megzchica23 Member


  • I just got a fitbit. And it measures what calories you should be losing based on your weight/height. Then it adds in all the calories that you lose from walking and moving about. On mine it adjusts it and give me more calories if I am burning more than the basic metabolic rate myfitnesspal gives me for sedentary. So, I…
  • Having friends can be a great way to get support and motivation. Seeing your friends status updates with exercise and below calorie days can help to get you to push yourself. Doesn't work for all but it sure does for people like me who are competitive. Also, when my friends post statuses with their struggles it helps me to…
  • Power Metal, specifically ones about epic battles such. My favs are: Black Unicorn - Voltaire Brother's of Metal- Manowar If I Die in Battle - Vancanto And also pirate metal like: The Sunk'n Norwegian - Alestorm
  • I do both but I like my console. I use to be super into computers and now they drive me insane. I don't want to take the time and money to have a good computer that runs every game I like when I can just have a console and not worry about anything. Plus on Xbox One my husband buys the game on his account and I have my xbox…
  • I have been playing a little bit of Final Fantasy 15 and we tried the beta for Ghost Recon: Wildlands so we will be getting that in a few days. Also, my brother just got me Mario Maker but I haven't had time to sit down and start playing it yet.
  • I got pretty lucky so many of the new ones spawned in my yard, so I got a lot of the new ones as soon as it released.
  • I don't play a lot of games on phone. I lose interest quickly. Just pokemon go really.
  • I know me too. It was nice but they did it during the week, so I didn't get to take advantage at all.
  • I'm glad you have made it through something that is so difficult and are still here with us. I think you should take it slow and don't push yourself too hard. Give your body time to get back into the swing of working out, it has been through a lot! Even if you can't work out a lot just make sure you're counting your…
  • I think it can be good for a lot of people who do much better if they see every step they take all day. It challenges them to walk more and even walking a little bit more than the day before can help. I am for anything that gets people moving. I don't care if they do conventional work outs. If they move, if they play just…
  • They did a new update that you get daily bonus for first pokestop and first pokemon caught. So to celebrate it for this week till the 11th they are having more pokemon spawn and more items from pokestops.
  • @xDesertxRatx That would make me so sad. I couldn't imagine a world without gaming with my husband. :( I tried once to date a normal guy... it was so boring once we got past the going out and doing stuff all the time stage. When I went over to hang out at his place we would just watch TV and I was like so bored I couldn't…
  • I don't ever buy guides anymore since you can find everything online usually. That is great!!! I can't wait either. I will have to add you guys so we can battle and trade!
  • Right now we have a bedroom with two computer side by side. We also both have a 3DS. Then in living room we have two identical entertainment centers with the same 32" TV and an xbox one on each. Then he has a 360 and a PS2 with his. I have a NES, Wii and N64 with mine. And my 360 is in the bedroom with the bigger TV for…
  • It is pretty easy for me. I stare at a computer all day at work now. It is hard for me to play games for a long time on top of that without getting a headache. But also, I'm old now so I'm like ready for bed at 8pm.
  • Since Dead Rising 3 is only 10 dollars now, my hubby got it for us, so we will be playing that finally this weekend. Perfect way to celebrate Halloween.
  • I try to find something that would aggravate them anymore. I have enough problems that I don't need to be creating more. So when my hiatal hernia got to be too much, I stopped doing work outs that had bending and too much jumping and went to walking. But I got where if I walked more than like 30 minutes at a time it was…
  • Playing Gears of War 4. It is actually the first Gears game I have played. I like playing Horde and the Campaign. Don't like the multiplayer much though. For that I still prefer Halo.
  • I have always liked the Nintendo consoles because they still promote playing together. I love being able to play games with people online, anywhere, anytime but I also really like just having friends over and playing games just for fun. Everything seems so serious and competitive these days. I like how portable this will…
  • I'm with you on having to eat more. I just got my dress fitted for my wedding next month. So I don't want to lose anymore weight till after. Why couldn't Pokemon Go come out sooner?
  • You're welcome. I have to stand up for my people!
  • Why on Earth would you even date a nerd then if you can't handle him playing Pokemon Go? Basically, you have two options be an amazing gf/wife and play with him or go out and find you some less nerdy guy to date.
  • That is so cute about the elderly couple!!! I went to Walmart for my lunch break. Caught two psyducks, a 625 exeggutor, and a weeping bell that was pretty high too. I also hatched 3 eggs one of which had a machop!
  • I really don't care too much. I just want something that lets me listen to loud metal nicely and has comfortable seats and not a lot of blind spots and I'm happy. If it is blue that is a plus. Maybe a blue jeep would be nice.
  • Not finding it. I found someone else's.
  • I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have made new friends and spent more time out and about hanging with people than we have in 2 years! It is so exciting!
  • My fiance and I are playing together too. We went and spent time with my friend. It was the first time my fiance and her husband meet and first time I met her husband and she met my fiance. But you would think we always hung out! It was awesome. We would sit and talk while they were trying to conquer gyms but it kept…
  • Bartlesville, OK and I choose Mystic!!!
  • That is awesome. I just read somewhere on FB about that.
  • I don't weigh. I try to ignore the whole time. I kind of cheat a lot but don't go over maintenance. But it is also a pain in the butt.