HappyKat5 Member


  • Welcome Kitty...I’m Kat. Seems like a pretty solid connection
  • Omg! @singingflutelady this reminds me of the time when brides were getting feeding tubes to lose weight for their weddings. Idiots! People sometimes don’t see the harm they cause others by doing things that a chronically ill person has to live with everyday. Surgery to me is the last resort after you have tried everything…
  • @stephaniejones1055 Am the only one that can’t see your post? It’s grayed out. ??
  • Welcome! I'm new to this group and had my bypass in August 2008.
  • I can't say much on this topic, but I did have a tummy tuck and liposuction after my last child was born (and this before my gastrectomy.) My advice is get plenty of rest and let your body heal. Be selfish for a bit and think about yourself. I wanted to be up and about to care for everyone and trust me that was not the…
  • Try to remember that scale shouldn't be the only way that you should measure yourself. If you clothes are fitting better, than that's a good sign :) I weigh myself usually once a month, my clothes do not represent the number that I see on the scale so I don't depend on it. Also, as time gets longer, we sometimes get…
  • Challenge #2 Option A... played tagged with my kids. I’m still kinda fast :D
  • I am actually more into food and probably love it more than I ever was before my surgery. I think it’s because I know I might only get a bite or two of it, so it better be good and worth it. You will find that out and trust me it will take some time. I put every food that I consume in 2 categories. “Will I okay with eating…
  • I think it depends on where you are in life. When I was younger, I was underweight and ate crap, but because I was so active, it balanced itself out. When I was 20, I lived on KFC, but I was also working, attending college, walking to my classes because I didn’t have a car and lived 20 minutes from my campus. Fast forward…
  • Congrats on getting back into the game. Keep being positive that’s half the battle I think especially when you really feel like you’re trying but also feel stuck. Take one moment at a time and try to do better each time. :)
  • I have agree although with my gastrectomy, I was told I would be having having surgery in just 5 days. However, every other surgery, I liked knowing what was to come and could also "mentally" (as best as I could) and physically prepare for it. As my last surgeon said to me and I love him for this. "Remember, surgery may…
  • @singingflutelady and @Jennymarie57 I know THAT'S right! :D I donated the rest of my ostomy supplies. I was so tempted to throw them out because I wanted that part of my life to be concluded after my revision, but I knew how much I paid for them and knew someone could use them..even if it was only 5 adhesive strips. I…
  • So for Challenge #3, I really thought about it. A lil backstory. I'm working on a school committee with someone at school this week and she really pissed me off via an email on Sunday. She wrote IN CAPS (yeah...) about how an idea of mine was RIDICULOUS. Mind you the email was CC'd and BCC'd to about 20 people. After, I…
  • Oh and one other thing. Not sure of what your 3x cardio is but a trainer might show you other ways to get your cardio in and help you with other areas. My trainer knew I did Spinning, so they through in Yoga and I couldn’t believe how hard it was to get thru the class because I was using different muscles. Just a thought.
  • If you feel like you’re in a rut, I say get a trainer. Even if for one session. They can show you things that you didn’t think about. The good thing is, you know how to do the exercise properly, so you wouldn’t need another session.
  • @sytchequeen I enjoy the flavors and it takes the edge off when I’m hungry but can not eat. I love sweet flavors but peppermint helps when I nauseous
  • @mbaker566. I’m sorry but this made me laugh so hard...it reminds me of the Geico commercial where the elderly woman is trying to put actual pictures on Facebook :D :D :D
  • My goal for May is 40 hours/2400 minutes. 5/1...Zumba 60/mins
  • 4/1...Nothing...0 4/2...Spinning/60 & Drums Alive/60=120 minutes 4/3...Zumba/60 4/4...Spinning/60 & Stretch&Firm Dance/60 4/5...Werq Class/60 4/6...Spinning/60 & Cardio Dance/60 4/7...Choreography dance/ 120 min & Werq/60 4/8...Rest Day 0 min 4/9...Spinning/60 & Drums Alive/60 4/10...Zumba/60/min 4/11...Rest day 0/min…
  • Challenge #1 I chose option a. The Zumba dance which was fun.
  • I’m vaping right now :) I didn’t smoke before but the medication that I am on makes me hungry. I vape 0mg. It gives me something to do instead of eat. I don’t worry about the calories, in fact I never even thought about it until I saw this thread. It’s not for everyone but I’m don’t judge. I have different flavors so if I…
  • I’m curious why I can see your posts @stephaniejones1055 You are grayed out on my phone. ??
  • 4/1...Nothing...0 4/2...Spinning/60 & Drums Alive/60=120 minutes 4/3...Zumba/60 4/4...Spinning/60 & Stretch&Firm Dance/60 4/5...Werq Class/60 4/6...Spinning/60 & Cardio Dance/60 4/7...Choreography dance/ 120 min & Werq/60 4/8...Rest Day 0 min 4/9...Spinning/60 & Drums Alive/60 4/10...Zumba/60/min 4/11...Rest day 0/min…
  • Congrats @stephaniejones1055 :)
  • Damn it! :D :D :)
  • @AnnPT77 Thank you for the concern. I really mean that, I really do. However, I’m at the end of my treatment and nothing else can be done. I’ve exhausted all my options at this time. Maybe something will come up tomorrow.
  • @kpsyche You are right, this type of fiber shouldn’t absorb in the body but push through food and collect stuff as it goes through the digestive tract. I can’t tolerate most fiber in a raw state, but I just feel that I could do it in a liquid form. Like I said before... it’s just an experiment.
  • @concordancia I feel like it would be easier to drink and digest then having the actual the fiber from raw fruit/veggies. It’s more like an experiment. My digestive tract runs slow but usually deals with liquids better.
  • I can't believe April is almost over! By doing this challenge the time flew by...I like being accountable :)
  • I listen to Home Free’s version. Pretty neat it was like country mixed in with a Barber Shop quartet. Very neat to listen to and my daughter enjoyed it as well. I replaced challenge #3. I have a total gastrectomy and I can’t drink water.