JennH517 Member


  • Happy Sunday, everyone! Yippee! I hope I am not jinxing myself, but I think the plateau is busted. After not seeing a new daily low since March 4th, yesterday I saw 203.7, and 203.6 today. Hoping I lose a bit more before I pop up again, that is my pattern. Hopefully I can progress a bit before the next inevitable plateau.…
  • For real! 3 lbs for me, lost and found, lost and found. Can we finally get rid of them, please? Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! I *think* things might be moving again. I still haven't seen a new daily low since March 3rd, which was 204, then I popped up and have gained and lost the same 3 lbs. since. I have been in the 204s 4 days in a row. Last Monday I was 207 (whaaaa?), otherwise my average might have looked a bit better,…
  • Congratulations on getting to ONEDERLAND! You are amazing! Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! Still here, still stuck. Up and down the same pound or two. Been in the same 2 lb. range since January. Not going to lie, it's more than a bit frustrating. Not giving up. I am more stubborn than this plateau. This is deja-vu 18 years later. Then it was 202. Flirted with 195 and couldn't stay there.…
  • Happy Monday, everyone! I'm late checking in this week. We went camping on the weekend but ended up cutting it short because the weather was inclement. It was fun while it lasted, and we belong to a club and we hadn't been to a club gathering in a long time, so it was nice to see some old friends and make a few new ones…
  • Happy Easter everyone! Well I managed to shed one pound in the averages this month. Better than a gain. Going camping next weekend so I won't have a full week of daily weights to average. Going to still log all my food and do my best to keep my intake on track. Totally off topic, but I went fishing yesterday and landed an…
  • You are so right about that. I needed to hear that. Thanks, friend! Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! So I gained after my weekend away last week. Surprise! Not! My scale said 207.5 on Tuesday which was not a happy number, but once I got back into my regular routine, I shed some water. Still not where I wanted to be, but that is how it is. When I started MFP with a goal of 1 lb per week of weight…
  • Hoping I lose the weight I gained on a weekend out of town. It's funny how our bodies react to change in routine...and resuming routine. Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! I am on the road this weekend, my husband's Grandma turns 90 on Wednesday, so a bunch of extended family have converged to celebrate. I haven't seen a scale for a couple of days, and my eating had been way off plan. I fully expect a gain when I get home. I am logging everything and making the best…
  • That's how to do it. Loss isn't always linear. Hang in there! Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! So happy to return to Daylight Saving Time. Getting home from work with daylight to spare, gets me outside more. No new daily low this week, but a new low average of 205 makes me happy. Soon I will need new jeans, mine now fall down without a belt. I can tuck in my shirts again. I do still have a…
  • I do this too. I find it gives a much more accurate picture than just weighing once per week. Weight can fluctuate from day to day, but averaging shows the trend. For me it is a huge motivator when loss is very slow. If the daily weight isn't moving much, or if is up and down, the average will show overall loss even if it…
  • Thanks @tramaine_21 ! Good job on you for sticking in ONEderland! It's taking me a while to get there... but I'll get there. Maybe by my May birthday... Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! Well it was a weird week. Weird few weeks, in fact. In the first and second weeks of February, I flirted with 204 numbers. Then popped back up into 205-206, which is kind of a normal pattern for me. Then I jumped up into the 207s. That was rather disheartening, I was stuck there for a while and I…
  • Happy Wednesday, everyone! I missed my Sunday check-in. I've been crazy busy for the last week. My weight is UP and I'm not happy about it. I don't know why, nothing much has changed, I'm making sure my portion size isn't creeping up. I had one day when I literally didn't have time to eat anything but a snack shake. I…
  • Story of my life :) Hang in there! I'm up 2 lbs for no apparent reason. Takes 2 weeks to lose a pound and a day for it to come screaming back. Why is that, anyway?! Jenn
  • Happy Daytona Day, everyone! Well, it was til my driver wrecked out... Chase Elliott... Excited to be going to the race next weekend. We are getting nice weather here, so I did some fishing and some yard work this weekend. Looking forward to more outdoor time as winter winds down here in Georgia. Saw a new daily low…
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! I'm up a tiny bit this week, but I sort of expected it, and I saw a new daily low yesterday of 204.9 which was a pleasant surprise. So things in the bigger picture are moving in the right direction. No outdoor fun this weekend, it is monsoon season here in Georgia! Lots of rain. Highest weight ever:…
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! Changing up my food routine a bit to try to get some things moving again. The scale number has been very slow to move, but clothing is looser, I think I look thinner (I don't measure anything but my weight.) Eager for warm weather to come so I can play outside more. Georgia winters aren't terrible…
  • Looks like you are firmly in ONEderland! Good for you! :)
  • Last day of January check-in! Highest weight ever: 254 in October 1999. Lowest since 1999: 195. Original starting weight: 243 in 2015. MFP Starting weight December 25th, 2016: 233 Goal: 180 in however long it takes. December 25th to December 31st: 206.9 January 1st to January 7th: 207.2 January 8th to January 14th: 207.2…
  • Welcome! A new thread will be posted for February! Please do join us! Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! FINALLY the scale is being kind again. Steady but small losses all week and a new daily low of 205.5 today. My last daily low was 205.9 on January 5th. I have been bouncing around the same numbers since then. I know better than to get too excited but I will take the little victories when they come.…
  • You go, girl! Amazing!
  • 2 weeks in a row in ONEderland! Good for you! I'm still stuck in 207-land. Maybe in a few more months I'll join you. :wink: Jenn
  • Happy Sunday, everyone! I'm going backwards. Not really sure why. Delayed holiday gain? It's only fractions of a pound in the average but I am 2 lbs heavier today than last Sunday, and I was in the 207s all week in between. Not going to lie, I am fighting some discouragement. Takes forever to lose a pound and a minute to…