jondspen Member


  • Has anyone on here told you to go to hell! :smiley: I hope they make watch SWTLJ!!!!! lol
  • Title is click bait. I came here thinking she was going to share a story of fright and mayhem in the a crazed clown came in and started exercising everyone to death.
  • A locket of Paul Reubens' hair
  • least I don't think it was beautiful! :) TNP has been shot at...multiple times
  • My pirate mug with water
  • I ate almost a full pound in extra calories in the last 2 days...not something I like, but why use this app if all you do is log the one day out of 7 you eat right? I mean if you want to remain ignorant on why you're not losing weight, yea...I can see why you would do that.
  • What's so hard? Time, energy, injuries, lack of equipment/facilities? If you watch TV, how about exercising during the commercial breaks? Crunches, push-ups, squats, jog in place can be done without any equipment other than the living room floor!
  • I haven't been diagnosed formally, but have narrowed my problems down to div. or fructans. Peanuts, popcorn, some tortilla, any whole grain as well as cheap breads (sandwich, saltines, crackers, etc). Raw veggies doesn't seem to bother me too much, typically keep it to spinach, tomatoes, green peppers, mushrooms...typical…
  • A month off isn't starting from scratch...but it isn't far from it for some people. I did 6 yrs in the Marine Corps, running at least 3 miles - 3 times a week. Now my ankles, knees, and back give me problems when I run. Some days are better than others, but I really have to warm up, stretch, and really concentrate on good…
  • This post says it's all in your head.
  • First - get a hobby or something to do on the w/e. Learn a new language, pick up that guitar in the closet and learn a new chord or two, read a book you found interesting, anything that will take your mind off it. Second - get out of the routine. If you notice you eat a bag of chips at night during GOT, then either don't…
  • One of those multi-colored popsicles with two sticks!
  • First - Hand-guide-portion-control Second - even without scales, just about everything packaged has a serving size, so I just use that. If I make something, I just break it up into servings and add that to my diary as I eat it (i.e. some type of rice or potato casserol - 1 serving rice, 1 serving meat, 1serving veg #1,…
  • I think it means different things to different people, esp. considering we all have different goals. To me, it means cutting out processed food as much as I can, cutting back on sugar, and trying to get my nutes from as close to natural sources as possible. Sure, I have a bag of cookies and some ice cream for when the…
  • I have lots of problems with my back, knees, and ankles from the Marine Corps. Not the same as you, but my advise is concentrate on CICO. Perhaps set MFP to maintenance or 0.5 lbs loss per week. If you want to keep exercising, seated or floor exercises would be good (knee push-ups, crunches/flutter kicks, bicycle kicks,…
  • Shrimp has the highest protein per calorie ratio that I found. Expensive, but if you're like me, you're always under on your protein when hitting your caloric goal. Fish should be on the menu at least once a week. Turkey, pork, beef of course. Beans and rice if you're vegetarian. Why avoiding protein powders? Whey powder…
  • Hello and welcome.
  • 1 - go buy a firecracker, the larger the better 2 - bring firecraker back home and place on couch 3 - sit on couch covering firecracker with fuse still exposed 4 - light fuse That should motivate your *kitten* to get off the couch and be more active. If not, repeat above steps with larger fireracker. :smile: :# >:) <3
  • I have had almost 2 lbs difference from day to day. Exercise, sodium, carbs, can all cause water retention. If you watch CICO, exercise, and after 1-2 MONTHS you haven't loss, then you need to look at what you're doing It will most likely be inaccuracy with your CICO. Also, be aware if you exercise, you may gain muscle…
  • 3 lbs in a month is pretty good results. Also, quite blaming your boyfriend, it's your body. You control what you put into it, aka CICO, and what you do with it, aka exercise. His snacks have nothing to do with your journey. You need to learn to control or avoid temptations. There is candy in stores, there are vending…
  • Relax, it could be water retention from a myriad of sources. You should see something in the 4-8 week time frame. Weight loss isn't linear.
  • Correct 3 lbs * 3500 = 10500 extra calories. Worse case, you ate 1350 calories a day (150 over 1200) every day (30) for a month. 150 calories * 30 days is only 4500 calories. If by some miracle of metabolism you can't eat more than 1200 calories w/o gaining still would only have put on just over one actual…
  • I would agree with diet. I'm not doing keto, but I do keep my cards to 40-50% range with potato and rice (FODMAP problems). I've been incorporating more fats into diet (olive and coconut oil, sour cream with my raw veggies) and it seems to help. I'll do something low cal/high filling (i.e. veggies with dip), then after 30…
  • I get this about once every two-four weeks or so. Typically, it's either after a really hard workout, or right before a really good one. I think it's your body just tired, or needing a change. If I notice it occurring too often, I will switch up (running, biking, swimming for cardio, free weights, machines, body weight…
  • Great job! That is amazing dedication and perseverance! Any plans for a big reward to grtz yourself? Vacation, party with friends, new set of clothes?
  • BTW...when I was in the Marine Corps, we did cold weather training. You have the standard MREs, which are about 1200 calories. In cold weather, you are issued a cold weather ration that is double that caloric count, since you burn more energy trying to stay warm. Doubt this is the issue, but with winter coming up she might…