tg16nullity Member


  • You are missing out! Nerd ropes are fine and good, but I've not tried one so I'll just brand you Team Twizzler. :lol: Seriously, though, you are lucky to have never heard of Red Vines. I've heard people describe heroin by saying "it's like Red Vines, just less addictive".
  • Isn't Beachbody an MLM program?
  • Do it, man! I had the same realization one day. Hadn't been on the scale in a while but decided to weigh in after realizing that things like putting on socks/shoes were making me winded, putting on the seatbelt in my car shouldn't be so hard, etc... 375 lbs. WTF... How did this happen? I don't want a mobility scooter! 6…
  • That's a good way to look at it. I've got 6 year old twins (full custody) for over 3 years now. I've had a few dates but it almost never works out because I get so little free time. I still hold on to the hope that someday I'll find someone, but for now I'm content just working on me and trying to give my kids the best…
  • That... Would be a great superhero power, to pass gas on command. We could call her: The Spleen
  • Headphones are one thing you could buy, but there might be another way to go about it. Perhaps buy some new workout attire? (meant to be funny... no offense to anyone I hope.) Edit: @SonyaCele offers much better advice!
  • Keep us updated! I love it!
  • Vienna Sausages. Don't judge!
  • Way to go! Doesn't it feel great to make steady and significant progress? I've got about as far as you to go before hitting goal (doing keto, too) but it is within sight. Keep up the good work!
  • Great advice, 88olds! Spooky, I don't know much about your situation or weight loss efforts, but I know depression personally. Try to use it as fuel. If you have time for a walk (or jog) right before sunrise, do it. A dose of nature/beauty and a feeling of accomplishment is a great way to start the day; a victory over…
  • I second Taotronics. I just got a pair yesterday and they compare favorably to the high-end Klipsch wired earbuds I had been using. They stay in better and have better bass, though some of the high frequency detail is missing. But for $20~ they are incredible.
  • Yeah, the most important thing IMO is to stay under 20g carbs/day (fiber doesn't count) for at least 2 weeks to trigger ketosis. I've not seen any studies that say this is unhealthy long term, but for your sanity you may want to slowly add carbs back into your diet until you find a balance where the weight is still coming…
  • Exercise is great, but not as great as proper diet. Keep your food diary accurate and use it as a guide to stay with your calorie goals and macros and you'll do well! If you can manage a few short walks through the day or keep some dumbbells under your desk and take short breaks to do some curls and squats or whatnot, that…
  • Keto isn't a fad. Call it a lifestyle instead of a diet if you must, but the word "diet" by definition isn't a bad thing. It just refers to what you eat. Choose a sustainable diet for you. I started eating low carb back in Jan '16 after I had hit 375~ and realized I was in real danger of ending up with heart disease and a…
  • Hey, you're right where I am on both current and goal weight. You can do it! Are you using this app for food tracking, exercise, or both?
  • Ah, yes. The pantry full of individually wrapped snacks and variety of cereals, a.k.a. my worst enemy as a low-carber! Single dad with full custody of 6 year old twin boys and full time job... I'm fortunate that the grandparents will watch them so I can exercise sometimes. I've lost 120 Lbs in the last 18 months and still…