BitofaState Member


  • No, but interesting that you'd rather have advice from the player than the coach. Having natural talent does not mean you can pass it on, often it means you don't understand how difficult something is for others. A person that can easily perform a perfect squat without having to make adjustments because they have the ideal…
  • Several companies make running shoes with built in ice spikes (spikecross) Asics (Fujisetsu 2) Inov (Arctictalon 275) Sarva If you want an alternative to yaktraks that fit on your current shoes there's always
  • Each day sticking to the plan is itself a success. Each journey is accomplished one step at a time. You've already overcome some hurdles. You've faced up to the reality of your situation, you've taken positive steps, you're feeling some of the resistance, but you can, and will, push through. "Healthy weight loss" - well so…
  • If you don't lose weight when consuming more calories than you burn you've just managed to suspend the first law of thermodynamics. Well done, you've now invented a perpetual motion machine and solved the world's energy needs forever.
  • Would you rather have advice from Hank Haney or Tiger Woods?
  • BMI was never intended to be applied to individuals, only to populations and the formula was developed in a time before electronic calculators so had to be "simple". What it shows in population studies is that the mortality curve for the population as a whole bottoms out around a BMI of 24, this is where the WHO derive…
  • There is a resource that tracks successful losers and maintainers and looks for strategies that help maintain losses. If you are older than 18 years and have maintained a loss of >30lbs for a year then you can join the registry and become part of the study. The common behaviors are a focus on a low fat…
  • What about asking if you can "jump in" between sets?
  • Why limit it to single men? The advice for men in a relationship - "When you wake up in the morning, apologize. What for? Who knows, but you HAVE done something wrong."
  • I plan to keep looking at the labels and portion sizes. I plan to keep regularly checking my weight and how my clothes fit. If I then need to make an intervention I know I can log and stick to a routine to keep back on track. I've found it useful to come back for a couple of months at times and start logging again, this is…
  • From the front, smiling and ready to retreat at the first sign that she's not interested. If she's there to exercise and not socialize have some respect for that.
  • Exercised regularly for years and basically stayed overweight. Only times I've successfully dropped was with either CICO monitoring through food diaries and MFP or using a meal box scheme where the calories in the meal were regulated by others. I'm sure some folks can self regulate, but it appears that I don't have that,…
  • There is a correlation between HR and calorie burn through VO2max, so it's not quite correct to say that HRMs aren't reliable in estimating calorie burn during aerobic exercise. In most cases they will be precise, but may not be accurate (that is give a consistent reading across the same exercise, but that reading may not…
  • The vast majority of studies show no effect once you're above 1.6g/kg, so at 58kg you maximize gains at around 95g/day. You can of course consume more than this, but you won't be impacting your FFM or strength gains, and once you're above the capacity…
  • The setting in each may be triggering the differences. HRM’s use heart rate as a substitute for oxygen expenditure so they need to know or have a good estimate for your max HR and VO2 max. Check that both devices are using the same settings for these. If they have a lower max HR or VO2 max they will give a higher calories…
  • You won’t know what your individual response will be until you’ve completed the weight loss and given your skin some time to recover. It all comes down to the elasticity of the skin so doing what you can to help that, stay hydrated, use an oil to moisturise and so on will help. The easiest way to tell quickly is to pinch…
  • Hence all the caveats around TEE and the issues of getting into metabolic adaptation. The OP asked how. The feasibility, sustainability and long term consequences will depend on individual factors. It is worth noting that the most recent research shows that rapid weight loss is more sustained than the traditional slow and…
  • And your advice would be? OP asked how to do this in a month, not a long term need. The “bro science” works in that timeframe. Instead of having a pop why not give your advice to the OP oh wise one.
  • Of course you lose weight if a deficit is present, the issue is how you create a deficit if your in metabolic adaptation. The protein poisoning issue is actually a lack of essential micronutrients so if they are in a surplus they still suffer from malnutrition and starve. Calories matter, but so does micronutrients, if he…
  • You can lose muscle and get ripped - in fact it's expected with most body builders who are cutting as below 12% your body starts to tray and hold onto the essential fats and you get metabolic adaptation, the question is how you minimize that. Eating at least at your BMR and taking all your energy expenditure as deficit…
  • Effective for what? If it's for weight loss then prioritize the conditioning as that burns most calories, if you're bulking or driving for muscle growth them prioritize the resistance training. Personally I do two days with resistance exercise in the mornings and five days with conditioning post work, with long walks for…
  • get into a @1200KCal/day deficit and maintain. Of course to do that successfully you'll need to have a high TEE or you end up with too low a calorie intake and risk metabolic adaptation kicking in. If you can find a way of increasing your energy expenditure by 1200KCal/day that would work, or perhaps a 600Kcal deficit…
  • Sadly the experiment has been done with the Hunger strikers in Northern Ireland in 1981. The range for those that died (there were 10) was from 46 to 73 days, with the majority dying around the 60-66 day mark. Another 13 took part but were either taken off by their families, or due to the strike ending. One of these…
  • by remaining in a calorie deficit, although the lack of essential nutrients is probably more influential, hence "rabbit starvation" where there are available calories but a lack of nutrients. It's also why you have some folks with significant malnutrition problems even when they are in a calories surplus when living on low…
  • As someone else who's form "sucks" it's worth getting into an understanding of your specific dimensions and how that effects your fold-ability and ability to squat. The truth is that there is no one right way as we are all built differently, but there are adjustments we can make with stance. If you want to get into it…
  • The point is selecting a trainer that aligns with your goals. Not everyone in the gym actually needs a strength and conditioning coach, some need basic coaching, some need their individual bio-mechanics analysed to develop approaches that align with their body structure, some need guidance on nutrition more than they do on…
  • The part you quoted was on selecting someone because of how they looked rather than what they know, the book by it's cover error, the Warren Harding error. Even if they had the life experience I'd still like to understand what training and education they have had, and how they've applied that so they they can understand my…
  • Water is better.
  • "Too much" of anything is bad for you, But what is too much? Too much ignorance is really, really bad for you. Maybe stop guessing and get a little education and knowledge.
  • It does factor it in, but you have to earn those calories - either logging them yourself or by using a Fitbit/Polar or other activity tracker and then you choose to eat them back, or you set a lower goal (1lb/week) and hit a larger reduction (2lb/week). The blackout is most likely a combination of low glycogen levels…