sssgilbe Member


  • I think it's delicious on a toasted bun with dijon mustard. Do you have citations for the claims that soy is bad? I'd be interested in reading the research papers to see if they actually apply to humans eating veggie burgers.
  • If you have a stand mixer you can shred the chicken with its regular beaters. The chicken has to be hot for it to work.
  • I love your 80/20. Puts my journey into a more joyful perspective. Thanks!!
  • I get the SFB coffee French Roast on Amazon, Subscribe and Save, for $.32/cup.
  • Your doc's advice is so bad I recommend not only firing him, but reporting him to your state's licensing authority and your health insurance company. You never know if your complaint is the first in their file or the last one they needed to put him out of business. Being a responsible consumer of heath care means not only…
  • A few things that helped me: Redefine treats. Instead of plowing through a bag of mediocre chocolate candy, I buy Green & Black's dark chocolate (Kroger, health food section), break off 9 squares and let each one melt in my mouth. Same for Christmas candy. I get individual chocolate covered Santas and have one every day or…
  • My treat is just the reverse, CoolWhip sprinkled with chocolate PB2.
  • My mom, "I didn't want to compliment you on your weight loss because I don't want you to think you've disappointed me when you gain it all back." But I still miss her.
  • You are my inspiration of the day! Thank you for sharing.
  • Blaze Pizza has a nutrition site that calculates the calories of your pie as you add toppings to your on-line order. I got one today that was 100 calories a slice; had 3 slices for lunch and will have the other 3 for dinner. Regular crust, light on the red sauce, light on the mozz cheese, pepperoni and tomatoes.
  • I can't stand to have clothes in my closet that don't fit so I keep a "give-away" box on the floor. Until 6 weeks ago and a fresh start on MFP, I tossed in clothes that suddenly felt too tight. Now I'm adding clothes as they get too loose. Before I closed up the full box to take to Goodwill, I dug through to the bottom…
  • A dear friend started selling a diet supplement and wants me to buy the whole package for only (!) $300 per month. She tells me she lost 25 pounds in 3 months and has a ton of energy. "Just take these pills, eat at a calorie deficit, exercise, and the weight comes off." The pills are an unregulated herbal concoction of…
  • I have an old manual scale that sits in its assigned place on the bathroom floor, ready for me every morning. I kinda like entering the day's weight in MFP and Libra and watching the charts adjust. Your CVS scale is doing it's job--helping you track your progress. New and fancy isn't necessary. Whether you started at, for…
  • Goodwill was overwhelming for me until I started zeroing in on the brands I used to buy retail or brands I liked but couldn't afford. Because the GW's in my area price items at $3.99 or less with occasional 50% sales, I can afford to give them back as soon as they start getting baggy. Our GW's even have a $5 discount card…
  • I watched several co-workers lose weight due to cancer and chemotherapy, also held their hands while they cried because someone complimented them on the weight loss. I would never comment on anyone's weight loss unless I knew for certain it was a positive thing.
  • "...had multiple complaints..." and that instructor is still teaching??? I'm glad you were only visiting that gym and never need to return. Neither the instructor nor the other students are what you deserve.
  • Our family tradition is to eat pie an hour or so before dinner. Solves the "No, thanks, I'm saving room for pie." dilemma. This year, my serving will be a sliver.
  • If I order a whole entree, as soon as the server brings it, I say "Wow, so much delicious food. Could you bring me a to-go box?" Then I put half in the box. I keep an insulated lunch box in the car for those times I'm not going straight home. I can usually find a similar dish in the MFP database, similar enough to let me…
  • Unless that someone was your therapist, that was a tactless and uninformed thing to say. You are under no obligation to please anyone else with your clothing choices or to reveal your body in fitted clothing. Trying on clothing before you buy is a great way to get used to your new body, as is being aware that you're…
  • That's the way I'm viewing the next year, as a science experiment with myself as the subject, complete control over the variables, and daily data recording. It's changed my mindset from "OMG, I gained a pound today, might as well fall into a vat of ice cream and eat my way out." to "Hmm, interesting data point. Tomorrow…
  • You know those drawstrings in the elastic waists of knit pants? My waist and hip measurements were almost the same so I never needed the string. Yesterday I had to pull the string up 2 inches and tie it to keep my pants on.
  • I don't want to be dependent on others in my old age because I refused to take responsibility for my own CICO.
  • Their Chunky Blue Cheese is amazing, also 35 calories. It was 2-for-1 at Kroger a few days ago. Bolthouse is in the refrigerated dressing section of the produce aisle and the CBC has an expiration date about 2 months out.
  • This! Remove the word "cheat" from your eating vocabulary. Cheating implies sneaking around feeling guilty. You are making your own food choices, good and bad, and you'll make better choices with practice.
  • Depression can manifest in many ways. Not feeling depressed or sad may be a sign of not feeling much at all. You may want to schedule a physical with your doctor and discuss a referral to a counselor who specialized in weight issues.
  • I just listened to a Half Size Me podcast interview with this guy. Lots of great ideas.
  • MFP is all I need to track food. I use SHealth on my phone to track my walking times and calories burned. I like the Libra phone ap to record my weight daily because it gives me a good trend line and a reasonable Goal Expected date that adjusts for every weigh-in.
  • If you read the threads where members post their weight loss charts, the first month or two always looks incredible. It's the long slog of months 3 through xx that are the test. That's when those NSV's are so helpful. My latest NSV: my grocery store bills are 50-70% less than pre-MFP because I'm eating that much less food.…
  • Tuna salad made with Greek yogurt, sweet pickles and water chestnuts spooned onto romaine lettuce leaves. Eat with 38 veggie straws and a pile of baby carrots.