sydney_bosque Member


  • It's obviously not all fat. I didn't say I had lost 11 lbs of fat. I said I had lost 11 lbs. But there is also no real limit to how much you lose in a certain amount of time when you understand how the fat organ works, why it stores energy, and how you can overcome that process. I'm confused as to why there is such…
  • To each their own. I understand science, and I've lost 11 lbs in 15 days. Because I know how hormones work. And I'm usually over my calorie goal. But nobody is forcing you to agree with me.
  • There is no such thing as proof in this matter. There is so much evidence that can be taken in a number of ways. When you understand chemistry and the makeup of food, and how it reacts within your body, there is a lot of insight. However, there is still a great deal to learn and discover. So there will be no proof, because…
  • It's a horticulture degree with an emphasis in produce production using organic and sustainable methods. But 90% of the population doesn't know what the word horticulture means.
  • And your professional education on the matter is...?
  • Look, I have a degree in organic produce, and have since studied a LOT about nutrition. All calories are not equal. That's like saying, "A pound is a pound!" When you lose weight. No. You could lose a pound of fat, and that would be awesome. Or, you could lose a pound of muscle, which is horrible. It's much more complex.…
  • As a mom with a toddler and a 10mo, I would HIGHLY encourage you to do whatever core exercises your doctor will allow before the baby comes. Here's why: I did nothing in my last trimester. I had high blood pressure and they told me to sit and not move as much as possible. I lost so much muscle tone. Not that I was…
  • Add me! I'm a mom of 2, ages 2 and 10 months. I'm in the horrifying stages of realizing how much weight I gained since my first child. I've decided to measure my success by pant sizes, because I've always been naturally heavier than most women. I was a size 6 and weighed 165. And that was only because I couldn't afford…
  • This is exactly me. I'm 5'8 and always hovered around 170-180. My mom always told me I should be 135 (ha), but I was a comfortable size 8 all through college. Now two babies later and I am well into the 200s; where I swore I would never be. I know I will never be 135, but I also have had to stop blaming my build for my…
  • Please add me! I'm also 27 and the heaviest I've ever been. I blame it on having kids, but it's really just my lack of motivation. I have decided to get my pre-baby body back before we have another one, so I'm hoping to lose about 20 lbs before April, but my goal is 50 lbs total. I just want to start making healthy choices…
  • Thank you! I'm determined to stick with it this time