NatashaLP2014 Member


  • I started on my own, just doing what I needed to do for myself and recently my husband got interested and jumped on board too. We don't exercise together, besides for the occasional walk and hikes once it gets warmer (or rather less muddy and wet). He still gets his meat and potatoes and so do I! For example one of our…
  • @WifiresGettingFit Yikes, I do not envy you that! @Kirstie155 I don't think it's a terrible idea, especially if you get things for a really good price. I also love giving books as birthday gifts for other kids, so if you find you have too many in the end you're set for all the little friends/family parties. I love our cats…
  • Before we started trying for my daughter I had baby fever for over a year. I was just ready! I had this weird fear that everyone would like my nephews more than my kids. Also terrified of having twins. I had nightmares about it while I was pregnant actually as well. Honestly, I still get all excited for a baby, though it…
  • I'm going to have to look into this mint thing! (is it free?) My husband has always been big on saving and I've gladly over the years converted to his ways. We also have money coming in that technically isn't ours, it's specifically money to pay for respite care for my daughter with CP. The ability to see everything laid…
  • It's awesome to be losing weight and needing smaller running pants, but it's super annoying not to realize it until you spend 30 minutes jogging and trying to hike your pants back up without messing with your pace or breathing. Good thing I just bought a new smaller pair, because this morning's pair are retired!
  • I definitely like seeing the calories each day. It's made me realize that I'm being a bit too strict during the week, even though I know things have been planned each weekend that I'm saving calories for. Some other things for challenges might be to remind us that we are worth it: take a few minutes and meditate, pick one…
  • I let myself eat up to maintenance calories if I'm feeling super hungry the few days leading up to my period starting. Normally I don't eat all of it but I definitely feel better and my workouts are better if I give myself more wiggle room.
  • I just finished the C25K program. I think I'm going to start a 10K training program next week. I really liked the gradual increase in running times and I second the really slow jogging! One day I'd love to visit Disney and take part in the half marathon, especially if I could work up to pushing my daughter in her wheel…
  • I use the recipe builder when I cook for my husband and I, weigh the ingredients as I go and then weigh the entire dish afterward in grams and change the number of servings to the number of grams. I then get my portion in grams afterward and it works well if I eat leftovers for lunch the next days as I can get an accurate…
  • Nice to meet everyone so far! As for myself, I'm 30 years old and live on the west coast of Canada. During my first pregnancy I had some serious complications(eclamptic seizure) and as a result our daughter has cerebral palsy and global development delays. My husband and I would like to try for another child and give her a…
  • My first day went great. Little low on the calories because of exercise, but my husband will be gone for work thursday and friday and I like to indulge a little extra on those days. I managed to jog for 28 minutes straight though, first time ever!
  • There are some interesting chair based yoga videos on youtube. You're not going to burn a lot, but the stretching and added flexibility is nice and relaxing.
  • This is how I felt when I had anemia as well. Of course I was silly, young and ignored it way too long. I ended up in the hospital getting a blood transfusion with a doctor telling me I shouldn't be able to walk. The doctor should definitely be your first stop. As for exercise, if I do a bit of cardio, 30 minutes, first…
  • I'm hoping we will start trying to conceive early/mid next year. I have about 75 lbs more to lose (already lost 29 lbs) to get firmly into a healthy range and I won't let us try until I get there. Unfortunately during my first pregnancy I ended up with pre-eclampsia, not diagnosed, which led to a seizure at 28 weeks.…
  • I would say it's a mixture of losing the exercise water weight and less overall food in your GI track. Once you start exercising again and eating more volume again, both will go back up. (So don't panic when that happens!)
  • Let us math! 80 lbs divided by 9 weeks is 8.8 pounds per week. A pound is 3500 calories, by 8.8 and divided by 7 days is 4444 calories deficit in a day. For your stats, your TDEE with 5-6 hours of strenious exercise a week is 2978 according to scooby's calculator. So, if you eat literally nothing and exercise a lot you…
  • Personally I think the scale is a very good way to keep accountable and also, I love graphs and data. Weighing daily has taught me a lot about how much my body fluctuates through TOM, salt intake, hydration and new strength training. Once a month would still give you a trend picture but I feel that knowing what I have…
  • I just finished week three of the couch to 5k. I used to hate running, even a few years ago at 20 pounds lighter I detested it. Recently I sprained my wrist badly which put a damper on my strength workout so I figured why not give it a go for a few weeks. It has been going great! I definitely credit squats, stepups and my…
  • Food banks definitely exist in Canada, my mother used them for many years when I was growing up and every grocery store has a donation bin on the way out. (So you can ask there about where your local one is.) Other things you may be able to do is offer to pick abundant tree fruits or help out with someones garden to get…
  • Old Navy has some great compression shorts and capris in plus sizes. My purple capris always make me feel great, though the sizes run a little small I found. I can't really help with the bra, even at my heaviest I was still only a D. Right now I just wear a sports bra from walmart, or two if I am going running.
  • It is quite annoying! I have noticed it the last few days.