Yivs_87 Member


  • I've been back for a little over a month and so far I'm progressing steadily towards my goal. Add me!
  • I actually prefer going to the gym alone. It's my ME time - I concentrate on my workout, on my performance, I clear my mind and follow my program while listening to some music or podcast or audiobook. So I definitely agree that it's mainly a mindset. And trust me my drive from work to my gym is about 30min (close to my…
    in Gym Comment by Yivs_87 April 2019
  • Or you can choose to not let MFP determine your allowance, but create your own calorie and macros goals based on TDEE (total daily energy expenditure or in other words just how much calories you need in order to maintain your current weight with your current activity). And then calculate a cut based on that TDEE (usually…
  • Different times at losing weight, different lessons: 1. Losing the weight by fad diets only, no exercise - scale was at the numbers I wanted, but I didn't like the way my body looked; 2. Not eating enough calories and not really understanding how MFP works, what TDEE is, what NEAT is, what Net calories are; 3. Giving up at…
  • Well, if you can't even coexist with food... I think this is a much more serious problem. And it might even be worth getting some sort of professional (therapist) opinion. Have you ever spent some honest solo time with yourself? Asking yourself some tough questions and answering honestly without any filter or any…
  • Just about the same - lost about 10lbs, aiming at another 40-50. :) Add me!
  • I have a lot of good reasons to lose weight, but of course there are some petty ones :D Top of my head: 1. To outdo a few "friends" (read this with huge air quotes). They've been losing and gaining weight (and are much bigger than I am), but they see it fit to lecture me (like no way to lose weight unless you do keto or…
  • I'm active-ish. 5'7, currently at 87.6kg, lost 7kg since January, but I've been serious only for the past month. Goal is to fall under 70kg. Add me. The more friends we have, the better.
  • I can relate. We have an open floor kind of office and everyone in the office is a foodie. There is hardly a day that there isn't something delicious brought to the office. What I do is I either make some calorie space in my daily allowance for one or two pieces of deliciousness (and I chase after my colleagues for the…
  • Was this an exercise? What kind of exercise? I'd really love to know what burns almost 1.8k calories for under an hour and a half :D It would make a lot more sense if those calories were actually your daily burn. And if it has simply tracked that you've walked for 79 minutes total that day and this is standard for you I…
  • Lose the first 10kgs. I'm currently about 3kgs away from that. Be able to run more rather than walk during my "runs", now it's at 70% walking, 30% running. Be able to do real pushups! I've never ever been able to do a proper pushup.
  • Thanks! It means a lot <3 Another NSV today - went out and ran for 4km (walked/ran) for the first time since I was a kid. It felt good.
  • Had a pretty bad night last night (family making me feel extremely bad). Instead of turning to food and eating until there is nothing left to eat like I usually do, I stayed away from it. This morning I'm still quite upset, but despite that, I'm sticking to my plan and I am not allowing emotions to guide me to the fridge.…
  • I'm loving https://www.fitnessblender.com/ For the past few years whenever I was doing a home workout I'd choose them over anyone else. Great workouts and they are free. Their paid plans are simply plans - they've ordered their free workouts in a proper good way to make sure you exercise your full body regularly without…
  • Congrats on the success so far! And I'd also recommend using a scale. I'd even recommend making your own food database. It's not often but I've seen some records that are different from the ones on the packages when I scan some foods. It might be due to regional differences in the food quality, but... I do prefer knowing…
  • Same! Add me!
  • Went on a business trip to Oslo and managed to keep calories under daily allowance and even worked out in my hotel room. And I wasn't tempted by any of the yummy junkie food at the airports!
  • First time I've managed to keep accurate track of my calories during a business trip and stay under my goal. I even worked out at the hotel.
  • Xiaomi and Huawei have started producing great products at a much better price than the "leaders". The Mi Band 3 is about 25-30dollars. And if I'm not wrong they will be soon releasing the Band 4.
  • I've switched to Xiaomi Mi Band 3. Cheap and most accurate compared to my Garmin and Fitbit. Though for HR while working out I use Polar H7.
  • I use two methods - standing in front of the mirror, and the other involves a couple of spots and scars I have over my body :D First of all, I always, always wear the same bra and the same bikini when I measure myself, and I always try to have the same posture. So the mirror one - obviously, I stand in front of a full body…
  • I use an HR monitor (Polar H7 + it's app) and you're able to select what kind of workout you are doing, including weights/circuit training. Though I use the TDEE method rather than the standard MFP, so I use the calories that the HR+app give me as an estimation about the effort I've put in. This blog post was very helpful…
  • I've had Fitbit and Garmins, and so far the most accurate tracker that I've had is my current one - Xiaomi Mi Band 3, the previous version Band 2 was very good as well, but they've definitely improved it in version 3 (and btw Band 4 should be coming out soon if I'm not wrong). I had a couple of Garmins, but I wasn't very…
  • I guess you're right. And guess a lot of things in our everyday lives have been designed to make everything easier than it used to be, so we are getting more and more used to having easy solutions to hard problems.
  • There is some sort of stigma around it, at least it does here. Back in the mid 90s when there was a big boom of anorexia among teens (Eastern Europe), a lot of "professionals" kept explaining how those teens get obsessed with counting calories, so they end up ill, but the fun fact is that they never really explained how…
  • Hi all! I'm 31 (soon to be 32), female, 5'7", currently at 92 kgs, aiming at 67 I'm a first timer UACer, but I've been on MFP for years.Unfortunately, I'm a serial re-starter. I usually get very motivated for a few weeks, track everything and workout seriously, then something comes up and I fall off the wagon, gaining back…
  • I'd love to join the penpal circle :)
  • I'd like to lose about 50. Just restarted, but I'd love to have more friends on here that would keep me accountable. Adding you! :)
  • I do IF on and off, sometimes I'd go for months on a 16/8, other times I go for months with 3 meals a day, sometimes I go for 5 (rarely actually). It's all about the amount of food you end up with at a single sitting. That's it. The amount of calories is the same, it just depends on how you distribute them over the day and…