calny Member


  • Morning All- A bit harder to get online at work. Lana- NYC is so crazy for housing. My father's house has turned into a goldmine for a neighborhood that I think is the pits good when you go to sell. However, if I had to live back there.. I have no idea where I would be living. Couldn't afford it. How did it go at…
  • Chamie welcome back! Now to get Liz on here. Quick hello= at work as well and busy day. Ate like crap again last night but tonight joining the gym with a friend. Lana= thinking of you = today you are at MSK right? Good luck. You are in good hands. Jen-
  • Hi All- Late post. Quick hello. Bad day yesterday and half and half on today (the day isnt over yet so hopefully can redeem myself) Continental Breakfast at work. I thought have a WW drink before and so I would not indulge. Yep, I indulged. Why, because it was there. Lunch- chinese food. Hadn't had it in a long time and so…
  • Welcome walkdmc. Wow 105 in 2 years that is amazing. Good on you to come back and get it at 30 before it goes higher. I wish I did that. I just let it go up 5 then 10 and then I was up at where I started and then passed it. 70lbs later!
  • Morning All- Ugh- Mondays. Annie- Thanks! I now need to get moving with exercise. I find now as I get older TOM knocks me out energy wise. I kow how you feel about being so tired. Hope your Dad is doing ok. Scary when you are far away. I was 3000 miles away and I think the stress of my mom being sick and so far away…
  • Quick hello-- Ate too much yesterday- nothing I really wanted either - but did not feel good last night. Today will keep it low. Weekends go too fast. Its already almost noon and I have not gotten out yet. Ugh. My friend has had me on the phone for hours now! Lost my motivation and so I will just chill. Have a great Sunday
  • Hello All- Went to meeting. Down 2lbs (this was the 2 I gained last week TOM) - so at least its even. I then met a friend for lunch (Cheesecake Factory type of place) tried to eat "ok" - now heading out to dinner for a friends birthday. Diet or no diet I dont like eating out for so many meals in one day. Dragonfish- thanks…
  • HiAll- Lana have a good trip to NC. Watch those cops south of the border. They don't like them yanks :smile: Lol Sara- how do you like the spiralizer. I think about getting one but then not sure if I would use it much. The zucchini looks good but does it really come out how it looks? Scldragonfish - Wow I didnt realize…
  • Annie- I remember watching the Olympics when I was 15 and so into them. I used to "bike" and for some reason the cycling resonated with me and right then and there, I started to switch from biking to cycling. I got into it because they looked so fast and smooth and it was already something I knew how to do and could do…
  • Morning All- Crazy busy day yesterday. I am sort of staying motivated. It's a very strange feeling not to have a scale. I can't quite explain it. I try not to weigh myself often (when I had a scale) but usually mid week I would jump on to "see" how I was doing. Maybe it's a better mindset to not have it. I don't know.…
  • Lana- Glad things went well at MSK. DH doesnt sound tuned in to what's going on. Sorry to hear he is being a whiner.
  • Morning All- Still getting into work routine. I got home at 5pm and was so tired. Got into bed (mistake 1) and passed out hard- did not move at all. I slept from 5-8:30!! I did not mean to but was out cold. Of course I slept through dinner and then had just some junk to pick on and was up till 1am. So now I am tired and I…
  • Happy Monday- QOTW: What will you do this week to keep you motivated. AOTW: I am joining the gym tonight. My two friends go to this gym so there is enough people/times to get my butt there. Where you all live, do you find the big gyms (24hr fitness etc) have been replaced by more of these store front Cross-fit type of…
  • Thanks Sara- this looks good. I might try with eggplant since I have one sitting here-
  • Sara- not sure if you posted it already but what is in the zucchini boats?
  • Morning All- I was thinking the same thing. I wanted to go over to her but hesitated. Next week I will for sure. Lana- Good luck with everything. Will keep you in my thoughts. Sara- Glad it's cooling off. My new place, I've discovered, does get very chilly at night. Lots of windows and no insulation. The balcony gets very…
  • Hello All- Went to WW meeting today and up 2.8. I had lost 4 last week. Believe it or not, I am not mad. I was thinking how in the past (and i did it last week) I always keep my food intake on Friday super super low. I don't make plans to go out etc all because I dont want the "number" to be higher. I used to think, maybe…
  • Lana- thats great! Not sure if they all work together but maybe you will have the others. You will feel at ease there. They do alot to make you feel 'ok" about your situation. I remember even the guy at the security desk was so nice. Great you will get to hand off on Monday as well- Annie- great you had a good time…
  • Morning - Yeah hump day! Need to go grocery shopping- just not eating much or well. But at least its not much. Went to see Woody Allen movie- Cafe Society- it was good. Nice way to end the day- I'll be back- Jen
  • Morning All- Lana- I think the surgeon was Gemignani, McCarthy did her reconstruction and Brennan was radiologist. I believe they are all females as well which made her feel more comfortable. The other thing you should check out a bit later on (when you are looking for a little escape). Check out Mary's Place. It's located…
  • Hi All- Sara- how are you using myfitness? I just bookmark this thread and come to it, I haven't looked at any features. Lana- I know the street your sister lives on. Yes, if you come out here we should all see each other! Hope you have a great day. If Aetna works out and you are at MSK, I can find the name of the Dr my…
  • Sara- congrats on the loss- looks like we both were stuck for about the same amount of time. Lana- hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. Annie- have a great trip- enjoy that fishing! Running some errands today but trying to get on schedule for Monday. I've been staying up till 3am and sleeping till 10. I need to be up by…
  • Hello All and Happy Saturday. Yes I am in a great mood. FINALLY- after months and months (March 12th I believe) I broke that number that would not budge!!!! I think I mentioned that since moving back north, I decided to try 3 months of actual meetings instead of online. I think I needed accountability. I dont know if it's…
  • Morning All- For once I dont want it to be TGIF! I need more time : ) As I mentioned, this is the first time I have been in between jobs and so I have had a month with no emails! (I work in tech so I am getting constant emails with the expectation of response no matter when/where). Lana- Humans is on my list. Good luck…
  • Hi - Late post. I was so hot and thirsty that while I was out I saw an old fashioned bottle of coke and had it. Waste of calories as I am not a soda drinker but the bottle just made me think of cooling off. Lana- what show are you starting on? Got to make my list for when I go to visit at Christmas. I usually see 1-2 shows…
  • Morning All- Lana- I actually read up on Tranzadone after I posted. I went to the dr. in November having had a real rough year (mom passed away, dad dementia, work awful, me living in a new area etc etc). I belong to Kaiser and not really happy with them, I find they are big with Rx's. He prescribed that and Xanax. I took…
  • I just noticed there are "like" and "awesome" buttons at the bottom. That's so.... well "awesome" : )
  • Hi All- Yes, another bad night. I have to check the bottle - ok its called Desryl or Trazadone. I only took half and then last night I had the other half- I also had it with a vanilla shake and a double double from In-n-Out. Im batting 1000, arent I? Lana, thanks for the tip- yep I guess that was the opposite of an empty…
  • Hi All- Late post. I have not been sleeping well and took for the first time a 1/2 of a sleeping pill (Dr. gave me an RX last November when I was going through a hard time but never used it). I think or know I have an incredibly slow to nonexistent metabolism. Any pill I take that has to kick in, takes me several hours to…
  • Morning All- Lana- where do you go for meditation? I started TM in California but saw they have a center in Manhattan too. Have you ever been to this place in Queens called Spa Castle. I think that is the name. Its supposed to have all these hot tubs/pools etc. Sara- I have finally made it back to NorCal so weather has…