FarewellBlues Member


  • Thanks all for the suggestions!
  • I think what you've got is enough to get a decent start on weight loss, but it depends. Do you like exercise? Do you want to increase your cardiovascular fitness, strength, both? If you just want to focus on weight loss but don't really enjoy exercise, stick with what you've got, and maybe add in some walks throughout the…
  • I'm usually a leggings fan, but I've noticed that sweatpants with the fitted cuff at the ankle have a surge in popularity right now. I'm don't care about the brand, so I picked some up at Walmart recently ($5) and it's one of the best $5 I've ever spent. If I'm cold I can wear them as pants, if I'm not I can push the cuff…
  • Well I own a tape measure, and also eyes. I see and measure more muscle. Or a higher volume of muscle. As I've tried to establish, I don't really care what the "bulk" effect is from - inflammation, more muscle, whatever. I know it's not fat; I have calipers and have been shown how to properly use them. It makes me slower…
  • Thanks all, these are good suggestions. We definitely focus on plyometric exercises for conditioning during TKD training, but perhaps I should add more to my outside routine. Ya know, "jump more if you want to be a better jumper" and all that. I'm also not sure about the carryover of powerlifting to TKD, but I'm sure it's…
  • @jennjune2014 I'm under no misconceptions. I've been lifting regularly for over a year. Athletic with some curve is not my goal, performance in Taekwondo is. @TresaAswegan Thanks! I haven't heard of the Texas Method but I'll look into it - hopefully it can help me change things up. I first came to weight lifting on…
  • @TavistockToad I didn't say it was by accident. I'm not a novice to weight lifting, and I've cycled through periods of maintenance or higher calories versus lower calorie periods where I'm trying to lose fat. There are many people who have a hard time putting on muscle despite a calorie surplus and lifting program, there…
  • Well 6.5 cals for the 3.5 g serving works out to 1.9 cals/g, assuming it's well-mixed. But unless you're about to cook with a whole lot of it, does it matter? There's probably at least a 100 cal margin of error every day you log. Also there's really some debate as to how the various sugar alcohols get digested, and if they…
  • How do you make almond milk? (....wait googled - that's actually really easy and I have to start doing it). Do you make it straight or put vanilla or other stuff in?
  • There are many professions, so the probability he became an accountant is low. The probability then that he is both an accountant AND plays baseball on weekends is even lower. (Basically what Jruzer said). That, of course, assumes independence. Because baseball has this whole underlying world of stats that people are…
  • I'm doing keto currently (I have about 10 lbs of fat left I'd like to lose and body recomp is so much easier for me on keto), and while I'm not actually vegetarian, I do eat vegetarian about 90% of the time. Vegetarian keto is easy: the diet is high FAT, so just throw more oil (olive, coconut, etc) on all the vegetables. I…
  • Yes! What TavistockToad said. Even though I've been fairly fit most of my life (owing to cycling, Taekwondo, swimming), I was terrible at running and I hated it. But I really wanted to improve both my endurance base for Taekwondo and more of the explosive power through sprinting. So I just started by walking (sometimes a…
  • I always love reading your comments. Such wisdom, such great analogies. OP, I find myself to be the obsessive type as well. Not just with food -- with everything. I get totally focused on whatever it is I'm wanting to do for a few weeks or months at a time, and then I get burned out on it. After many years, I've realized a…
  • Love this post. I'm a physicist, you're an engineer -- I think we think the same way. I went through the same calculations before starting and tweak things as necessary based on my actual weight loss (I didn't know about trendweight before, been doing the same thing with a spreadsheet, but trendweight sounds easier). When…
  • Totally normal. I go up 5 lbs when I'm on my period, and I'm 140 lbs normally and the same height as you, so that's a huge fluctuation. It's all water retention, comes right off. Also, if you've just started working out or upped the intensity of your workouts, that can cause some water retention as your muscles repair.…
  • You know 20 lbs is probably a little too aggressive -- but hey, what's the harm in trying? You might not hit it, but if you really focus on eating healthy and exercising, you'll lose a decent amount and you'll feel great. Just make sure you hit your nutrition requirements, get good sleep, and drink lots of water. If you…
  • Wow thanks everyone! Great suggestions in here. I'll try upping my intake slowly, eating denser foods (and the protein shake idea! I used to do that but had forgotten about it), and playing around with meal timing. Hopefully that fixes it and this doesn't last too long.
  • Hmm that's actually a good thought. I guess I've been focusing more on volume -- I tend to batch cook so I just eat more of whatever I make. Maybe I should try some denser foods.
  • Thanks! That's very helpful. Seems like it might be miscalculating just off the phone's motion sensor -- I have seen that where I've taken just a few hundred steps and it gives me extra calories. So I think I'll turn the feature off and just log when I actually do exercise like running.
  • @CharlieBeansmomTracey: I think she means she abruptly quit dairy at 17 when she became a vegan -- not that she "just" did it recently. :)
  • I was vegetarian for four years and vegan for about 6 months. It didn't agree with me and I was tired all the time and getting sick a lot, despite educating myself and doing everything "right." Now I eat small quantities of meat and fish, but primarily from pasture-raised sources and from local farmers when I can. I still…
  • Happy birthday!!
  • Hey! I'm going for my PhD in physics right now -- it's really hard to balance everything with erratic school schedules, teaching or work commitments, getting enough sleep and still having enough energy to make healthy stuff and exercise. Some things I've been doing, that have been working so far: -I park my car farther…
  • @izerop that's awesome! And wow what a change in a month.
  • I totally second the person who said weighing in more often helps. In addition to the reasons for this mentioned above, I think seeing the fluctuations can help give you a better understanding of what causes them (yeah those monthly fluctuations suck). I weigh in the morning and at night. I'm consistently 2-3 lbs heavier…
  • Don't hide! You might feel more self-conscious at first, but if you want to wear more form-fitting clothing, just wear it! It sounds to me like you've got a great body, and if you let that show and let the compliments roll in (because I guarantee just wearing stylish clothes that you like will get the compliments rolling…
  • Pardon my french, holy sh%t! I don't think I've ever seen a transformation like yours. Great job, you're a real inspiration!