red1185 Member


  • This week was not a good week for me. The time change and stress at work have made me not want to do anything. Unfortunately the scale showed it, too. I am hopeful that one day I will get out of the 160s into the 150s, but it wasn’t this week. I’ve been so crazy tired - all I want to do is sleep. I did try to get my steps…
  • Good evening everybody! This week was pretty good stepwise, I must say. My weight was down again - as per usual, the same 5 pb fluctuation is still haunting me. I’m hoping to have a breakthrough soon! I definitely didn’t do much this weekend. This week at work was one for the books: multiple fights almost everyday, threats…
  • Good morning everybody. This was not a great week for me. I think a lot of factors led to a weight gain over the last couple of weeks that I am hoping is just water retention. As per usual, fluctuating between the same 5 lbs no matter what. Ugh… My steps were great until the end of the week when I was absolutely exhausted.…
  • Good evening everybody. This was not such a great week for my weight - specifically because of my diet for the last few days. Dinner with friends on Friday, and a birthday party yesterday - lots of sweets and fatty foods. Also, my digestive system is not super happy with me right now. My steps were good, though. I spent…
  • Good evening everybody! @Megan_smartiepants1970 i changed my weigh-in day to Sundays, so I thought that would hold for steps, as well. If not, please let me know. This week was kind of difficult, mentally and physically but my weight was actually ok. So positives and negatives, I guess. PW: 160.8 CW: 160.6 LTD: 19 lbs I’m…
  • Good afternoon everybody! I hope everyone had a good week. This week was pretty decent for me. I think I got rid of a bunch of water-weight, etc. PW: 164.2 CW: 160.8 LTD: 18.8 lbs I still have a long way to go, and am hoping I can keep things moving in the downward direction. I keep fluctuating between the same 5 lbs,…
  • Good evening everybody. This was not a good week for me - not for my diet nor my steps or weight. I’m very frustrated with myself. Ugh…I feel like I’m never going to actually lose this weight. PW: 161.8 CW: 164 Steps: 1/29: 1,472 1/30: 1,000 1/31: 6,227 2/1: 8,114 2/2: 6,312 2/3: 7,454 2/4: 4,807 2/5: 670 This week…
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 1/29: 1,372
  • Good afternoon everybody! PW: 161.8 CW: 161.8 Steps for this week: 1/22: 1,556 1/23: 1,636 1/24: 7,796 1/25: 7,174 1/26: 10,814 1/27: 8,522 1/28: 6,652 1/29: tbd I’m super proud that I met my new step goal for most of the work week. Gotta keep it up! Have a great weekend everybody.
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 1/22: 1,556
  • Good morning everybody. Overall this was a pretty good week for me. My steps were up most days, and I’m going to increase my step goal some. My diet was ok. But one of the biggest things for me, was my mental health was pretty darn good this week! It was mostly a good week at work, a pretty good week at home with my best…
  • I’m sorry to hear about your BIL! I hope he recovers quickly and easily. Covid plays no games. Nice loss! Your steps are A.MAZING. I’m just trying to make it to 7000. You’ve got 17,000! Good for you!! Those shots are no joke. The 2nd and 3rd ones both knocked me on my butt. Rest up and feel better!
