jmf552 Member


  • These kinds of discussions are pointless and they actually demotivate some people because they are never sure they're doing it "right." Here is what I believe: The best diet for you is the one you will follow and is healthy. If one of the new fads fills that bill, fine, but know there is no magic to any diet. It's calories…
  • No, not at all. The most I ever lost was on WW and they use points and it is all an approximation. I just realized that MFP does a better job of tracking, cheaper. There is no way to be perfectly accurate with food. Is that egg really 71 calories, or did the hen try extra hard and make it 73? One thing I did learn from WW…
  • I saw a recent documentary that presented a university study where researchers randomly assigned volunteers to one of two diets: low-fat or low-carb. Amazingly, both groups lost about the same amount of weight, at about the same rate and both did similarly at keeping the weight off after the formal phase of the diet. The…
  • I have finally come to that conclusion. The only times I have lost a lot of weight was on WW and it only worked when I was tracking points. I realized it was the tracking that was doing it, not the rest of the program. MFP does a better job at tracking, cheaper. If I track, I lose, if I don't, I gain it back. It's that…
  • I have had it for years and I wear prescription orthotics, which generally have done a great job no matter what shoes I'm wearing. I do prefer New Balance for long walks, though. BTW, I have Birkenstocks, but I have found they are not good for plantar fasciitis at all. I have had the various kinds of shots, but they have…
  • I'm currently working through the "31 Day Revolution" from "Yoga with Adriene" on YouTube. It is a different 25-30 minute yoga workout every day for a month. I have taken a lot of in person yoga instruction and I can say she is very good, and it's free! I think everyone can benefit from Yoga, not matter what other kind of…
  • Here's a line I like to use with people like that: I smile and say in a very positive voice, "Thanks for your concern, but you're being a bit too helpful right now. I'd like to just finish my workout in peace." Next time around, I would say, "Look, perhaps I was not clear the last time we talked. Why don't we go talk to…
  • I have done some more extreme stuff in the past, like martial arts and Bikram yoga, but now at my age and with the health limitations I have, I am doing two things. I walk my dogs every day, and they are a challenge to walk. They failed obedience training! And I am taking the "Yoga by Adrienne" 31 Day Yoga challenge on…
  • The only way I have been able to lose weight and keep it off for any period of time has been Weight Watchers, but I just hate Weight Watchers!!! I always get sick of it. It seems like their program I have to fit into, rather than my own program, and I don't like all their silly trappings. It's also expensive. But what I…
  • I walk the dogs early morning, every morning before it gets too hot. Three times a week, I work out in an air conditioned gym. Also, I have found some great exercise videos free on YouTube that I can do at home. You just have to try different ones out and find ones you like. Two other hints I use for motorcycling that…
  • I do a circuit of eight strength exercises, 3 sets at weights I can do no more than 12 reps with. It also serves as cardio, because I don't stop between exercises. It takes me about 30 minutes, followed by a 10 minute walk down. It gets my heart rate up 80% or more after the first set and keeps it there through most of the…