Can_Do_Gal Member


  • Turkey mole is a fave here. You can buy bottled sauce if you don't know how to make a quick mole sauce. I don't know the nutrition info on the bottled sauce, but it's got to be around the same as BBQ. Eat it with just the sauce or also with corn tortillas, maybe some cheese, and shredded cabbage is good. Mole sauce has…
  • Regular potatoes also have a ton. Beets, winter squash (butternut, acorn, etc.) & mushrooms have a fair amount. Most fruits/veggies and legumes have some, and it adds up. Also, not to make it worse, but the American Heart Association recommends 4,700 mg, which is higher than what MFP suggests.
  • I'm with you on the labelling. It makes sense for consumers to be able to know what is in products they buy. But without substantial research that an ingredient causes problems for a large fraction of people, we can't ban things that bother anyone at all. There would be little left. I have an anaphylactic allergy to…
  • OP, if you're thinking of cutting sugar to reduce your blood sugar, you may want to look into the effect of Splenda, aspartame, etc on blood sugar. It's my understanding that they have no calories, but still raise blood sugar as much as sugar. Stevia, otoh, has no calories and no effect on blood sugar. I use stevia…
  • Like several other posters, my mom's approach to my eating when I was a teen led to years of disordered eating and self esteem issues. I think helping your daughter figure out her own ways of feeling satisfied while still being healthy is important. I noticed that you said she is having small to normal portions at meals…
  • This was a fantastic post! Thanks for writing it. I learned a lot. I've been using Libra for a few weeks, but it only made a little sense to me. Now I truly understand how to use it. Thanks so much!
  • I'd love to do an open water swim someday. I'm just getting back to swimming, though - doubt I'll be ready next year. (How do you know if you're ready?) I read one article about what it's like to do an open water swim, but it would be good to hear from a real person. What's it like? Is it hard to stay "on course?" My lake…
  • 1650 yards again today. Yay! Still amazingly slow. But not worried - that'll get solved eventually.
  • I just got Finis ear plugs after trying a lot of different ones. They seem to do the job better & are more comfortable. I get swimmer's ear this time of year most years if I'm swimming - pool or lake, it doesn't matter. The PA I saw at urgent care this year told me to stop using Q - tips (guilty as charged), because that…
  • Has anyone tried those wraps that are supposed to keep you cool? I saw one at Lowe's, of all places. Enduracool brand. Do those things work? They're not exactly stylish, but better than dripping with sweat.
  • Argh! I got turned away by the lifeguard. My lake got closed by the state for a few days due to an overgrowth of blue green algae. (I did wonder yesterday. And yes, chlorine would come in handy here.) Maybe it's time to join the gym a couple weeks early. It's going to be too cold to swim outside soon here in Northern New…
  • Me, too. But only since my thyroid cancer. I bought some small super absorbent camping towels and keep them in my purse for times when I'm red faced & sweating in public. Yuck.
  • I swam 1650 yards today! Last time I did this was about 8 years ago. I'm so happy. It's only been 13 days since I've been back in the water. With how sick I've been for 3 years, I thought it would be months before I'd manage this. Sure, it took me 90 minutes, but oh well. I'll get faster in time. I feel like I just kicked…
  • I managed to add another 100 yards for 1,200 yards total. I also went from doing 50 free/50 breast sets to 75 free/25 breast. I hadn't wanted to go, but it felt so good to be in the water! Still took me about an hour, but I'm pleased to continue to make progress.
