RollTideTri Member


  • If you can't jog without gasping for air, jog slower. If that doesn't work, walk. Seriously. If you keep jogging at a pace that makes you gasp for air your improvement will be very slow and you have a good chance of injuring yourself. Maybe do the first 2 or 3 weeks of C25K by walking quickly on the run parts and walking…
  • Exactly. I enjoy my job and the people I work with, most days. I'm lucky enough to be good at something I don't hate and that pays fairly well. BUT, I don't look to my job for happiness and fulfillment. I trade my knowledge and skill for money, that's it. My "life" occurs in the hours I'm not sitting in my office. Spending…
  • Exactly. Michael Phelps eats 8-10K calories a day. Saw a story on it a while back. The dude literally shoves in Big Macs with both hands in between workouts, but how many people work out like him? To burn even 2000 calories in a 24 hour period is far beyond the capacity of almost everyone. Even 1000 per day has to be…
  • This for me too. So filling for some reason. And bonus: delicious! B) Also bananas. So much more filling to me than other fruit.
  • That's what I've always heard too but that study wasn't measuring hunger, they were physically measuring the volume inside the organ and found it to change in actual size. One study isn't definitive but it's interesting. Of course "smaller" could mean less flexible and elastic, so not able to distend as much, who knows.…
  • right around the middle which is where I carry most of my weight. Followed closely by my face and neck, and strangely, my fingers which I didn't think had any fat on them but apparently they did :o
  • I don't know any reason swimming would make you retain water. Probably just a fluctuation
  • Check and see if there's a tri club in your area. You'd probably find someone willing to take a look at your swim and give you some pointers
  • Rock on brother! I'm 46 and training for my 2nd sprint tri. 1st one was 3 years ago and I did minimal training for it. Got the itch again and I'm trying to do more/better training and crush my previous time. We'll see. Bought a proper road bike a couple weeks ago, makes the biking much nicer. I was using an old rusty wal…
  • running is hard on your joints, especially as a beginner. I would advise finishing the C25K running 3 days a week, doing other low impact exercises the other days if you want. Then try adding a fourth day. If that seems ok for a couple of weeks, add another day and so on. Conservative is the way to go, running can produce…
  • I would love to hear why the change of seasons is the optimal time for a cleanse. Are my toxins noticeably looser during that time and more easily cleansed?
  • You're not an experienced swimmer but you want to be a lifeguard? Seems an odd choice but as far as the swimming...300 yards if you're not experienced in the water could be challenging. Lots of people who are in shape from running and cycling jump in a pool to swim some laps and struggle. Not trying to discourage you but…
  • IMO in running it's best to go by pace as your target and not heart rate. It's easier and less variable. But how do you know what pace to run? There are calculators online to tell you, based on data compiled from thousands of runners. My favorite one is at To use it you'd need to run a race…
  • If you can run a mile without stopping, I would start with whatever day/week would have you going about a mile total, then build up from there. You can combine your run/lift days if you want. I would run first, especially if you're working your legs that day. Also not recommended to run 2 days in a row until you've been…
  • True. Just remember kids, tight spandex is a privilege, not a right! ;)
  • If yo're getting knee pain I wouldn't push forward if I were you. DEFINITELY don't ignore knee pain. If it seems easy but you are getting joint pain, the probably your heart and lung fitness is ahead of your joint and muscle fitness. It takes some time for your joints to adapt to running. I suggest starting at the…
  • Burns calories, non weight-bearing so easy on the joints, great cardio workout. Plus it's FUN. Very social sport with lots of group rides and cycling clubs.
  • Not really videos but has a bunch of really good exercise routines at all levels and for whatever goals you have. Highly recommended
  • Either your logging and estimated calorie burn aren't as perfect as you think or you have some rare medical condition. Also are you saying you would eat 1500 and burn 1500 in exercise each day? For a net calories of 0?
  • No. Men and women can both lose weight just fine with or without exercise. It is easier for men to build muscle but muscle doesn't burn fat the way you think it does.
  • Just be consistent and honest in your logging. That's the key. If you maintain your deficit you WILL lose weight, it's a proven scientific fact. I'm down 26 lbs in 3.5 months, losing right at the rate mfp predicts. And I'm far from a perfect logger. I just try to log every meal and get as close as I can. You got this!
  • If you're very out of breath you're doing the jogs too fast. Most people don't start out slow enough. Basically go as slow as you possibly can without it being a walk. Right now you're just training your legs and heart to run, speed isn't a concern. That will come later automatically as you build endurance. Try doing week…
  • Bull. You do almost the same amount of work on a treadmill as running on a road, with less impact on your joints. The belt seems to be "pulling" your foot back for you but it's really not the case. You're pushing against the belt. If you don't believe me try running on a treadmill without pushing back against the belt.…
  • Exactly the same for me. "They" always said it's not good to eat at night but going to sleep hungry is not an option for me. When I started MFP I decided to only focus on calories per day, and don't sweat any of the other stuff. Working so far.
  • You definitely can. Stay with your plan and you'll be doing 5K (3.1 miles) in just a few weeks. There are some programs like Bridge to 10K to take you from 5K to 10K in a few more weeks. Just build slowly like you have been, and start getting some outside runs when you can to get used to hills and wind, etc. You got this!…
  • True, I know some very smart people who have poor spelling and grammar. Some peoples' brains just aren't wired for certain things.
  • You mean "would have gotten" the joke, right? IRONY! ;)
  • Plenty of people start running after 40 and overweight and are fine, just give it a try and see how it goes. Main thing is to ramp up slowly, which C25K is perfect for. Don't run more than it says in the first couple of weeks, even though it might seem too easy. Make sure to ice and massage anything that gets sore. If your…
  • Swimming is VERY technique driven. If you have a bad stroke you get tired extremely fast. Trust me I know, my stroke is awful. Lessons will go a long way.