Rinde99 Member


  • Aliem: Fantastic that you lost some weight from Sunday! Way to go! I over ate yesterday. Just couldn't resist the cheese I had in the fridge. The good news is I finished my 20 minute run this morning. For some reason I felt off my game right from the get go. Could have stopped immediately, but kept on pushing till I got it…
  • Had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but my plan to eat in moderation didn't quite go the way I'd hoped. Had a total pigout! Weighed myself this am and only gained a lb so I'm at 139 now. Exercised on Friday...did my last run/walk. On Monday I run 20 minutes and on Wed and Fri I run 25 and 30 minutes, respectively. I know I can…
  • I'm no expert but I run on MWF and do my strength training on TThS. Works for me.
  • Safe travels, Aliem and hope your weight stays steady. Finally lifted weights and did yoga today....1st time in 2 weeks. 37 minutes lifting and 23 minutes yoga for an hour total. Yay! Tomorrow going to my daughter's house to make desserts with her and my granddaughter. Should be fun. Really looking forward to…
  • Aliem: Happy Thanksgiving and hope you have a great trip to Las Vegas. You're really keeping up with your gym classes which is fantastic! Congrats on your weight as well. Today I did my 55 minute run/walk with running intervals of 14, 12, and 10 minutes. Felt really good which I'm excited about as next week I start…
  • Hope you're feeling vetter, Aliem! Did my run/walk this morning for 48 minutes total. Much better than Thursday. Had no trouble running my intervals.
  • Yay, some good news. I just weighed myself and I'm at 138.0. Fantastic! That's 39 lbs total!
  • Hi all! Great to hear from you, Becs and way to go, Aliem on the weight loss. Did my run/walk today but it didn't go get well. Was supposed to run 12, 10, and 8 minute intervals but only managed to complete the 12 and then ran 7:30 then 5 and then smaller increments to finish. Did the same thing on Monday so don't know why…
  • Yay for the dress success! So great you're down again. I didn't exercise yesterday or today. Had a really bad migraine last night that carried over to today. Hoping to feel better tomorrow and do my run. Food is much better this week.
  • The personal training sounds pretty cool! And what a big workout day! Congrats on being back down again. Ive been eating too much over the past 4 or 5 days and skipped exercise on Sat and Sun. My weight is holding steady at 141.2, amazingly enough. Ate better today and did my run/walk of 48 minutes late this afternoon. I'm…
  • Aliem: So sorry to hear your headache came back in full force. That sounds rough. I used to get migraines and would take caffeine for relief as well. Just be careful, as you say. I didn't do my weights or yoga yesterday. Just too exhausted in the morning and was gone the rest of the day. Didn't get home till 10 and went to…
  • Hope you're feeling better tonight! Yoga sounds good...hope it's not as hard as last time! I'm still feeling exhausted but had a full day. Did my run/walk (40 minutes) this morning; didn't have time for yoga after, however. Haven't weighed myself since Sunday so hopefully I'm still on track.
  • Aliem: good job on weight and getting back to your food routine! Finally did my lifting after lay off of a week. Practiced yoga, too for my hour total. Food on track per usual. Feeling totally exhausted once more...I think from steroids for rash. Off to bed very early again.
  • Trying to stay on board with exercise and food. Took a long walk on Saturday but didn't do any weights last week at all. Just couldn't get my mind to do the lifting. Hopefully, will get it together and get back to lifting tomorrow with regular Tuesday workout. My daughter and best friend came over yesterday to help me…
  • Mom died this morning. Just got back from my run/walk to clear my mind a little. Will try to do my yoga. Not sure if I'm up to it. Sorry for the bummer update.
  • Aliem: yay, for your weigh-in! Great job! Super effort for tough yoga and am workout. Keep it up, you can make your goal! Well, I'm in confusion about my rash. When I woke up this morning, it was better. Then as morning waned, just got worse again and more itchy. Contacted a close friend who is dermatologist in CA and he…
  • Thanks so much! Got a steroid shot, prednisone pack, and benadryl.
