KakoHikes Member


  • Friday 03/25 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, mowed most of the main lawn after work for first time this year. I have a battery powered mower, lasted 54 minutes. Was late enough that had no motivation to finish once the battery was recharged. Atleast the front is done!
  • Thursday 03/24 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 65 minute walk and 45 minutes pt/strength training.
  • Wednesday 03/23 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 43 minute walk. Really wasn’t feeling it, felt pretty tired. I did go for a walk but turned around at the hill
  • Monday 03/21 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No, 100 over Exercise: No Tuesday 03/22 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No Exercise: Sorta, Went shopping after work and did a lot of walking around, about 7000 steps. I ate out for lunch and dinner, was tired after shopping and also wanted a treat after good news. I try not to have…
  • Sunday 03/20 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 80 minute hike
  • Friday 03/18 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No, over by 100. Was weak and had a soda Exercise: Sorta, 15 minute walk and tried to move around a lot when working. I do enjoy being able to use my sit to stand desk again. Failed to wear my Fitbit today to see if that gave me any exercise minutes/calories Saturday 03/19 Tracked:…
  • Wednesday 03/16 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No, 200 over, got indian food. May have overestimated calories but not by much Exercise: Sorta, went shopping and walked quite a bit in the store, forgot to wear my Fitbit to see if got exercise points Thursday 03/17 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 50 minute walk…
  • Great job! I love that you are working on tweaking things now that you’re under calories. I vaguely understand the concept of macros but find the idea of trying to balance them overwhelming. Looking at my log, surprising most days actually are close to the goals MFP sets. Do you have different macro goals? Any suggestions…
  • I’m sorry that the results were what you wanted but am happy to see that you are using that to strengthen your determination to get healthier! Getting that determination can be half the battle. I really appreciate your endurance and trying to keep a positive attitude, even when you are in pain or face set backs. Great job…
  • Monday 03/14 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No, over by 100 Exercise: No, rest day/long day at work. While a appreciate the extra hour of light, I did not like getting up an hour earlier… tried going to be early sat and Sunday to try and acclimate, didn’t help. Tuesday 03/15 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 42…
  • Hello! Been a few weeks since I’ve posted, still be tracking but just haven’t actually posted. I get sidetracked to easily.. Am 34/F, living in Oregon and restarted my journey to better health last June after some not so good lab results gave me the kick I needed. I’ve lost weight before but gained it back and more by…
  • Sunday 03/13 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 71 minute hike and 35 minutes pt/strength training A bit wet out but was still a refreshing hike, felt a bit like a kid jumping over the puddles. Didn’t actually jump in the puddles though, while my boot are waterproof, my sweats aren’t
  • User: KakoHikes Weigh in day: Sunday Week 3 PW: 193.2 CW: 190.1 Yay! A whoosh! I’m starting to notice that get a bigger drop the week before my period, instead of others who get a drop after it. I was 189 yesterday for a couple days this week but have food in transit that raised it.
  • Friday 03/11 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No, mom and I got milkshakes. Was not going to at first but Girl Scouts in our area did not have tagalongs this year, issues with suppliers, so instead of cookies treated myself to a milkshake Exercise: Sorta, went shopping, got in 6000 steps Saturday 03/12 Tracked: Yes Under…
  • Thursday 03/10 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 51 minute walk. I hope you like it! (and that your appointment today turned out well) I think that they have only been on the market for a few years and can be a bit more spendy, but the store had them on sale so figured it was worth trying something new…
  • Wednesday 03/09 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 51 minutes pt/strength training and a 52 minute walk Still felt a little achy but better than yesterday. Had a nice day off, got to sleep in, visited with a friend and finally did a deep clean of the fridge. Also tried a cosmic crisp apple for the first time…
  • Tuesday 03/08 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: No Made my favorite curry recipe tonight which really hit the spot. I was trying to talk myself into exercising but eventually gave up and declared today a rest day. Woke up feeling fine but started feeling achy and meh a couple hours into my day. Yay for pms.
  • Monday 03/07 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 48 minute walk on my lunch break. Was sunny out and was surprising motivated to do it
  • Saturday 03/05 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 69 minute walk User: KakoHikes Weigh in day: Sunday Week 2 PW: 192.6 CW: 193.2 *sigh* I’d like to request a whoosh next week body. Are you listening? Sunday 03/06 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes, with dipping into my exercise calories Exercise: Yes, 70 minute…
  • Friday 03/04 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 70 minute walk
  • Have a few library books am trying to finish before they are due back. Finish reading Just Eat, the writer looked into a lot of different diets while trying to improve his health. I really appreciated a comment from a French author, how Americans tend to divide food into healthy or unhealthy, while the French divide food…
  • Wednesday 03/02 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No Exercise: No Thursday 03/03 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes, 69 minute walk and 38 minutes pt/strength training Yay for a day off and nice(ish) weather. I really enjoyed my walk, it was a nice reset/stress reliever
  • Monday 02/28 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No, 120 over Exercise: No Tuesday 03/01 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: No More than likely will be over today as well, we shall see. Been a busy, stressful few days. Work, water heater went out, dental appointment and theen another worker came out to measure things for…
  • Sunday 02/27 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: Yes Exercise: Yes. 52 minutes ring fit adventure and 23 minutes pt/strength training almost right after. Skipped a lot of my strength training exercises since did ones similar when playing ring fit
  • User: KakoHikes Weigh in day: Sunday Week 1 PW: 191.6 CW: 192.6 The bounce this week is hopefully a combo of water weight from the extra sodium and being backed up. Math wise the last two days of being over goal should have more than evened out with the rest of the week… especially since I was 190 on Tuesday
  • Hello all, I’m looking forward to “losing” with you all! Here’s my rather long winded monthly intro. I am 34/F, living in Oregon and restarted my journey to better health last June after some not so good lab results gave me the kick I needed. I’ve lost weight before but gained it back and more by letting stress turn into…
  • Welcome! I have MFP calorie goal set to lose .5lbs a week and am normally around 1700 calories too. While I guess it’s a good thing, I set my goal again since I have lost weight and my daily calorie goal went down by 40 calories to 1684. Not that big a difference but I like having more padding. We will see how well I can…
  • Saturday 02/26 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No, better than yesterday but had left overs and then was tired after cleaning and did not make the healthier dinner I was planning on Exercise: Yes, at least three hours cleaning and another hour or so organizing. I hope to see you all in next months challenge! February has gone…
  • Friday 02/25 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No Exercise: Sorta, lots of walking in the stores. Fitbit says burned 199 calories. We went to the food cart barn on the way home, got some Hawaiian sliders with Mac Salad and should have called that good. Mom got a milkshake at a different cart and I couldn't resist getting a…
  • Thursday 02/24 Tracked: Yes Under Calories: No Exercise: No Had to go into the office at the last minute to move my stuff to another desk. We are getting new staff in our department and I need to give up my quiet cubby. I’ll have a window now at least… and who actually knows when I will go back into the office. As of right…