deputy_randolph Member


  • That's an over-simplification....and that algorithm for weight loss is not one I've seen before. I'm 135 and maintain around 2000 calories per day. Age, activity level, body composition all play a role in the calories needed to maintain/lose/gain. I have had success using MFP for weight loss/maintenance/gain. The best…
  • Interesting info from my gym staff here in MD...the Health Dept is inspecting the gyms randomly to assess the clarity of the state's mask mandate at the gym and proper mask use by staff and clients. My gym has received 1 warning...the first infraction results in a $500 fine to the gym, the second infraction results in…
  • The first day that our gyms reopened (early June), I went on a Saturday. Saturday was my bench day. I brought my workout log, copied all the accessory bench exercises, and just started. I had to cut the weight significantly across the board. Next day was a heavy leg day. I just copied down all the leg work, cut the weight,…
  • I competed in 4 pl meets. Personally, I didn't really enjoy the competition aspect to powerlifting. I really enjoy the training style. I am a very goal oriented person also, so I thought training towards a goal with a specific timeline would be motivating. In reality, the finite timeline (with the meet as the culmination)…
  • I can eat a lot. For example, I generally cook 4 servings of broccoli as my single serving of broccoli. "Normal" people do often comment on the amount of food that I eat...I think it's more of a surprise to people that I eat large portions and am not overweight. I prefer to eat 3 times a day with less snacking between.…
  • My dad is 70 and lives alone. He makes a lot of crockpot mealsthat require minimal effort to prep (stews/soups) and can be reheated easily through the week.
  • I'm a "regular" person and competed in 4 powerlifting meets. Ok so maybe, you won't climb Mt. Everest (that's probably "elite" level), but that doesn't mean you can't go to a "regular" mountain and climb that. You may not run in the Olympics, but that doesn't mean that you can't participate in a 5k, then 10k, etc. I've…
  • First day back after 3 months was rough psychologically...I was benching 140lbs for reps pre-covid. I was able to bench about 85lbs for a couple reps post-quarantine. Strength has been coming back steadily 6 weeks back into lifting. It's hard to avoid looking at my training log from March and compare...but comparison is…
  • My gym has been open for 6 weeks now. I've been going EARLY (like 6-7am). It's been fine. Usually a max of 20 people on the weekends in a 300 person capacity gym. Early weekday mornings, there are maybe 6-8 people (some with masks). As of last week, masks are now mandated in gyms unless engaging in intense exercise. The…
  • I don't experience guilt, b/c I'm usually extremely honest. I've said, "That looks amazing, but I know how I am...if I start eating it, I won't be able to stop. I have a problem with desserts. It's just better that I don't even try it." I have gotten funny looks, but there isn't much someone can say to that statement that…
  • I weighed 153lbs when I graduated high school (I'll always remember that weight b/c I had lost nearly 40lbs by my senior year). At 40, I'm 133lbs (give or take a couple of lbs). With the exception of the 2 kids, my weight has stayed in the same 10lbs range since college (lost an addition 20+lbs during college). I think I…
  • Wear mask 100% while lifting...have done heavy bench and deadlifts while wearing mask. It took a little bit of time to get used to it (felt a bit awkward and stiffling at first), but I haven't passed out. I'm doing almost all cardio at home, b/c cardio is generally more taxing for me, and I'm limiting gym time to what I…
  • You're already succeeding if you aren't gaining more weight (if your goal is weight loss). If you go over your calorie goal today, tomorrow aim to be just under your goal or as close to your goal as possible. One day isn't going to make or break you in the long run.
  • When I was actively losing weight, I weighed myself everyday under the same conditions (wake up, use bathroom, unclothed (inbetween pjs and real clothes), no breakfast) for reliability of my data. I felt like daily weighing kept me accountable and on the right course. It was a slow process, but I learned not to freak out…
  • Most awesome typo ever...
  • I wear a mask at the gym (that's the only pubic space I've been in since March 13th); and only take off for short periods to drink water. The risk of contracting COVID and spreading it to my kids and elderly father with emphysema outweighs the "discomfort" of the mask. I read that mask use can reduce the wearer's risk of…
  • The food I steal from my husband's plate has no calories...just sayin'.
  • I used to run and never experienced a "high." However, I have experienced a "high" when lifting...between adrenaline and maybe a lack of oxygen and tight weight belt!
  • Somewhere btwn 1500-1600 (this is my 2nd acct too; had to delete the 1st b/c too many food diary enteries were wrong...clean slate). I always log breakfast; it's just a good habit for me.
  • I love Oreos (I know they are a trash treat). They are not allowed in the house...I would eat all. I find that guac and carrots or tzatziki and carrots usually will satisfy most cravings. For the insatiable sweet cravings, I have some peppermint Lifesavers. That will usually take the edge off.
  • I'm 5'3 and anywhere btwn 130-140. I used to compete in powerlifting, so I'm pretty muscular (still bench and deadlift, but squats were killing my foot, so I stopped competing). I'm not a particularly "feminine" lady, but I'm definitely never mistaken for a male. My butt is too big and shapely to ever be mistaken for the…
  • In my experience, collagen was a waste of $. Creatine, however, is a relatively cheap supplement that has benefits. I take creatine on and off...mostly take it during bulk cycles and maintanence and then stop during a cut (to reduce water weight). I do notice a difference in my rate of recovery when taking creatine. The…
  • I stopped doing OHP altogether after I injured my shoulder at 90lbs. I realized that I had probably hit a wall with progression, my form was starting to go, and didn't want to injure my shoulder again. My PL coach was pleased to hear this b/c she hated OHP anyway. I used microplates and tiny jumps in weight...and there was…
  • I hate running...I did it for years b/c I thought it was the only way to "not be fat." Little bit of back story...I was very overweight pre-teen to mid-teen years. I lost 65lbs between the age of 14-20. How??? Mostly better food choices and running. Fast forward, my weight was stable until I had kids. I lost the baby…
  • Happens maybe once every few months to me...moronic flirting. I look like a total B and not friendly. It probably happens more often to other women (more "approachable" looking).
  • Nah I don't even get mad about's either old 70s old or morons that say this. Either way, I'm not interested.
  • I went on an hour and a half walk (in the country) with my kids in the am...went on another 40 minute hike with my kids in the pm (Monday and Tuesday...and plan to keep this schedule). I started cleaning out gardens, which was supposed to be done last Fall....AND there is nothing fun to eat in my house. There are 4 Hershey…
  • Update 1: All gyms in MD are closed as of 5pm today. So...nope, I'm not going to the gym. Update 2: I went on a hike with my kids in the woods...I almost died from cardio.
  • The gym is going to be empty and CLEAN! I'm def still going.
  • I was a fat kid. I was fat, because I overate (particularly a lot of nutrient deficient "junk food" and drank too many calories in the form of soda) and was pretty sedentary. I wasn't fat due to genetics per say. My mom was obese and had bad habits...and likely undiagnosed binge eating disorder. I learned those bad habits.…