bocasdelbob Member


  • Rick, I like your Christmas pictures and conversation seeds. I never had a VO2max test to determine my max heart rate. I just figure 220 - age = HRmax. That puts old guy like me at like 156. So 90% is like 140 beats. That is high as I go these days. I used to try to get average of 90% in spin class. Not any more. I agree…
  • Dec 7 1 strike 3 x yes Light duty exercise but easily satisfied minimum.
  • I saw a roadrunner today. I was coming up out of the arroyo into a little neighborhood park. Roadrunner skittered in and out between some bushes. Can't help but think about that cartoon, you know that wiley coyote and the roadrunner. Can't think of the name of it. Anyway, after having watched too much of that as a kid I…
  • Dec 6 1 strike. yes x 3 Exercise, 900 ft climbing and 650 cals. Didn't quite eat all of it. Around the block, believe it or not is kind of like interval training or hill repeats. It has some HIIT to it if I have the ambition. My knee might not be real enthused tomorrow though. Maybe a mile walking in sand. I think it is…
  • 650 exercise calories for going around the block a bunch of times. It is kind of hard to muster psychological endurance for that. Climbing road the scenery always changes and there might be animals. So it is a lot easier to talk yourself into another few minutes. Climbing road, patches of snowpack. Can't do it on two…
  • Dec 5 Strike 1 Exercise: Marginal Budget: Unknown Track: Fail Today's delusion. I can drink beer but I am going to give up Cliff Bars. I knew better than that. I gotta kick beer out of my diet.
  • California, jeesh, I can't remember when I last was in California. Christmas party. Dang, that was a while ago. Light duty exercise today kind of. I didn't even turn my fitness watch on. Rode up a miniscule hill to the schoolhouse to help with them little rascals. Walker walking with Buddy that is about 8 calories. That…
  • Dec 4 exercise: yes ** budget: yes track: yes ** Oh yeah, 1,000 feet of climbing and the Sandhill Cranes are back. I will try and get a picture of them. I like looking at them.
  • Mr Wizard is giving me 727 exercise calories. Debating on whether or not to eat them or how to eat them. Found my climbing road to be snow packed at 1.4 miles or so. Probably won't check it again it until end of March. So it is around the block for me. 32 degrees I think. Not too bad if the sun is shining. Climbing and…
  • Dec 3 exercise: yes budget: yes track: yes On track and in tolerance. Still close to the wire though. Minimal exercise like yesterday. Just walking to and from nearby store. Didn't really count as exercise calories but did count as my 20 minutes. Weighed in. Happily surprised. Tomorrow I am going to try for some climbing.…
  • Dec 2 exercise: yes budget: yes track: yes On track and intolerance. Close to the wire though. Exercise was just walking to the store to get coffee.
  • Dec 1 exer: yes budget: yes track: yes On track. 25 degrees this morning but went cycling around the block 18 times. Pretty weird. Mr wizard gave me 510 cal credit for that. Couple hours later rode to walmart. 300 cal for that. Just ate the last of it. No more supper for me but I guess I am not hungry. Oh, Stairmaster, my…
  • Congratulations to the winners circle. Here is me with my hat off to you, admiring your discipline and resolve.
  • No winner's circle for me but I still managed to lose a little. My goal for December is more focus on the three criteria. Less indulgence in that which causes me to lose my resolve. I have to manage my diet to more accurately match my exercise and I have to get honest about my ability to maintain my current level of…
  • A stairmill I think. Kind of like this one only older model.
  • That is a National Park called Zion. Those trails go up to places called slot canyons. I forget the name of them. In this life, on this planet, you have to see that. I want to tell young people that. You have to have a certain amount of athletic capacity to see the best of what this planet has to offer. What is a good…
  • Yeah, here is Rick nudging us back towards our professed purpose. Alright, starting in December I am playing for real. But I still got really weird exercise stories. Day 3 of my free trial at the gym. I have this curiosity of that stair climbing machine. Me and Mr. Knee have been giving that machine like that a sideways…
  • 11/28 3 x yes (not that I am still in the game) @fitqueenbess, I might be more than a little delusional about climbing the Hancock building but I still wonder about it. I don't know that my knees will put up with stair climbing. I might test that out today. But my climbing is bicycle climbing. I get my 90 minute 2000 foot…
  • Hancock Tower. You guys got me pegged for being a little bit crazy I am sure. But this here Hancock tower is like 1,100 feet high. Chicago is like 700 feet above sea level. My heart and lungs are acclimated to like 6,000 MSL. That is where my climbing starts. Madness. My regular climb is like 2,000 feet in 90 minutes. How…
  • Here is better heart rate management. Got me an average of 86%. Didn't slip into the 90s. 156 is redline for me. It don't feel good to run in the 90s. But this is alright. That is 650 cals according to Mr. Wizard. I weighed in at that minimum I been bragging about. I might have a beer and see if disaster happens. I tell…
  • Here you go. This is nuts. I got a three day trial membership at a new gym. So yesterday I went there with some spin and sit ups in mind. So I ain't been on a spin bike in a while. Here is me remembering that I can run my heart tighter on them things than just climbing. Mr. Knee can still spin like a gerbil though. But…
  • Say what? Tell stories? Might as well. I have been a bit off track. I gained a couple pounds but that ain't too bad when I think about it. I did get down to a twenty year minimum a few days ago so it isn't like I have established a new "trajectory." I will probably be on track today. Heh. I am always thinking about my…
  • I am so far out of the game I should just pipe down until the next challenge. Mr. Knee says he doesn't want to go skiing any more. So much for raging against aging. Sedona, that place is beauty. Seems like I have been there before but I can't put my finger on it. Must be more than 20 years ago. Cheers.
  • Don't know how to caption this other than I hope I can still do it. Coming up in 3 or 4 months. I better find a stair climber.
  • You guys got me to thinking about my old gym. I let my coverage lapse and went outside. That worked out. My gym is kind of cool though in that they have a one off. You can buy a workout for ten dollars. That ain't a day and they will tell you no re-entry. But sometimes I do it. I will just get the spin bike and do sit ups.…
  • Rich, but I ain't so rich I won't take a job cleaning a stable now and then. Before I digress. Yesterday good tracking good budget Bad exercise, unless you count going to Walmart or doing dishes. Heh, I didn't think so. But hey, I made up for it today. Climbing for like 2300 feet. Calories from Mr Garmin 1550. That nearly…
  • @tyshieha Way cool! Water is a big deal. I am not going to elaborate but water is way more important than people figure. "I am not hungry. I am thirsty."
  • Poor, but I ain't so poor that I can't afford to go outside. Oh, and lookee here gas is $1.89. I better get some. I bet they raise it today. Climbing, climbing, climbing. I gotta learn a new trick. Kind of cold this morning. 28 degrees I think. My fingers got cold and I didn't get to a ray of sunshine till minute 50. I…
  • I am like up to 112 riding, that ain't much, and 14,271 climbing, that's ok. I am still 10,000 short of that strava merit badge. That strava is kind of weird when you look at it. I am always looking at elevation profiles. I mean there are guys that satisfy that climb challenge on day 1. So I go look at their climb profiles…