today I can manage Half Marathon. For me it was the pace, if you think that you run slowly, slow even more...and more and keep going at the slowest possible pace than walk if you are out of breath and trot again veeeeeeery…
  • So why do the glycogen stores get used up on a low carb diet? And is it just glycogen or do carbs make you retain water for some other reason? Hmmm - let me have a go ... CARBS - body converts them into GLUCOSE=IMMEDIATE ENERGY RESOURCE- if not used straight away, it is converted into GLYCOGEN =SECONDARY ENERGY RESOURCE…
  • @carolinagirl72390 Yall are missing my point. If I do that I will get aggravated and burned out and quit. It might work for yall, that's great. But I know myself enough to know that it won't work for me. It's better for myself to not do that and eat a lil more than I think than try to do if for a couple weeks and quit all…
  • Jeeezz, you and me both...only two weeks on MFP to see how little we need, even in terms of ''five a day'' fruit and veg recommendation, that's about my daily allowance lol
  • @yirara - fair enough, does it mean that we are all the same in terms of ''body frame''? I understand that it doesn't matter when you are obese but if you are trying to get rid of 10pounds it might be a factor. I'd be the perfect match for the ''endomorph'' definition. I've never been obese nor slim, rather active (…
  • @joejward95 - there are three body types: ecto- mezzo- and endomorph, the ''big bone'' ones are usually endomorhps (pear shaped) who struggle the most in terms of weight loss. Therefore, I do agree that for carolinagirl72 there is no room for 'guessing game' in terms of calorie intake.
  • Hi there:) Here is your fellow pear shaped, endomorphic body type:) flat stomach and big booty? hard work, appropriate diet and tons of patience, having done most of the diets with rather poor results I've ended up here - counting calories, watching carbs and fat intake along with daily runs/power walks to keep my body in…
  • Have you tried to log off and on? I did it three days ago and it worked:)
  • I'm endomorphic, pear shaped lady and will never ever have (never had) slim thighs or small bum, but I can easily ''work out'' my way through flat stomach. Body shape all the way...
  • @Amunah - congratulation on your results!!! that's really impressive. Now I'm going to be a bit inquisitive for the purpose of my personal research to determine what effects fat loss experience. 1) What is your body shape? hour glass, pear shape, or rather boyish twiggy like type? 2) How tall are you? 3) Would you call…
  • @bookworm_847 - I hated running with passion, at high school I loved every kind of activity but running, I could go for miles on a bicycle, or do long yoga sessions (I seem to be more flexible the most of women:), learned how to swim and play tennis, took up pilates and joined gym for weight training. I've tried most of…
  • @SallyIngram2015 - you and me both!!! For over six months I've been walking a dog, day in day out, come rain or shine, at least for an hour or so. No shift in weight. It was so frustrated, apparently, according to all of those popular myths all you have to do in order to lose weight is to walk here and there, take stairs,…
  • @bookworm_847 - To be honest I joined MFP two years ago but somehow couldn't get my head around it at that time.It was my friend who inspired me to give it a try. Two years ago she went on a super healthy diet to cure one of her stomach problems. At that time she was rather skinny, a year later she was 20pounds heavier!…
  • @Colliewomble - as far as weighing goes, 6months ago I started tracking my scale readings in order to track the long term tendency, it seems to be very effective in terms of motivation, it can be very frustrating on a daily basis but over time you start notice that some numbers don't show anymore:) buying a digital scale…
  • @bookwarm-Thank you for your encouragement:) I've rechecked the numbers: BMR 1474 TDEE 1769 (if sedentary with no extra activity), 2156 for my level of activity. Over those years I've become rather paranoid,by signing up with MFP I hope to get a better idea of how much calories I actually consume daily. You have to admit…
  • Well, for me it's not the last 15 pounds but the only one I've ever had to lose and I find it impossible, one or two pounds up and down here and there but nothing spectacular, what really bothers me is my daily calorie requirement of 1300. Does it mean that I have to eat grass five times a day? I don't do alcohol, junk,…
  • Having read pretty much everything on pear shaped or ENDOMORPHIC body frame I've found out that we have to work twice as hard in terms of diet and activities comparing to the other two types. As it's been said, there is no way to slim down any specific part of the body, since I've started running last September along with…
  • IF THINK THAT YOU STRUGGLE THAN PLS READ THIS... :) I'm 39, 5.6, 11.5 (no kids) and I'm a queen of maintenance!!! Never been obese but at the same time I've never felt slim, never wore skinny jeans, chubby toddler, ''big boned'' teenager and ENDOMORPHIC adult! Fighting weight all my life I've learned great deal about…