melaniedscott Member


  • It has been a crazy busy week. My washing machine started acting weird over the weekend and the dryer had been wacky for several I bought new ones on Monday--not the ones I wanted, but they're fine. We picked them up later in the evening. I'd be okay paying something for delivery/install/haul away but their…
  • Will definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts. Take some soothing music, something to read (you probably won't see this until after, but still).
  • Melaniedscott Sat weigh in (late) PW:235 CW:235
  • ~ STEPS CHALLENGE RESULTS ~ February Week 1 Team Statistics Total Steps: 430,100 Participants: 8 Average Steps per Person: 53,763 (6.72% lower than last week) The Leaderboard @andja87 - 110,010 total | 15,716 average Most Steps in One Day @Emilienewme - 80,598 total | 11,514 average @sydditt - 54,716 total | 7,817 average…
  • Working on steps post for last week and I am missing @Losingweekly and @daria0919 . Are you planning to participate this month? Also, last chance for any of our newbies or longer term members to step into the challenge this week!
  • Melaniedscott Sat weigh in PW:235 CW:235
  • ~ STEPS CHALLENGE RESULTS ~ January Week 5 FINAL Team Statistics Total Steps: 451,848 Participants: 9* Average Steps per Person: 50,240 (9.42% higher than last week's, even adjusted for late submissions) Final Monthly Steps: 1,517,522 The Leaderboard @andja87 - 103,702 total | 14,815 average Most Steps in One Day…
  • Buniohuphu changed teams? That explains it...
  • @jugar I got messages this week that @9Harvey would like to change weigh day to Monday and from @MamaHealthy08 that while she just signed up, she is stepping out of the team at this time.
  • Welcome to all the new ladies & gents! I'm Melanie, 47 (oof, hard to say it) and I'm from Kansas. I’m the other team Co-captain. Truly, Ashley does most of the heavy lifting. I generally do the steps post. My (really short version) story My special snowflake challenges What I do about it What is the point behind all this?…
  • Melaniedscott Sat weigh in PW:235 CW:235 I did and didn't do better at walking this week. I have been utterly exhausted the past three days. Maybe overtime is wearing me out-drove another 400ish extra miles this week. Probably all the travel. I have a couple…
  • ~ STEPS CHALLENGE RESULTS ~ January Week 4 Team Statistics Total Steps: 396,787 Participants: 9* Average Steps per Person: 44,087 (22.65% higher than last week's ) The Leaderboard @andja87 - 112,707 total | 16,101 average Most Steps in One Day @sydditt - 61,068 total | 8,724 average @daria0919 - 60,014 total | 8,573…
  • Yay! Step challenge runs Sun-Sat and I post results on Wednesday (or whenever I get to it ...which will be today). Spent all day Wednesday in an in-service and driving 200 miles...then dragging my very tired hind end around yesterday was more energy than I When I post the leaderboard, I include more info...and…
  • Okay, step challengers, it's Wednesday! I'm out in the hinterlands today for 'in-service' where people will talk about interesting stuff that I either can't or won't find a use for but I have been assigned to the group so I go. It's cool, they're really nice. I got up and walked 30 minutes on the treadmill in the hotel…
  • Nevada Barr lately--finished Blood Lure and am working on Liberty Falls. She's not my favorite but she writes a decent story...better than so many
  • Melaniedscott Sat weigh in (late) PW:235 CW:235 Even though I should be exercising again, I'm not. Partly the cold, partly I've traveled a lot this week (drove over 500 miles Sunday-Monday) and done two full day trainings-- the second actually involved some walking but my ears weren't tracking steps yet, so it is a guess.…
  • In other news about me...I got hearing aids last week. Four years ish ago, I had lost about 80% of my hearing in one ear and had some minor high decibel loss in the other. This past fall the doctor decided it wasn't coming back and referred me to the hearing center. The interesting thing is that now, once I put them in, my…
  • ~ STEPS CHALLENGE RESULTS ~ January Week Team Statistics Total Steps: 288,853 Participants: 8* Average Steps per Person: 36,106 (2.64% lower than last week's ) The Leaderboard @andja87 - 87,289 total | 12,468 average Most Steps in One Day @daria0919 - 54,909 total | 7,844 average @ljdanny - 49,777 total | 7,111 average…
  • I can't remember a day anyone could follow directions in years
  • Been reading Blood Lure by Nevada Barr. She isn't my favorite but I enjoy her books when I read them. This one is particularly interesting because it takes place in Glacier National Park, which one of my favorite places, and is partially about tracking bears, when it isn't about murder.
  • @minstrelofsarcasm All the days, especially the ones where people can't follow basic directions. Also, this is last call for last week's steps post.
  • Melaniedscott Sat weigh in (late) PW:235 CW:235 The coughing is improving but not gone. I am at a point I think I should be able to start exercising again. And it is still too darned cold!
  • ~ STEPS CHALLENGE RESULTS ~ January Week 2 Team Statistics Total Steps: 296,575 Participants: 7 (-1) Average Steps per Person: 42,368 (37.95% lower than last week's ) The Leaderboard @andja87 - 123,279 total | 17,676 average Most Steps in One Day @daria0919 - 63,771 total | 9,110 average @sydditt - 35,816 total | 5,117…
  • Looking at steps posts and it looks like I am missing @9Harvey and @ljdanny ... Should I give it a couple more hours?
  • I'll be doing the steps post in a while. This is last call for steps from last week.
  • Some research suggests that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. Just a little taste and you want more. Sweeteners that concentrate sweet taste to double, triple or hundreds of times the sweetness have similar impacts because sweet taste triggers feel good hormones in your brain. Or something.
  • How did you get a picture of me?!? Ha ha Yeah, it is pretty brutal. I've been out a few times for limited stuff and to work. No bueno. I have two all day trainings coming up next week. I really have to get it resolved. Thanks for all the well wishes! @mrs1spy we're sorry to see you go--we could put you on the cheer squad…
  • Melaniedscott Sat weigh in PW:235 CW:235 Not very good on the steps still because of continued illness. The coughing is pretty exhausting. And it it too darned cold. -6 at the moment.
  • ~ STEPS CHALLENGE RESULTS ~ January Week 1 Team Statistics Total Steps: 435,472 Participants: 8 Average Steps per Person: 54434 (an awesome 49.35% higher than last week's ) The Leaderboard @andja87 - 91,567 total | 13,081 average Most Steps in One Day @BodyTalking - 83,155 total | 11,899 average @sydditt - 74,130 total |…
  • I recently got 2 Bentgo salad bowls (came as a set), which is a big bowl with an insert and a little sealed sauce cup that has a lovely snap on lid. Have not used it yet as I came down with covid two days later and forgot it until yesterday. Lunch is usually leftovers (I am only cooking for 2 and cannot seem to manage…