madeleadele Member


  • I'm not 100% sure about the choking hazard (in truth I've eaten them pre-soak), but I've seen someone warn before. In theory, I guess if you're eating them plain you could choke. Nix the choking hazard!
  • If you can eat their food for free, take some of their lettuce/veggies and bring a small tupperware of your own salad add-ons (grilled chicken breast, tomatoes, a healthy dressing!!...whatever they don't have that you want). Special K has a lot of low-cal snack options that should satisfy your sweet craving. Another option…
  • I love adding some fresh mint (along with strawberries or cucumbers), or some orange There are entire instagrams devoted to flavored water!
  • I like POP Pilates! I'm known to skimp on core strength in the gym so I like to do some of her videos occasionally. Cassey Ho is super positive and has easy to follow workouts!
  • In regards to calorie count, I'm sure there are a lot of recipes without any peanut butter in them, i.e. less calories. My coworker nixed the PB in her recipe -- nut allergies in my office!
  • Mimics being the operative word here. Not exactly the same, but very similar! It tastes very similar cooked, and has a creamy texture. Smoother than what it's mimicking
  • Hello! This is not a diet. There are myriad ways that people decide to spend their calories, but just find what works for you. In general, there are no "free foods" on MFP. Most people log everything to track nutrients, etc.
  • Sorry - this is a pet peeve of mine when someone says they can't cook. Everyone can cook! I'm not sure what you're making when there's an opportunity to "ruin" it (and lasagna and meatloaf are not the most basic foods). I never use recipes because I'm a slow chef and it's faster if I decide on some ingredients and wing it,…
  • Some general info: Chia seeds should NOT be consumed without soaking for at least an hour as they are a choking hazard!! They don't have a taste, but plump up overnight, forming a jello-like consistency. They're less flavor and more filling. They can be put in smoothies, chia pudding (recipes below), yogurt,…
  • @pinggolfer96 linked in my original post :)
  • A few non-scale victories for me recently :) - I went on a run! I haven't been on a run outside in 3 years because I was embarrassed, and preferred the treadmill in my basement. I even did lunges and "quick jumps" on the curb without flushing from doing them in public! - One of my exercise tops (size 10 and previously very…
  • Those are adorable! I love owls. And whales. Hmm...whale bento? *cue whale sounds* On an exciting note, my box is COMING TODAY! It's the weekend so I obviously don't have anything to use it for, but I will be cooking up some food to put in it! PS I almost signed this like I would an email. Work overload.
  • CW: 200 GW: 150-160. I'll see what's maintainable Age: 21 5'10" Looking on random pages for my buddy, but feel free to add me! Open diary and on a scale of 1-10 I'm an a-ok person
  • Try french braiding it! This may make it wavy, but a few minutes with a hair tool (straightener, curler, whatever you fancy) is better than dealing with uneven volume.
  • This is amazing! I always smile at everyone at the gym (buff people included) for this exact reason. Everybody is there trying to accomplish the same goal! If anything, people should mind their own business and get back to their workouts instead of criticizing others trying to make a positive change in their lives.
  • @mangrothian that ramen looks so amazing! I haven't had decent ramen in a while :'(
  • I'm so proud of you for recovering. Although I was never underweight during my struggle with eating disorders, I can definitely say that when I started eating normally I had crazy misconceptions about how my body looked, despite being ok with the food I was eating. I can assure you that with time, and slow but steady…
  • @messiahs is that Natalie Dormer in your profile picture??? I'm obsessed with her.
  • You could cook it in balls and make "cauliflower meat balls"
  • Breakfast: a lot of people like breakfast sandwiches. I suggest greek yogurt (choose your toppings)! Lunch: Lettuce wraps (fill w meat, other veggies, etc), a Bento Box (not necessarily Asian food! browse around), leftovers...
  • This is too late but for future reference: mini turkey meatballs, frozen bananas or grapes, a protein packed smoothie, soup...
  • Already plotting how I can squeeze the most money out of my stipend (internship) and order cute bento, er, accessories!
  • ...aaaaand I've reached the end of the entire thread. Y'all inspired me - my Bentgo is coming Friday! I already boiled eggs and made meatballs in preparation; I'm so excited!
  • By all means, you can eat flavorful, filling, and fun foods while staying healthy and not consuming any calorie bombs! I encourage you to browse the recipe page, join a few recipe groups, etc. You'd be surprised what some vinegar and spices can do to any meal! You can definitely find a lot of spanish inspired dishes, and…
  • Yes, that works great as a base. I love overnight oats (refrigerated), but I usually use almond milk instead of yogurt. Use whatever you want. I always add chia seeds, almonds, cinnamon, banana (mashed and mixed in), and occasionally other fruits. Melting some semi sweet or dark chocolate, or adding a spoonful of peanut…
    in Oatmeal Comment by madeleadele July 2015
  • I love overnight oats, which are super easy to make and no cooking time! Just take 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup milk (or yogurt), and add to it what you like. I find it's most filling with banana mushed into it, along with cinnamon, almonds, and chia seeds. If I have time I make eggs with toast and some pepper. And, my…
  • I usually make oats in my fridge but the concept is really similar. My basic recipe: 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup almond milk I sweeten it using 2/3 of a mashed banana, and then I add blueberries, cinnamon, almonds, sometimes coconut shards for texture. It's also really delicious with a spoonful of peanut butter mixed in,…
  • Add me! I cook 80-90% of the time.