scottver2 Member


  • comparison
  • I think that (and this may offend people) 80% or more of professional sports players use performance enhancing drugs. As far as Hollywood goes, I have no idea. I do know that no matter what your genetic potential is, anyone above the age of 35 who packs on 20+ lbs of muscle and reduces bodyfat, from an already amazing…
  • What are your goals? To achieve muscular hypertrophy, muscles need to be trained twice a week (or more). The idea of working a muscle out only once a week to failure is great if you are on performance enhancing substances, but most natural people do not respond well to this theory. Focusing on compound movements (any chest…
  • I know quite a bit about these products. But, before stepping into the supplement world, you should make sure your diet and routine are correct. Preworkouts aren't miracle powders, they merely assist your foundation (DIET, exercise, in that order). That being said, please don't go to will leave feeling like you…
  • I agree that a majority of people have not reached genetic potential, or come close. And, I agree that that most people don't spend ridiculous amounts of time researching diets, routines, training styles, somatotypes, etc...I was just saying that what I've seen posted in some of these forums has led me to believe that…
  • I agree with those above that it is not bloat, but fat. If, however, you feel bloated, it could be because of dehydration or excessive fiber intake coupled with dehydration. Additionally, as also mentioned above, focus on core exercises. Not 1000 crunches or something though. Just basic abdominal and lower back exercises.
  • The reason progressive overload is applied is to force muscle adaptation, as mentioned above. You can lift the same weight, same rep range forever, but what would be the purpose of lifting? As in any strength/resistance training regime, what your desired goal is directly affects how you approach that goal. And, to correct…
  • Cheat meal every Friday with my gym buddy. Our macros and routine is usually spot on during the week, so we splurge on Friday night. Recently it's been Blaze pizza, because an entire pizza is only 780 calories! And, I continue to lose weight...
  • Seeing my ribs in the mirror. Oh, and those weird lumps on my stomach...I think they're called abs :smiley:
  • As mentioned above, focus on compound movements and your arms will have no problems growing. Rows are a great arm exercise, as are dips and any chest press.
  • That's right! Do it for yourself! It is perfectly achievable.
  • Been logging for almost 2 weeks. I've lost a ton of weight over the past couple years, but didn't start using an app until recently. In fact, I love exercising and nutrition so much now I'm going back to school to get a degree in it! It really can change your life :smile:
  • I've gotten the best results from alternating steady state and HIIT. Usually 30 min steady state on the stairclimber or bike, then the following day 15 - 20 minutes HIIT on bike or stairclimber. I also am very focused on my lifting and have a knee injury, so I choose those two forms of cardio instead of running. However,…
  • Up at 4, at the gym by 5...every morning. I really hated this regimen at first, since it's only out of necessity due to my schedule, but after a year my body has adapted and I can't sleep past 5:30am anyway...even if I tried. Plus, I've noticed more energy throughout the day when I start my day early.
  • I might be missing something, but the advice given at Runnersworld would pertain to running, a cardiorespitory (aerobic) exercise, whereas a majority of the information at would pertain to strength training (anaerobic). I would imagine, since the goals of each are completely opposite, the information would differ…
  • Compound movements 2x a week, as mentioned above. I prefer the Layne Norton PHAT principal to lifting over any other routine I've tried. I'm 5'11" 200lbs, with 18.5" arms. I do very few isolation exercises for arms, but focus primarily on compound movements (Dips, Chest press, pullups, rows). I used to focus heavily on…
  • As mentioned, it could be Yohimbe or A2 (another form of yohimbe). People are either hit or miss with yohimbe, and yohimbe is a mild MAOi, which among things means it should not be used with products containing tyramine. However, some preworkouts contain both yohimbe and tyramine, which increases the risk of adverse…
  • If you don't mind me asking, what preworkout are you using? They all contain a myriad of ingredients, so narrowing down the specific cause of your symptoms may be difficult. Usually the main ingredients are caffeine, creatine, beta alanine, L-Citrulline or L-Arginine, and some kind of focus enhancing blend. The quickest…
  • Welcome! I too just began counting calories here because of convenience. Congratulations on the progress as well! Anything is achievable with a little discipline and effort. I have gained and lost over 100lbs 3 times in my life...I have currently kept it off for over 5 years now. I know that weight loss can seem daunting…
  • Are you reaching a "familiar" weight that your body doesn't want to get past? It sounds like you are hitting a set point, a point when your body will fight weight loss. Have you tried increasing the amount of water you drink? You can also try eating slow digesting protein when you get these cravings, which should satiate…