SamuraiJake1985 Member


  • Welcome! 90% is nutrition. So starting there is totally fine. What are your stats? (Weight, height, age etc..) if u don't feel comfortable u can always message me. Losing 20 pounds isn't as bad as it seems. Being a vegetarian makes it harder for protein intake, but theres other sources and foods you can intake with no…
  • I appreciate all the info! Very helpful. I've decided not to get it, I was hoping it would improve more round times, currently training 10 rounds, 5 minutes high intensity training, 30 second break in between rounds. Spar nights are 2 extra rounds. But seems like it'll just hinder my bouts. I run about 3 to 5 miles a day…
  • Thank you! That's what I was worried about. I appreciate your review on it! I dont know if i wanna be choking on my sprints, runs, training etc lol I usually get out of being choked, I don't think I want something to choke me purposely lmao! I appreciate it!
  • Thank you creolefitness ! You to!
  • Yes Lisahebert186 I have totally fell in love with the app! Keep motivated and exceed your goals! You'll do awesome I'm sure! Busypk you are totally right about that! I have already met and made some great friends on this app and people are very like minded. It's nice to have a community where people have the same interest…
  • You got this! Just remember you've gone so far to lose what u have lost already! Dont fall back into a slump, keep the motivation, keep good people around, and NEVER GIVE UP! No matter what!
  • Didn't realize how much goes into counting calories and all this stuff!
  • I totally agree! I usually don't ever count calories or count what ive lost. But I fight as a heavy weight, and started having bad injuries (self inflicted) like severe sprang ankles etc... Just didn't think the weight I'm at was helping me at all lol. So wanted to drop down to a weight I feel not only comfortable and good…
  • Def love the vibes on this post! Feel free to add me as well! We can all motivate and support one anothers goals, and exceed past our expectations together :-)