  • Swam 1,100 yards again today. I went earlier, so at a different time in relation to my thyroid meds. It was unpleasant - felt like my muscles were asleep the whole time. But I was determined, and kept going. Slowly, but still kept going. Earlier means more kids. I didn't get hit in the head, but twice I almost collided…
  • I haven't been posting my swims because I've been going in the evening. I come home, eat dinner, zone out, and collapse into bed. But I've been building up. Today I did 1,100 yards, still in the lake. Sets of 50 free/50 breast because I still need some sort of break. It took me almost an hour, but I'm still thrilled. I…
  • We have a well & a septic system. It brings this home - water doesn't magically come from rainbows all new. I knew a kid once who was really into the fact that dinosaurs peed & he was drinking dino pee... Laura Rae, in winter here after a swim I put on a wool hat & wrap a scarf around me so my hair doesn't freeze. But I…
  • about motivation to make sure to drink water! Gosh it would be nice not to be a sweaty beet. Thanks for the tip, I'll try it. (Crossed fingers.) I do feel lucky to have this endo. Too bad they all aren't like him.
  • CSARdiver, I agree. Btw, what you said is pretty much what my endo said. He's my 4th in these 3 years, and since I found him, that Alice in Wonderland feeling is going away, since he doesn't deny my reality. My natural habit is to drink more water than most. I'm concentrating on upping my intake now (128 oz yesterday) ,…
  • It's amazing how thyroid problems affect your whole body, isn't it? I'm 46 and I kept telling my husband I felt like I was 80 or 90. I'm not sure what I'm down to now - the new normal is still frustrating - but it's not 80, so that's good. I wholeheartedly agree. I may be a tortoise, but at least I'm moving along. I'm able…
  • Oh, I hear you! I thought we established this - I'm a witch! :wink: Nah, I swim in pools all the time. Chlorine is awesome or there wouldn't be pools, and pools are awesome. However, sometimes the chlorine level at my pool triggers my reactive asthma. Plus when I was swimming lots, I often looked like I was molting, no…
  • Since thyroid treatment, my whole head gets hot & sweaty with the least exercise - like grocery shopping. It's disgusting. I'm a bit more hot overall, but it's insane on my head. I've met some other thyroid patients with the same issue. My cancer markers have been so good, my TSH is unmeaurable, and I've had insomnia since…
  • Slieber, that makes a lot more sense. I thought I'd heard that 100 mcg was the absolute highest allowed dose, at least in the US. I was honestly wondering why you hadn't had a heart attack. I'm scratching my head wondering what could be done about your situation, too. So frustrating that it's hard to make it through a…
  • If I remember my Monty Python, floating is another sign of being a witch. I guess I'm doubly doomed. Thanks for the welcome. This seems like a great group.
  • That's a pretty normal wait to get in to see an endo. And like others above said, it may be that the endo doesn't help that much, since many are strict TSH/T4 folks and many are focused on diabetes. If I were in your shoes, I'd go to mymedlabs or somesuch and get Free T3 and RT3 labs done. Your TSH & symptoms would tend to…
  • Egads! No Thyrogen? I would keel over if I had to prep for a whole body scan the old fashioned way. Even just with Thyrogen, I feel really wonky for about 3-4 days after the 2nd dose, not well enough to go to work. I'll also look forward to you publishing your results. Very interesting to measure!
  • [/quote] These have been where my levels have been since I was diagnosed in 2011. High TSH, normal T4 and high T3, each and every time I have my panels done. My doc is the one that told me to not take it when I am hyper, (constantly sweating when everyone around me is cold, crying and anxious for no reason, racing heart at…
  • I hear you - I'm 3 years post thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer. It's taken until now to get my meds right enough that I feel decent. I miss my thyroid, too! I've had constant med shifts this entire doggone time because it's been that hard to find my initial correct doseage. I have a lot to lose, and I figure there are…
  • Sorry for being rude & not replying. You guys gave me such great advice, but my teenagers have been hogging the computer & it wasn't possible to reply on my phone. I should probably pick up "Recovering with T3" - I feel like I've read everything else. I'm confused about what slow release T3 he talks about, though. The only…
  • I've recently started using coconut oil on my dry skin. It doesn't smell like coconuts, at least the jar I got. It does need to sink in, and is kinda greasy for 15-30 minutes, though. It's doing wonders.