mtowne002 Member


  • Hi Ladies, had to call out of work for the weekend. Can't seem to stop coughing. Causing a bit of up chucking and leaks...neither is making me happy. Ugg. I comismerate w those whose sons are moving back. I love my son ALOT. But he has a drinking and drugging problem and has given me the heads up he needs to move home in…
  • Mary yup! That she is!
  • Hi Ladies Feeling better but not good yet. Alas it's off to work I go tomorrow. On the other hand...yay! I have a job I really like which burns plenty of calories for me each shift! Hooray! (Sucking it up and putting my big girl panties on). Have read up..awesome to hear from everyone especially the newbies. Keep coming…
  • Terrible headache choking on mucous wracking fever w awful chills. Caught it from a girl at work last night whose first night back after having this. Too exhausted to prepare food. Bummed bc as it stands right now the Avalanche is going to see me today. Sent daughter out for an array of cold medicines. Hoping for a miracle…
  • Hi Ladies, Cute puppy pics! Good day today. Started on the Avalanche for thirty minutes. All I did was unbury 70 folded paper bags w handles from whole foods and gather them up neatly in three bundles, move all the folded shipping boxes together clear a space for the bags by folding and piling up about thirty tablecloths…
  • Hello Everybody! WELCOME ALL NEW TO THE GROUP!!!!!! YAY! I haven't read any of today's posts as I have had company for the day. It's been raining all day but my SIL who is my best friend and I went on a mile and a half walk anyway and we didn't melt! I told her about Barbies, Penny's or Pips saying..sorry CRStuff ...that…
  • Hi Ladies Decided I had to jump ahead six pages to check in while I continue to try and catch up on reading. Wow! A lot of posts. A little overwhelmed right now and CRS can't seem to locate Dec goals. I know that my main goal was to lose four? Pounds in December and I lost eight! Which brings my total since August 6 to a…
  • Oh my goodness! Mary Sheps bones are as soft as an infants. You seem like an exceptional puppy mum but I put my vote in for less is best in this case! Our dog trainer wouldn't take Whinny until she was 12 weeks old either. She used a clicker which also having owned horses is similar to the clucking sound that encourages a…
  • Sorry you're having a hard time Glow. Going to try and post some pics of my kids
  • Awwww! Congratulations MaMa!
  • Merry Christmas Friends! Today has been a very good day. A bit discombobulated but everyone has been good humored and that makes it all ok. Came home from an amazing and hard day at Workyesterday to find my daughter had cleaned the visiting section of the house quite a bit. Sorry ladies no pics as it is no where near ready…
  • Hi Ladies I keep waiting to feel better mentally to post, but I think I have to acknowledge that I am blue. Christmas season is hard for me. My mum died two years ago on the 13th, my dads bday is the 23rd and their anniversary is the 26th. The house is full of memories. Very good ones...and I can off and on focus on that…
  • Just popping in I'm at work on break....Pip did I miss the outcome of Winkles surgery? I'm all about the dogs! Mindy
  • Sleepy Christmas Pig
  • Oops My weight loss is also going really well..I'm down five pounds already this month. I got my little tree up It's been unseasonably warm so I haven't had to buy more heating oil this month. My gums have improved to almost all ones and twos w a smattering of threes And truthfully ALL YOU LADIES IN THIS GROUP! I can't…
  • Night Owl Report My mind is still to active to sleep....a lot on my mind good and not so good.... Worries My refi didn't go through. Not sure how I'm going to meet my bills AND afford the trip to Key West. Honestly I don't even have any money for Christmas at all. Seriously considering a large bag of each kids favorite…
  • An apple rose made for me by my SIL from an apple from their farm in Maine. It tasted as good as it looked
  • JanetR it is most DEFINITLEY shingles! Go to the ER if you can't see your primary tonight! I had one of the worst cases the drs had ever seen and I was only forty. They can be brought on by extreme stress. I was incapacitated for weeks. Oh please take care it sounds like your developing a more than mild case. Heather I…
  • Sorry there has to be an easier way?
  • Okay finally. This is my best friend Becky and SIL. I am wearing glasses. We are at Worlds End Hingham Ma
  • Ugg I totally can't get it..anybody? Downloaded Dropbox onto iPad. Had previously created a Dropbox account on desktop. It uploaded all my pics on iPad. Then I went on my phone which is what I used to take today's pics and put five into Dropbox. Then I got back on iPad opened Dropbox and moved today's pics to photos. Now…
  • Hmm. Couldn't figure it out on my new phone. Put them in drop box (ty Heather). Will try from my iPad later
  • Hi Gals Not a big post at the moment. Just wanted to pop in and post a few pics from my really good day at Worlds End Park in Hingham Ma. I have the glasses on and yes sorry I WAS braless in my heavy hoodie. Thought it wouldn't b obvious and was feeling rebellious. Sorry. TMI. Anyway the other woman is my best friend and…
  • Hey Gals, Oops Mary forgot about your daughters surgery Yesterday? Anyway I am very glad it went well. Terri a belated happy birthday. Heather..flamingos? Really? Hmm I was always very bad at France about the same "height (is that latitude?)" as Florida? Your trip sounds amazing and w your latest excursion…
  • Hi Ladies, Happy day today mostly...started off w breaking into the 220's. 229.5 to be exact. I'll take it! That's an official 25 pounds since Aug 6. I would Love LOVE to be under 220 for my departure Feb 8 for Florida for 12 days. That's almost nine weeks away. That's my new goal. I am going down to see my son in Fort…
  • YYAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! I caught up! Wow! A lot going on! Forgive my CRS but let's see what I can remember. Becca. LOVE Brick House! Glad you connected w ur MS. Thank you for sharing daily verses. They are so beautiful. PiP. I thought it was your ten yr old girl doggie w the boo boo? Hope it goes well. Heather. Cool stories!…
  • O m goodness that is so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes! Thanks for the kind thoughts. Mindy