  • Aliem: well, I like to hear how it's going for you even if you think it's not too exciting! I'm at a doc in a box right now for this poison ivy-like nastiness I have all over my body. Just couldn't wait for a regular MD appt. It's driving me crazy! Anyway, did my 50 minute run/walk this morning with no problems. 28 total…
  • Aliem: Yay for being under 130 and getting great exercise. Fantastic! I woke up feeling exhausted. Feeling didn't dissipate durring the day so took a resr day. No exercise at all. Just hope I feel better tomorrow for big run/walk session.
  • Simple. Consumed less food than my body needed and started to exercise for fitness. Lost 9lbs the first month. Concerned that I was getting enough protein and calories, I joined MFP to track both. Upped my calories as well as my protein for past 3 months and lost another 26. Eat what you like for calories, but for health,…
  • Excellent advice about ditching a pronouncement of feelings. That's making it all about you as is believing there's a magical weight for you to be good enough versus caring what's between the 2 of you or about his thoughts and feelings. Assuming you're already friends or at a minimum, acquaintances, then deepening the…
  • I'm 60 and have had no trouble losing weight by following MFP daily calorie allowance. I also exercise an hour per day for my fitness goals. The weight I gained had nothing to do with menopause; I went on a 10 month pigout and gained 40 lbs. One day I decided to lose it and so far I've shed 34 of the 42 lbs. Put your mind…
  • Aliem: I can imagine that seeing the scale this am was a tad disappointing, but your measurement loss is fantastic and that really indicates all the work you put in the past 3 months! Yay for you! I hope that water weight falls off pronto and you're back under 130. Workout update: 28 minutes run/walk, 12 minutes Fitness…
  • Okay, I did it! Made my goal of 6lbs for the month. Yippee! SW on 7/30: 168 Phase 1: 157.6 Phase 2: 149.2 Phase 3: 143.0 Goal: 18 Actual: 25 Total loss since I started on 6/27: 34 10/31 measurements: Chest: 36 Waist: 29.5 Hips: 38.25 Total loss: Chest: 1" Waist: 4.5" Hips: 4.25" I'm really happy with my 90 day results!…
  • Granted, thus is certainly true. However, OP and subsequent posters were addressing individuals who couldn't eat up to their calorie allowance and the cause of such behaviors. The purpose of my post was to illustrate that eating under was certainly possible without all the negatives posited by numerous posters.
  • What's with all the criticism for us low calorie folks? I sometimes miss my calorie allotment for the day and I'm not obsessive; don't have an eating disorder; and am weighing accurately with a food scale. I'm also a 60 year old female who needs fewer calories than a younger person to lose weight. There's nothing strange,…
  • Becs: so wonderful to have you back, but so sorry you're ill. Not good on your special day. Hope those anitibiotics make quick work of the strep and you're back to normal ASAP. I weighed myself again this am and still at 143.2. Yay! Hoping for the same tomorrow for the end of phase 3. Rest day; just did an hour of yoga.
  • I'm 5'6' and currently weigh 143 with a goal of 130 to 135. And I'm 60. I'm set to eat 1200 calories per day with a 1 lb loss per week. Probably should lower to .5 at this point, however. I eat back a portion of my exercise calories but it varies from day to day. I just stick to my program and don't indulge in goodies…
  • Great decision to go for it! I started with C25k in September but switched to a longer plan in week 5. I find it difficult at times to run at a conversational pace, but it truly is the best way to build endurance. Best of luck to you tomorrow!
  • Aliem: Sorry to hear you were off your program on Friday. Time to get back in the saddle and stay below 130! Two more days till end of phase 3. Can't believe it's finally here! I ended up doing 60 minutes of strength, 15 minutes of HIIT, and 15 minutes of yoga for 90 total. I hadn't even thought about being close to the…