sherryminchagain Member


  • Hey now.... Joyce - I can see why they love this Roku! Kind of a pain setting up and adding the channels, slow process, but once your done this thing is great! I may not get channels like Animal Planet and Nat Geo, but there are plenty of documentary channels and other science and outdoor channels plus you can get Tubi TV…
  • Hey now..... Just thought I would pop in and say "Hey!". This place is awesome! They have nice Neptune machines for doing laundry! It was a snap! I actually got to take a decent nap today instead of short catnaps between screaming kids (don't get me wrong, I love kids, just not when they are running amuk like little…
  • Hey now.... I love you all for being concerned for my safety, but give me some former neighbor who drove out here from Portland to take me to the hospital has a copy of the physical address, their names and did cursory background checks on these people for me since I have no money (which I will pay them for…
  • Hey now.... Just another quick note so ya'll won't worry.....I met this couple 3 days after the incident (that's what I am going to refer to it as) as I was standing in the exit to Safeway waiting for the cab that had been arranged for me by the people at Haven that first helped me with the motel room. They both walked…
  • Hey now.... Just a quick note....yay, no more shelter! I found a couple close to my age with a spare room that they will let me have rent free until I can get my ssd and my section 8, then I will probably get an apartment close by. They are really nice people and say they would love to have me there, especially after I…
  • Hey now.... Gloria and Lanette - I love this little Kindle Fire! I wish I had known they were this great when I originally bought that store brand hunk of junk! I would have gotten this instead! Just got done streaming a movie on it from my Popcornflix app and it worked great! And the battery lasts longer too. I am so much…
  • Hey now.... Yay, all the kids are gone and I have the "big house" to myself! It's soooo quiet. Got my chore done, my room cleaned, my bed made, and laundry washed and in the dryer and a shower taken, wooohooo! Been babying my back and arm and actually feel pretty good today. Joyce - this tablet has what is called "Silk"…
  • Dangit! Still can't get the bold to work right!
  • Hey now... Tablet took a dump on me last night. Same symptoms as it's predecessor so took it back to Best Buy, AGAIN, this time I told them I wanted something different as I didn't want to exchange it and have the third one of the same thing do the same thing the last two did. So this time I picked out an Amazon Kindle…
  • Re - Happy Birthday sweetie!
  • Hey now.... Michele - beautiful daughter and dress!! I'm guessing that is the one she picked out? It is gorgeous on her and she will make a very beautiful bride! I love the dolphin! You are so talented! Joyce - yes, they are very special people and have been very supportive in any way they can. I am very blessed to know…
  • Hey now.... Cheri - lol, you can say it, it won't hurt my feelings none :D , I know though...grrrrr! And that's the nice way of putting it! Needless to say I'm not too keen on this place or the people running it, but alas I must remain grateful for a roof over my head. Am feeling better today. Thanks to painkillers I was…
  • Hey now.... Didn't post yesterday as I could not get out of bed at all from the pain in my back and left arm from falling on my keister on the ice last week. Could barely lift my arm and couldn't even sit up in bed. So just layed there like a lump all day and watched some of the stupidest TV shows I have ever seen.…
  • Hey now... Wow! This stupid tablet of mine has a mind of it's own!! I had a beautiful post all typed up and whammy, it decided out of the blue to shut itself off and reboot! There went my post! Not gonna type it up again! Joyce - the advocates at both shelters will get together and arrange to move me. Heather - so sorry…
  • Just gotta post these... OK, that's it for now....these took too long to load cuz my tablet is freaking out from the memory being too full....will clean it out and post more later....Peace!! Sherry in "sweeping out the memory in this thing!"
  • HEY NOW!!!!..... First let me say thanks to all you ladies for sending me love, support, kindness and good thoughts...they have paid off!! Bwahahahaha!!! Today I am joyful and happy and here's why.... Not only did I turn my abuser into the FBI for his abusive and threatening emails he has been sending to people on…
  • Hey now... TODAY SUCKS!!! Sorry but had to say it and here's why.... Got a call from SSD lawyer late this morning, yep, you guessed claim was denied!!!! For the third dang time!!! It's gone to the hearing phase on all three attempts, and now I'm faced with starting all over again! He told me I had 3 options....1.…
  • Oh yeah, before I forget....I have decided on 2 goals for 2017.... Lose 100 lbs by year end Love myself more no matter how stupid I get! Lol Later!
  • Here's some minion memes as long as the battery in my tablet will last long enough to load and post them.... Ta da!!! Thanks battery, I love you, lol! Happy giggles everyone!! Am off to watch a movie I've already seen like, ummm, 12 times, lol! Have a great night! Sherry in "Minionsville"
  • Hey now.... No such luck getting any additional sleep this morning, but had nice long talk with the advocate who checked me in here the day I arrived. I explained to her that I've gotten only about 5 hours of sleep each night since I've been here because kids are allowed to run rampant screaming and yelling at all hours…
  • Carol - I sent you a pm explaining everything. Sorry it is kind of long-winded but you will understand why when you read it. Hey now.... Good morning ladies! I can't say it's been a good morning for me as I got woken up at quarter to five by the kids here after not getting to sleep until midnight last night. But all is…
  • Hey now.... Joyce - I fix my own meals and eat in my room. The only person who can protect me from my abuser is me and me alone. With past experiences with other abusers I learned they always find a way to attack you even when you are not with them anymore, so once I get situated in stable housing I will be attending…
  • HEY NOW!!!.... Here I am, here I am! Life continues to take twists and turns. Haven't had time to post or read posts but got several messages on Facebook from some of you asking what's going on, so here I am. Been super busy, got transferred to another DV shelter a few days ago and have been busy in meetings with advocates…
  • I just want to say thanks to everybody for putting up with's a minion cartoon that says how I feel about you all.... And a couple more just for giggles... Thanks for putting' up with me ya'll!! Later peeps! Sherry in "nowheresville"
  • Yay!!! I did a mile today, even in the freakin' freezing weather! That's great for me at this time in my life! Onward and upward! Sherry
  • Allie - the eBook is called "Disarming The Narcissist", check it out and see if it will help. Sherry
  • Hey now.... Allie - google "definition of narcissist" and see if Tom fits the description, they are master manipulators, my counselor in Portland called my abuser that and I had to look it up, sure enough it fits him to a T! It kinda sounds like Tom might fit the description too. It's kinda nice to be able to put a label…
  • Joyce - this minion cartoon is for you and everyone else who has lost someone.... Now to another funny, not a minion one but it'll do.... OK, I'm outta here....again! Sherry
  • Rori - thanks hun, I'm really hoping she will be back with me soon. Here's some more Minion funnies for you all! Hope you enjoy! Time to put a movie in. I've been good, I've taken my meds, shot and supplements. Hope everyone gets some good sleep tonight! Talk to you all tomorrow. Sherry
  • Hey now.... Missed you all yesterday, just caught up reading all the posts. Mary - I'm so glad she is OK enough to be let out of the hospital and can go home. Your description of her accident sounds a lot like one I had. Traffic on the freeway had come to a stop so I stopped about a car length behind the Cadillac (brand…