brentfostwood904 Member


  • yeah thats what I just wrote, I just thought about that too. I will look into if its going to help me to reach the goals a lot faster or not to cut and stay at a low fat for a couple of years whilst gaining muscle, then put more fat on at the end, or whether its actually not so hard to gain muscle whilst staying at 20%…
  • well I explained some reasons why in the end I want to be 18-23% bodyfat before. I think it looks better, I think it's more natural, I think its better for practical strength/powerlifting and better for my martial arts. I mean bear in mind that some peoples ideal will be to be a sumo wrestler. Everyones got a different…
  • yeah you are right of course, actually in what I said before I got maintaining my fat % mixed up with maintaining the amount of fat I have right now. I am around 100kg at maybe a bit over 20% bodyfat right now and my end goal is to be around 115kg at 20% bodyfat. Since I'm already around that fat amount now I have to eat a…
  • and for your information I was just watching worlds strongest man this morning, go and argue with them that they must be 12% bodyfat or they are wrong too lol...
  • I dont know what you are talking about, but it's very arrogant of people to tell me that I'm wrong to want to be 20% bodyfat. That is something which simply cannot be wrong, you need to get it into your head that not everyone has the same goal as you have before you try to offer people advice on their specific goals…
  • oh yeah I watched some videos of people (weight lifters) talking about fasting, shortly before I went to morocco and it was ramadan at the time, so yeah the idea interested me too. The idea of eating from say 12pm to 8pm seems good, I will probably give that a try. The only problem is I find it hard to eat enough if I have…
  • Ah ok. My goal is practical strength too. I think I will have to just stick as I am, eat at maintenence, and if I hit a wall maybe try to change up my routine a lot instead of bulking or cutting (since I like the fat % I have right now). Thanks a lot for the advice.
  • I dont train for a professional fight but my muay thai trainer does train a lot of professional fighters and I can have amateur fights but I'm not interested in being a professional fighter. I am kind of training for the ring though because my classes are mixed in with all the pro fighters.. even though im not actually…
  • well yeah that is really good to know. Right now I'm making good progress with strength too and if anything actually im losing some fat from doing other exercise, but what worries me now is where your improvement stopped and so now youre deciding to bulk... im not sure if I want to bulk past my current bodyfat when I hit a…
  • well no im asking for the advice i asked in my second post. But yeah Im not asking for advice on what bodyfat people want me to be, I know I want to be 20%. I dont want your advice telling me that you want me to be 10-15% bodyfat. I'm asking for advice on the most efficient way to eat to gain muscle whilst reaching my goal…
  • but what I want to know is, since I want to stay at around 20% bodyfat, is it recommended to just eat a maintenence amount of calories whilst lifting weights (is gaining muscle whilst eating a maintenence amount efficient?), or to eat a surplus and go over like go up to 25% fat then drop back down to 20 (would this maybe…
  • I dont want to have more fat than I have right now, but I dont want to have less either. I dont eat a bad diet (when I eat properly). I eat mostly meat and vegetables. I will explain to you the reasons why I would prefer to be 18-23% bodyfat and I dont want to be 12-15% bodyfat. 1. I am very into different martial arts,…
  • yeah getting fatter I dont want, Im at my ideal fat % right now really. I just want to stay as fat as I am right now, but gain more muscle.
  • and im asking because ive been making alright strength gains whilst just maintaining my current fat levels really, but i want to make sure there isnt a more efficient way to do it that anyone knows about haha, like if you can gain muscle faster with bulking and cutting rather than keeping your fat levels the same, even if…
  • im not really interested in cutting though, i mean i dont ever really want to be 15% bodyfat. Ideally I'd be 115-120kg and 20% bodyfat. I dont really want to be over say 23% bodyfat, and I dont want to be under say 18% bodyfat. As long as I stay in that range I'm happy. I have no interest in ever going down to something…
  • if you are using whey protein make sure to choose one that is clean (a lot of them can contain contaminants such as metals). The one you said you use "myprotein impact whey" is the one I use (i get unflavoured and just have it with water), if you dont like it I've used Optimum Nutrition chocolate whey protein before too…
  • Well carbs and proteins are both about 400kcal per 100g. Fats are about 900kcal per 100g. So fats are the best thing to eat to gain weight if youre struggling with fitting enough food in your stomach. calorie dense foods are the foods which have a lot of calories in them but they are small so dont take up so much space in…
  • I do a kind of beginner lifting program I guess. Im not sure which one of these it is because I kind of made it myself from modifying the 5x5 one a lot but its like this. Monday 3 reps 5 sets (powerlifting day, also on this day isometrics are done) wednesday 12 reps 3 sets (muscle building day, at about 2/3 of mondays…
  • if you arent gaining weight there is only one reason which is you arent eating enough calories. If you eat a surplus of calories you will gain weight no matter what whether thats put on as fat or as muscle. If you are gaining muscle then your BMR will increase, as your extra muscle will require more calories for…