  • Good evening everybody. I’m excited to say that today was a good day! We did a lab in class, which always has me up and moving, and they did a good job so I was still energized and in a good mood when the day was over. By the time the day did end, I was 2,000 steps OVER my daily goal. I still had enough energy to take the…
  • Good evening everybody! I’m proud to say my step goal was crushed today! AND I had a NSV this morning: some pants that (were already too big) fit EVEN LOOSER this morning. I didn’t feel comfortable wearing them because of how loose they were lol. I’m taking that as a VERY good sign. The scale is not my friend, but those…
  • Good morning everyone. I’m late in posting, but I’ve been logging in everyday, and logging my food. The scale has been all over the place - I think between holidays, water and salt weight - the scale has not been my friend. I met my step goal almost everyday last week, which is exciting. I have to remind myself…
  • Y’all the DAWGS WON!!! This hasn’t happened since longer than I’ve been alive! I’m over-the-moon excited!!! Before I went to UGA, I couldn’t give a poop about college football. I remember being at orientation at in by 2007 where they were raffling off a signed picture of Mark Richt. I looked at my dad, and said “who is…
  • Good evening everybody! I hope the weekend treated you well. Tomorrow is when I’m making myself get back on track with steps, and watching what I eat, etc. I’m not going to stop being me: eating bread and chocolate and drinking wine, but i will make sure that I’m back to doing activities to try and offset those calories…
  • Good morning everybody and happy Saturday! Weekly weigh-in: red1185 PW: 160 CW: 165 I knew there would be an increase - I haven’t been on track for awhile. Here’s what I will say, though: it’s not as bad as what I was anticipating. I also think some of it is salt and sugar weight. Had a lot of cheesy pizza and wine this…
  • Good morning. I definitely did not do what I was supposed to do over my winter break - didn’t get my exercise and didn’t really watch what I ate. So….I’m definitely expecting a huge jump when I weigh-in on Saturday. Having said that, @Megan_smartiepants1970 starting Monday, 1/10, I’d like to increase my step goal from 6k…
  • Good evening everybody! I’m Rachel, a 36- year old teacher. I’m struggled with my weight my whole life. My highest weight came in at 179.6. I talked to my doctor about switching a medication I was on, and that has helped quite a bit - I’m down to 160.8. My ideal goal weight is 145-150. I was making really good progress,…
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 please remove me from this week’s step challenge. I haven’t been wearing my Apple Watch, and even on days where I am I’ve only banked like 1000+ steps. I’ll be back at it soon! Thanks!! Happy New Year everybody!!!
  • Good afternoon, and Merry Christmas everybody! PW: 161.8 CW: 160.8 Steps for this week: 12/18: 1,217 12/19: 1,023 12/20: 1,262 12/21: 7,680 12/22: 6,034 12/23: 7,742 12/24: 5,808 12/25: 3,340
  • Went over my calorie limit tonight by 300+ with thin-crust pizza and wine. Kinda frustrated that it was over, since all I ate was breakfast AND I got all my steps in. That’s alright, though. My weight is showing a downward trend, and my pants get super loose while walking today. I’ll take those victories. Good night…
  • Red1185 PW: 161.8 CW: 161.8 Finally on winter break!! Woop woop! 2 weeks off - I’m so excited! These next few weeks will be crucial for me to continue getting in my exercise, and not just laying around the house. Definitely need to make sure I get my steps in! This last week at work wasn’t so great because I was so crazy…
  • Good morning everybody. Yesterday was a suuuuper heavy food day. I had Mexican for lunch and then a giant burger, cheese-fries, and wine for dinner. I got all my steps in, but I do feel guilty for eating so much crap. I accidentally forgot a lunch today, but I have some oven-roasted turkey breast that I stored at work. My…
  • Red1185 PW: 162.2 CW: 161.8 A loss is exciting! Just gotta keep it up. This week was not super great for my steps or my diet - I have to do better next week! I’ve been VERY busy at work (only with paperwork unfortunately): finals season! 5 more wake-ups until I’m officially on winter break!!! Wwwwooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!…
  • Steps: 11/27: n/a - didn’t wear my Apple Watch 11/28: 1,484 11/29: 9,354 11/30: 7,816 12/1: 7,678 12/2: 6,971 12/3: 5,922
  • Red1185 PW: 162.0 CW: 162.2 While it’s not what I want, I’m ok with it. Happy Saturday. GO DAWGS! 🐶
  • I wasn’t wearing my Apple Watch yesterday (and I didn’t move very much at all), so you can go ahead and 0 those out. Thanks!