tracoleman99 Member


  • I love it!!!! I like the 5 lb. zone because I was becoming completely obsessed with the scale and stopped weighing myself, except once a week because the daily fluctuations made me nuts. I think I can do that...."YES!" That's a great idea!!!
  • Try the veggie soup with some ground chicken. Or try oatmeal with protein powder mixed in (after cooking the oatmeal). I made protein pancakes yesterday and they were amazing!!! 0.25 cup(s), Old Fashioned Rolled Oats - Dry (I put the oats into my blender and made flour of of them) 0.25 cup(s), Cottage cheese - Lowfat, 1%…
  • If you can't eat protein supplements and are intolerant to dairy, you'll need to find new and inventive ways to eat poultry and fish. Pork and beef are higher in fat. I wouldn't eat a lot of bacon (even turkey bacon) because of the high sodium content and the additives they put into it to make it taste good. I eat chicken…
  • Yes!!! Exactly. I'm on my way to the gym now to do "push" exercises, focusing on upper body, chest and arms. Yesterday I did "pull" exercises, focusing on shoulders, back and different areas of the arms. Friday I did legs.
  • The weather has been horrible with a pretty early sunset, so I haven't been riding in two weeks. :neutral:
  • On top of losing weight, my fitness goals have been as follows: #1 - to do Rugged Maniac (a 5K mud run obstacle course) #2 - to be able to do push-ups (three sets of 10) #3 - to do pull-ups (I can now do several sets, maxing at 5) #4 - to do a 100 mile bike ride from Springfield, MA to Boston, MA All of these have been…
  • I totally agree with robertw486: Getting started is probably the hardest part. Set some goals, with benchmarks to get you there. If 290 was your lowest weight, set that as your overall goal with 25 lb. increments along the way. Celebrate every 10 lbs as a milestone to getting to your goal. The next hardest part is figuring…
  • The transition to maintaining weight is a big shift. Once you get used to it, you do fine. I eat snacks between every meal which gives me a lot more calories. [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • Weight training is super important to keeping the weight off. It will help you have a better physique and make you feel better about how you look and feel. It's not the number on the scale that counts. I weigh 148 and am skinnier than I have ever been in my life, even though I weighed 140 when I got married. My body fat…
  • MFP has a default setting that doesn't allow you enough calories. I adjusted them to better suit my needs. (You can do that under 'goals.') has a great article here, which talks about that: While we aren't trying to LOSE weight anymore, I do think…
  • That's awesome!!! I find maintaining to be a difficult challenge, in that it's easier to work on losing weight or working towards a fitness goal. It's easier to keep your motivation. When you are maintaining, you have to keep your motivation high AND eat more AND not gain weight. I watch the scale pretty regularly to keep…
  • Depends on how hungry I am. Last night I had a Skinny Cow (150 calorie ice cream sandwich). Typically I stop eating at 7 p.m. But if I'm hungry, I listen to my body.
  • You have to log everything you eat. I measure everything too. I don't estimate at all. I recently got a decent food scale from e-Bay for $10. That said, MyFitnessPal doesn't allow you enough calories for your metabolic rate. I eat 700 calories more than what MyFitnessPal's default recommendations say I should eat. My goal…
  • I guess I'm a little late to this thread. I just completed my first Century ride on Saturday, which was a fitness goal of mine for this year. I trained hard for the century, averaging 60 - 100 miles per week. (Most weeks it was 100 miles.) I don't like to ride after dark as I think it's very dangerous. We have had some…
  • I am in love with my gym. If you know what you're doing, there is a much wider variety of things to do. For cardio, I ride my bike (outside), so at the gym, I am committed to lifting weights and sometimes I do yoga classes. I do push exercises one day, pull another day, legs a third day and abs a fourth day. I try to go to…
  • Wow!!! What a great question. I have lost 82 lbs. since I started trying to lose weight. Most of the weight I've lost this year. I ride between 60-100 miles per week, although with the weather colder and the sun setting earlier, that will be more of a challenge. I just did my first Century ride last weekend, which was a…
  • I hate Weight Watchers. Doesn't teach you how to eat right. I've lost 80 lbs over the last year+ and I've done it by watching my calories and macros (carbs, fat, protein). Exercise has helped improve the joint pain I suffered with. I was in pain 24 hours day / 7 days week. Stretching and modified exercises made the…
  • At my heaviest, I weighed 232 lbs. I've lost over 80 lbs. to date. Tracking my food and watching my macros has been key to the weight loss. I also lift weights and ride my bike for cardio. This has helped to not just burn calories, but building muscle has helped to improve everything overall. The hard part is dealing with…
  • Nutrition is key to weight loss and having a lean abs. There are a lot of great core strengthening exercise you can do to expedite the abs, but without the nutrition, you'll be at a loss. Check for the ideal calorie breakdown for your weight and age. Then keep track of it here. If you use MyFitness Pal's…
  • I've fallen off the wagon many times. The key is to not look at it like falling off the wagon is the end of the road. It's just time to get back with the program. Fitness, exercise and nutrition are a way of life. If you fall, you get back to it. So...I'm all about counting calories and watching macros (carbs, protein,…