AFGP11 Member


  • 10 minutes of warm up on the treadmill 50 minutes of lifting 30-40 minutes of running or cardio I do this three times a week so it's a total of 90 minutes three times a week.
  • I ate a little over my calories but it was planned. I lift and run three times a week so I just adjust things.
  • I love celery in things, but have never enjoyed a big stalk of it. I end up having to dig celery strings out of my teeth when I eat it. I will never be into smoothies and I don't believe in the supposed health benefits. The stuff in them is usually fine, but you're better off chewing the food and getting the fiber along…
  • I refuse to live without my coffee with half and half in it. I have always had my coffee with artificial sweetner. I dropped from two coffees a day to just one and that made a huge difference. I honestly don't count the small splash of cream I put in there in the morning. It is literally the only thing I don't count, but I…
  • I've been at it for about the same amount of time and lost just under 6 pounds. While I'm not in a smaller size yet, my clothes are a bit loose and the biggest change is that my belly doesn't spill over the top. My body seems to lose weight around the hips and waist first. The loss of love handles was my first visible sign…
  • You can't spot reduce. All weight loss is done the same way. You can build the muscle up in your abs, but that will just make you bigger unless you are also eating less calories than you burn. Unfortunately the idea that you can do a few exercises and just lose belly fat is a myth. You will have to lose it like everyone…
  • I count everything in the recipe. If I'm wrong, I gained a small extra deficit.
  • I've tried it multiple times and very much enjoy the soup, so it wasn't a chore. That said, here I am actually doing it the slow, tried and true way because there are no short cuts. You lose water weight from having the runs for a week. Better to take a month to lose ten pounds and have it be actual weight loss and not…
  • I eat a lot of my calories back, but not always. I only log intentional workouts done with fitness in mind. You can be focused on losing weight and watching macros at the same time. Honestly that is the most healthy way to do it. I don't find the calorie recommendations this app makes to be the best for most people and…
  • I'll be honest. I lost 60 pounds by fudging my vegetable amounts on my log. I still logged them, but I approximated the amount instead of measuring. This time around I am very focused on macros and I weigh everything down to the salt and pepper. As long as you are fairly honest with yourself, you can probably fudge a…
  • Different people have different goals, so ideal macros are not quite the same from person to person. Keeping your protein high can help you maintain some of the muscle you lose when you drop weight in general, but as long as you stick to your calorie goal, you should still lose. I pay attention to macros for two big…
  • I often make this on Sunday, weight and portion out servings ahead of time and then use those portions all week to add to meals. There are a lot of things you can do with cooked chicken and the recipe is flexible and can be seasoned however you want.
  • I think MFP has a downside in that it encourages most people to eat too little. When you are already close to your goal weight, the goal is no longer the number on the scale, but converting some of the remaining body fat into muscle. I think you might want to start paying attention to macros more than just the calorie…
  • I plan to run a 5K in about a month. I am also working my way up to being able to do a pull up without assistance.
  • Carrots have always come in a variety of colors, but the purple carrots were once more popular than other colors and more common. Yellow and white carrots are not some kind of new invention, they developed on their own in the wild. Orange carrots were created as a mutation of other breeds more frequently once people…
  • Eating carbs won't make you gain weight. Eating over your calorie limit will. The carbs will likely cause a temporary gain in water weight since your body needs more water to break it down, but that will be gone in a day or two. If you eat sushi with soy sauce, you will gain water weight from it anyway. It won't break the…
    in Sushi Comment by AFGP11 January 2017
  • It helps me with heartburn sometimes. If you eat more calories than you burn and take ACV you will still gain weight. It won't lower your appetite and it won't burn fat. If you want to burn more fat than you are currently, add a few days in at the gym.
  • Don't forget to track those three calories per tablespoon! But seriously, it isn't going to do anything for you. You will only lose weight if you eat less calories than you burn. No magic bullets.
    in ACV Comment by AFGP11 January 2017
  • We have a chest freezer so it's not unusual for me to buy whole birds, break them down by hand and then vacuum-seal them for later. I either weight them as I cut then down or weight them after they defrost. I am on a fairly high protein diet, so 4oz of lean protein at a meal is not nearly enough to cover my needs. I tend…
  • People have already covered the correct answers. I just wanted to chime in that this post reminded me of the episode of House when the guy came to the ER bright orange and House messed with him instead of just telling him to cut back on the carrots. Good times!
  • I just add seasoning to plain greek yogurt. I bought a big container of ranch dressing seasoning (not the dressing itself) and it tastes really good with the greek yogurt. I honestly don't have veggie sticks and dip often because it's not a very filling snack. I could have that and still want another snack five minutes…
  • I refuse to think this way about food anymore. If it fits (into my calories for the week) I sits (my face right into it and gobble it down). I am planning on having a steak burrito and some margaritas today. It took a small sacrifice from a few other days this week, made easier by some dental work I had done that stopped…
  • I just got some chicken jerky from Sam's club that is ginger teriyaki and it's delicious and has 11 grams of carbs per 80 calories. I also switch out regular pasta for chickpea pasta which has 12 grams of protein per serving (and only 33 grams of carbs!). I do other little things like that throughout the day. I am lifting…
  • If you eat too many calories for the amount you burn, you can workout all day and not lose a pound. Weight loss is done in the kitchen, toning and getting muscular is done at the gym and it's a great supplement to eating less calories, but it won't do the work alone or else everyone would be slim.
  • I agree with you that no one should be making comments about your body one way or another. If you say "I'm on a workout schedule" they should just say "Cool, good for you!". All the comments about whether you 'need' to be at the gym are inappropriate no matter how well-meant they are.
  • I could answer with what I do to avoid overeating, but it won't help you. I make a very clear choice when I decide to go over my calories, it is never a compulsion. I don't think my coping strategies will help you because our issues are very different. For me, it is just a matter of willpower. I want to get healthier more…
  • The real truth? Most people here are overweight and have not been successful with weight loss, won't be successful long term and they give bad advice. There are also many, many successful people who give good advice but they won't give you excuses. CICO is how weight loss works no matter what your body us like. It doesn't…
  • I prefer mine after because I need to refuel once I'm done. I eat a banana before I workout though, so I never go in totally empty.
  • I drink one diet soda a day and I have lost steadily both this time and in the past. I think people assume diet soda makes you fat because fatter people are always drinking it thinking they can have an extra burger if they go for the diet soda. I don't even think a lot of people actually do that, but it's a funny…
  • Be forewarned, this is only MY opinion, not an indictment on people who have different nutritional and motivational needs. That said.... When I first decided to lose weight a few years ago, all I was interested in was seeing the number on the scale drop. I was very successful in my first attempt, losing 60 pounds in less…