shadowbaby4 Member


  • Evening snacks are my downfall, too! I try to keep fresh veggies in the house for easy snacks, keep my hands busy with crochet or cleaning, and budget my daytime calories to allow for a treat later on. It doesn't always work, but I just log it and move on. Even going over my calorie goal more often than not, I've still…
  • I felt the same yesterday. I skipped my jiu jitsu class Wednesday because of a doctor's appointment, then Thursday night I just wasn't feeling it and stayed home. I almost skipped Friday, too, but finally managed to drag my sorry butt to class. I'm so glad I did! I like the quote, "don't sacrifice your long-term goals for…
  • Went to a women's only bjj class last night. It was lots of fun, but I had to leave after an hour to get my kids to bed, and then I dealt with my husband's anger after I got home. I really don't know why he feels so threatened by this. It sucks to pay a monthly fee and then only be able to attend classes that are during…
  • Great read! There are so many kids classes in my area, I feel like it's weird to be an adult practitioner here. PTA moms compete about whose kids are enrolled at the most prestigious, expensive karate school, but when I mention judo, they're confused. "But...why would you do that? You're an adult!" When I tell them I…
  • Pro: you can get a workout in on a day you don't have class
  • When I first started judo, I was told that washing is hard on the fabric and I should only wash my gis after several wears to avoid having to replace them frequently. I really tried, but I just can't deal with peeling off my sweat soaked clothes and then not washing them! And let me tell you, having my head stuffed into…
  • Con: there's not enough floor space to move around
  • I'm missing BJJ for a doctor's appointment this afternoon, but hoping for a good workout in judo tonight!
  • Also, I overheard a parent refusing to let her 12-year-old have a Gatorade because she has to make weight. Does that seem right to you?
  • Jiu jitsu this afternoon and judo this evening--I'm just destroyed. Neither dojo is air conditioned, for one, and it was 90+ degrees out today. We did tons of guard-passing drills for the whole hour of jiu jitsu, and I rolled with an opponent a LOT bigger than me and was basically her ragdoll. It was pretty frustrating,…
  • I've found that the type of exercise makes a big difference in whether I'm going to be able to motivate myself to do it. I hate hate HATE going to the gym, and workout videos on YouTube are like instructions for self-torture! But I recently signed up for martial arts classes, and I'm really loving them. Being in a group…
  • I don't usually have childcare for evening classes, but I managed to make it to BJJ tonight and it was great! My partner kept apologizing, but I truly don't mind being strangled or thrown. It's just the joint locks I hate.
  • I guess for me it would depend on why I was there. To win? Maybe cut weight and see if that helps. To have fun and learn something? Probably not worth it. My mentor's mentor's mentor told me he only cuts weight if he's five pounds or less over the cutoff, so that's what I plan to do when I compete.
  • I guess it makes sense that a student might want to test his skill against his teacher, but that must have put your instructor in a really hard place. I'm lol'ing at the idea of going up against my Sensei. He's 73 and scheduled for a hip replacement, but he could still have me on the mat in two seconds!
  • Had a killer bjj class this afternoon! It's so exciting to be able to notice the difference in my stamina and strength just in the past few weeks.
  • I've been sick for a few days, mostly just laying around the house feeling sniffly and achy, not much activity. Tomorrow will be my first bjj class since Wednesday. I was just getting to the point where I didn't want to literally die during cardio warm-ups, so we'll see how this goes!
  • In judo, adults generally go White Blue/purple Brown Black Kids have yellow, orange, and green after white to give them more opportunities to advance. My club is one of the few that awards these belts to adults too, which I actually think is pretty great! It means advancing every 6-9 months instead of remaining a white…
  • My 12-year-old has been diagnosed with ADHD, depression and anxiety disorders, and a variety of learning disorders that make school pretty challenging for him. We're not looking forward to starting middle school next week. I keep telling him it's going to be an opportunity to make new friends and start over in a fresh…
  • Cardio is tough for my kids and they lose interest (I honestly don't blame them in the least), but they like yoga and martial arts exercises. I know some moms who do kid-friendly yoga videos on YouTube. Dance can be fun, too. I like belly dance. I can see my daughter getting into that when she's older, although probably…
  • I absolutely credit crochet with reducing my snacking/desire for snacking. When my hands are busy, I don't think about food. Good luck learning to crochet! It's tough at first, but worth the effort!
  • It's tough for sure. I'm struggling to stay at 1200. I watch the people around me eat regular-sized meals that I can't have, and I'm so goddamn hungry by the end of the day, and it sucks. I guess the only way to really deal with it is to do this weird psychological flip where you start to see the unpleasant physical…
  • I've been feeling pretty upset with myself for always going over my calories on the weekends when I'm home with my family, so I've recently started to actually PLAN on going over. I'm still losing the weight, just maybe a little more slowly than I'd wanted. It's worth it to me to stress less about meals when I'm with my…
  • I've been on MFP for about 6 weeks and I track my meals every day. I love to send and receive support!
  • I got on the scale at a doctor's appointment and realized I'd gained 10 lbs since my last visit...which had previously been my highest weight ever. I figured if I didn't take charge, I was just going to keep gaining. Downloaded MFP that afternoon and lost those 10 lbs in about 6 weeks. Not much more to go!
  • I'm a SAHM, too. It can be very isolating, so I'd love to be friends!
  • Just based on your profile pic, you look pretty small-boned, so the same weight may look different on you than on people who are structured larger. I'm the same way. Same height, same weight as other women, but I look heavier, especially in the belly, just because of my bone structure. On the bright side, people are…
  • Hey, we sound a lot alike! I'm 33, a mom, and getting into judo for fun and fitness! I'll add you!